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accept(T) - Method in interface
Performs this operation on the given argument.
accept(T, U) - Method in interface
Performs this operation on the given argument.
ACHIEVEMENTS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The achievements config file
ACHIEVEMENTS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
UI shown with either LobbyItemHandlerType.VIEW_ACHIEVEMENTS and "/bw achievements".
ACTIONS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
Adds the x-coordinates
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(double, double, double) - Method in class
add(int, int, int) - Method in class
Adds the x-coordinates
add(IntXYZ) - Method in class
add(IntXYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(XYZ) - Method in class
add(String, Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Adds an amount to a stats entry.
add(String, Number, AttributeChangeCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Adds an amount to a stats entry.
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Location) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
add(Vector) - Method in class
ADD - Enum constant in enum
Adds the value to the previous one (new = value + previous)
addAuthor(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds an author.
addAuthor(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
addAuthors(Collection<String>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds multiple authors.
addBlock(BlockType, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Tries to create a special block at the given coordinates.
addBlock(BlockType, XYZ) - Method in interface
Tries to create a special block at the given coordinates.
addBlock(BlockType, Block) - Method in interface
Tries to create a special block at the given block coordinates.
addBlock(BlockType, Location) - Method in interface
Tries to create a special block at the given coordinates.
addButton(PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Adds a button to the end of its set category.
addCallback(MigrationProcess.Callback) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Add a callback to know then the process is done.
addCallback(Consumer<Optional<Arena>>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
Adds a callback that will be called once the cloning has been finished.
addCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in interface
Adds a close listener to the gui.
addCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
addCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
addCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
addCommand(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Add a command to this collection
addCommand(String) - Method in interface
Adds a command that will be executed whenever a player uses the item.
addCommand(String) - Method in interface
Adds a command that will be executed whenever a player uses the item.
addCommandsCollection(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Adds a new collection to this collection
addComment(String) - Method in class
Adds a comment to the configuration
addDeathMessageTarget(Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Add a player to whom the custom death message will be displayed to.
addDeathMessageTargets(Collection<? extends Player>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Add multiple players simultaneously to whom the custom death message will be displayed to.
addDropDurationModifier(String, Plugin, SpawnerDurationModifier.Operation, double) - Method in interface
Adds a new modifier to the top of Spawner.getDropDurationModifiers().
addEmptyLine() - Method in class
Adds an empty line to the configuration
addEmptyLine(ConfigurationSection) - Method in class
Adds a new empty line at the height of the configuration section.
addHandlerToBottom(PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
Adds a new Handler to the bottom of the queue.
addHandlerToTop(PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
Adds a new Handler to the top of the queue.
addIssue(AddPlayerIssue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Adds an issue which causes the player to not be able to enter the arena.
addIssue(RejoinPlayerIssue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Adds an issue which causes the player to not be able to rejoin the arena.
addIssue(ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Add an issue which prevents the arena from being enabled
addItem(ShopItem) - Method in interface
Adds an item to a shop page.
addItem(GUIItem) - Method in interface
addItem(GUIItem, AddItemCondition) - Method in interface
Adds the item at the next available slot.
addItem(GUIItem, AddItemCondition) - Method in class
Adds the item at the next available slot.
addItem(String, ItemStack) - Method in interface
Constructs a new ShopItem, and adds it to the ShopPage.
addItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface
addItem(ItemStack, AddItemCondition) - Method in interface
addItem(ItemStack, ClickListener) - Method in interface
addItem(ItemStack, ClickListener, AddItemCondition) - Method in interface
AddItemCondition - Class in
Optional parameter when adding items into a GUI to force them to be in a specific area
addListener(WriteListener) - Method in class
Adds a listener to this GUI
addOffer(VillagerOffer) - Method in class
Adds an offer that can be bought by a player.
AddonAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api
API for managing addons that were extended to this plugin
AddonRegisterEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called when an addon is being registered using BedwarsAddon.register().
AddonRegisterEvent(BedwarsAddon) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonRegisterEvent
AddonUnregisterEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called when an addon is being unregistered.
AddonUnregisterEvent(BedwarsAddon) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonUnregisterEvent
addPlayer(AddRemotePlayerInfo, Consumer<RemotePlayerAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a player (or multiple players) into the arena.
addPlayer(RemotePlayer) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Add a player that shall be added to the arena.
addPlayer(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a player into the arena.
addPlayer(RemotePlayer, Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a player into the arena.
addPlayer(RemotePlayer, Team, Consumer<RemotePlayerAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a player into the arena.
addPlayer(RemotePlayer, Consumer<RemotePlayerAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a player into the arena.
addPlayer(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Same as Arena.addPlayer(Player, Team, AddPlayerCause), but player won't join any team automatically and passes AddPlayerCause.PLUGIN as the reason for the player joining the arena.
addPlayer(Player, Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Same as Arena.addPlayer(Player, Team, AddPlayerCause), passes AddPlayerCause.PLUGIN as the reason for the player joining the arena.
addPlayer(Player, Team, AddPlayerCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to add the player to the arena.
AddPlayerCause - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The reason why a player joined an arena.
AddPlayerIssue - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Reasons why a player failed to enter an arena
addPlayers(RemotePlayer...) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Add multiple players that shall be added to the arena.
addPlayers(Collection<RemotePlayer>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Add multiple players that shall be added to the arena.
addPlayerToArena(AddRemotePlayerInfo, RemoteArena, Consumer<RemotePlayerAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Makes the player enter the arena and play in it.
addPlayerTrapBypass(Player, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gives a player the ability to bypass team traps
addPriceItem(ItemStack, int) - Method in interface
Adds an ItemStack price to this instance.
addPriceSpawner(DropType, int) - Method in interface
Adds a Spawner price to this instance.
addPrizeForMatchDisabledTicket(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set whether prizes (rewards in form of e.g. coins, achievements, stats ...) will be given to players during this match.
addProblem(PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Add a problem that will prevent the item from being bought.
addProblem(PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Add a problem that will prevent the item from being bought.
addProblem(PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Add a problem that will prevent the item from being bought.
addProblem(PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Add a problem that will prevent the item from being bought.
addProductCommand(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a product that executes a command when this item is being bought.
addProductItem(ItemStack, int) - Method in interface
Adds a product that gives the player an ItemStack when this item is being bought.
addProductSpawner(DropType, int) - Method in interface
Adds a product that gives the player a spawner drops when this item is being bought.
addProductSpecialItem(SpecialItem, int) - Method in interface
Adds a product that gives the player a SpecialItem when this item is being bought.
AddRemotePlayerInfo - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Contains all the info needed to add a remote player to an arena.
AddRemotePlayerInfo() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Creates a new instance.
addShopItem(ShopItem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Tries to add a shopItem.
addSpawner(XYZ, DropType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds a spawner to the arena
addSpectator(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, boolean, Consumer<RemoteSpectatorAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, SpectateReason) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, SpectateReason, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, SpectateReason, boolean, Consumer<RemoteSpectatorAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, SpectateReason, Consumer<RemoteSpectatorAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(RemotePlayer, Consumer<RemoteSpectatorAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Adds a spectator into the arena.
addSpectator(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
addSpectator(Player, SpectateReason) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds a player as a spectator.
addSpectatorToArena(RemotePlayer, RemoteArena, SpectateReason, boolean, Consumer<RemoteSpectatorAddResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Makes a player enter an arena as a spectator.
addTeamEffect(Team, boolean, PotionEffectType, int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds an effect for all the players in a certain team
addTeamEnchantment(Team, TeamEnchantment) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Adds a team enchantment to a team, and applies it to team players
addToAddingQueue(QueuedCloningArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
Adds an arena to the end of queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
addToQueue(Arena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Adds an arena to the queue.
addToQueue(Arena, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Adds an arena to the queue.
addToQueue(Arena, boolean, Consumer<Optional<Arena>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Adds an arena to the queue.
addToQueue(QueuedCloningArena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Adds an arena to the queue.
addValue(PlayerStats, Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Will add value to the current value
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to admin specific commands and abilities.
ALARM_TRAP - Enum constant in enum
Reveals infiltrating players who are invisible
ALIGNED - Enum constant in enum
Item: X, Air: O
Example with 3 items:
ALL_HAVE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
Everyone has failed.
ALREADY_INSIDE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
He's already particpating in this or another arena.
ALREADY_INSIDE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Task failed since he's already inside an arena.
ALREADY_MOVING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
He's already doing something else, such as getting added as a spectator.
ALREADY_MOVING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
The player is busy with something else, such as getting added as a player.
AlwaysClosed() - Constructor for class
andThen(ThrowingBiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface
Returns a composed BiConsumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.
andThen(ThrowingConsumer<? super T>) - Method in interface
Returns a composed ThrowingConsumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.
ANTI_STATS_ABUSE_QUICK_WINS_COUNT - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The amount of past wins that were obtained within a certain round time.
AnvilGUI - Class in
Represents a GUI that allows the player to rename an item
AnvilGUI() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with an empty message
AnvilGUI(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with a default message
API_CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
A plugin manually called it using Arena.broadcastCustomPropertyChange()
API_CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
A plugin manually called it using Arena.broadcastCustomPropertyChange()
API_ITEM_BUY - Enum constant in enum
Player potentially didn't actually open the shop, he just bought a ShopItem via the API.
applyInfo(CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook
Apply the given information to the cloud system.
applyPlayerClimate(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Applies the configured weather and time properties to the player.
applyProperties() - Method in interface
A controller might contain some properties of the hologram.
areItemsMoveable() - Method in interface
Returns if this type allows its items to get moved around and to be dropped
areItemsMoveable() - Method in class
areItemsMoveable() - Method in class
areItemsMoveable() - Method in class
Arena - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
An arena is a place where a match may happen and effectively the handler of a match.
ARENA_CHANGE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum
Player used the "join a random arena" item as a spectator, but failed and reentered as a spectator
ARENA_NOT_EXISTING_ANYMORE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
The arena has been removed during the process.
ARENA_NOT_EXISTING_ANYMORE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
The arena has been removed during the process.
ARENA_NOT_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
The arena is not in the lobby state anymore.
ARENA_NOT_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
The arena is not running anymore.
ARENA_STOP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Arena is being stopped
ARENA_STOP - Enum constant in enum
Arena stopped
ArenaBedBreakEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a player breaks a bed during a game
ArenaBedBreakEvent(Arena, Player, String, Team, Location, BedDestructionInfo.Cause, ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result, boolean, boolean, boolean, Function<Player, Message>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Use it to declare what's supposed to happen next.
ArenaBuilder - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Can be obtained with GameAPI.createArena()
ArenaBuildException - Exception Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception
Can be thrown when using the ArenaBuilder
ArenaBuildException(String) - Constructor for exception class de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception.ArenaBuildException
ArenaCloningManager - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The manager for the so-called arena auto-cloning system.
ArenaCondition - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition
A generic condition that checks an arena.
ArenaCondition() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaCondition
ArenaConditionComparative - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition
Represents a data object for comparing two inputs with an operator.
ArenaConditionComparative(ArenaConditionInput, ArenaConditionComparisonOperator, ArenaConditionInput) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
ArenaConditionComparative(ArenaConditionVariable<?>, ArenaConditionComparisonOperator, ArenaConditionVariableValue<?>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
ArenaConditionComparisonOperator - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition
All possible operators that may be used within a condition.
ArenaConditionGroup - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition
A collection that persists of ArenaCondition to which we are applying logical conjunctions.
ArenaConditionGroup() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
ArenaConditionGroup(List<ArenaCondition>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
ArenaConditionInput - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Represents either a dynamic variable or a static value.
ArenaConditionInput() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
ArenaConditionParseException - Exception Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception
Thrown when an arena condition could not be parsed.
ArenaConditionParseException(String) - Constructor for exception class de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception.ArenaConditionParseException
ArenaConditionParseException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception.ArenaConditionParseException
ArenaConditionVariable<T> - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Represents a variable that persists of a name and a type and is able to fetch a specific property of an arena at any time.
ArenaConditionVariable(Plugin, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
Construct a new variable type.
ArenaConditionVariableType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
A type of the variable.
ArenaConditionVariableValue<T> - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Represents a value that may be used to compare.
ArenaConditionVariableValue(T) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Represents a numberic condition value.
ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber(float) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
ArenaConditionVariableValueString - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Represents a condition value of the type String.
ArenaConditionVariableValueString(String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
ArenaCreateEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a player or a plugin creates an arena
ArenaCreateEvent(Arena, CommandSender) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaCreateEvent
ArenaDeleteEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when an arena gets deleted.
ArenaDeleteEvent(Arena, CommandSenderWrapper) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
ArenaEnableEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a player/sender tries to enable the arena
ArenaEnableEvent(Arena, Set<ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue>, CommandSenderWrapper) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaEnableEvent
ArenaEvent - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
ArenaIssuesCheckEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the plugin is checking whether or not an arena has issues.
ArenaIssuesCheckEvent(Arena, Set<ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue>, CommandSenderWrapper) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Things preventing the arena from getting enabled
ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Represents the type of an issue.
ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a running lobby countdown is cancelled
ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent(Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent
ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the lobby countdown is supposed to start
ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent(Arena, Duration) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
ArenaOutOfTimeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the ingame timer is about to reach zero
ArenaOutOfTimeEvent(Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaOutOfTimeEvent
ArenaPersistentStorage - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Represents the persistent storage of an arena.
ArenaPicker - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker
Represents the final ArenaPicker product that persists of a selector and a bunch of conditions (aka as a condition group).
ArenaPicker(ArenaSelector, ArenaConditionGroup) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
ArenaPickerAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker
This class contains all the API that is relevant to arena pickers.
ArenaPickerParseException - Exception Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception
ArenaPickerParseException(String) - Constructor for exception class de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception.ArenaPickerParseException
ArenaPreparingStartEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the lobby timer reaches 0, but still before the initiation of the round
ArenaPreparingStartEvent(Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPreparingStartEvent
ArenaPropertyChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called whenever a property of an arena has changed.
ArenaPropertyChangeEvent(Arena, ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent
ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Some properties of the arena.
ArenaRegenerationStartEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when an arena starts to regenerate
ArenaRegenerationStartEvent(Arena, CommandSenderWrapper, ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
ArenaRegenerationStopEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when an arena stopped or cancelled the regeneration
ArenaRegenerationStopEvent(Arena, CommandSenderWrapper) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStopEvent
ArenaRenameEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called whenever an existing arena shall be renamed.
ArenaRenameEvent(Arena, String, String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
ARENAS_GUI - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
He used an arenas gui (opened with /mbedwars arenasgui)
ArenaSelector - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker
A selector effectively decides for the arena that shall be choosen given by a Collection.
ArenaSelectorType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker
The type of a selector.
ARENASGUI_OPENER - Enum constant in enum
Opens an ArenasGUI when clicked on it
ArenasGUIController - Interface in
Extending API if HologramControllerType.ARENASGUI_OPENER is used.
ArenaStatus - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Represents the state of an arena.
ArenaStatusChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the status of an arena is about to change
ArenaStatusChangeEvent(Arena, ArenaStatus, ArenaStatus) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
ArenaStatusWrapper - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
ArenaTimeType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
A per-arena time that'll be used during a match.
ArenaUnloadEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called after an arena has been unloaded.
ArenaUnloadEvent(Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaUnloadEvent
ArenaVotingHandler - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Represents the handler for the voting system of an arena.
ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the voting pool of an arena gets updated.
ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent(Arena, int, List<Arena>, List<Arena>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
ArenaWeatherType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
A per-arena weather that'll be used during a match.
ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a match is about to end and the winning team needs to be determined.
ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent(Arena, Team) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
ARMOR - Enum constant in enum
ARMOR_PROTECTION - Enum constant in enum
Adds the Protection enchantment to armor
ARMOR_STAND - Enum constant in enum
ArmorStandHologramSkin - Interface in
Represents a hologram skin of the type EntityType.ARMOR_STAND.
asBlockFace() - Method in enum
asBukkit() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Get the equivalent of Bukkit's API
asBukkit() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Gets the Player instance in case he is playing on this server.
asBukkit() - Method in interface
Returns Bukkit's variant of the block that's located at the same location as this one
asBukkit() - Method in interface
Returns the world which this instance correspondence to
asBukkitAsync(Consumer<Block>) - Method in interface
Returns Bukkit's variant of the block that's located at the same location as this one.
asRemote() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the RemoteArena variant of this arena.
async() - Method in class
Runs the upcoming chain in Bukkit's async thread-pool.
AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when the auto clone system is looking for the next queue of arenas.
AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent(Queue<QueuedCloningArena>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
asyncLater(long) - Method in class
Runs the upcoming chain in Bukkit's async thread-pool after a certain amount of ticks.
attack(float) - Method in interface
Decreases the amount of health by a given amount and plays animation and sound.
AttributeChangeCause - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Add a certain cause when setting a player attribute.
AUTHORS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
AUTHORS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
AUTO_JOIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
auto-join feature caused him to join the arena as he entered the server.
AXE - Enum constant in enum


BASE_LAST_LOGIN - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The last time the player joined the server in milliseconds
BASE_SKIN_TEXTURE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
A JsonObject containing the value and the signature of a cached instance of the skin of a player.
BASE_SKIN_TEXTURE_LAST_UPDATE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The time in milliseconds when the plugin tried to obtain the players texture from the memory.
BASE_USERNAME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The username of the player
BED_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum
Bed of a team has been destroyed.
BED_REVIVE - Enum constant in enum
Bed of a team has been revived (by e.g. a plugin).
BedDestructionInfo - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
BedDestructionInfo.Cause - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The specifc cause or action of the bed destruction.
BEDS_DESTROYED - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
BEDS_LOST - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
BEDWARS_RELOADED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
The "Bedwars Reloaded" plugin
BEDWARS1058 - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
The "Bedwars1058" plugin
BedwarsAddon - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api
Represents as an addon for this plugin.
BedwarsAddon(Plugin) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
BedwarsAPI - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api
Start here!
BedwarsAPILayer - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
BedwarsAPILayer() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
BERGWERKLABS - Enum constant in enum
BEST - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
BEST_PREFER_NON_VOTING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Firstly tries to look for a voting arena, then alternatively executes ArenaSelectorType.BEST
BEST_PREFER_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Firstly tries to look for a running arena, then alternatively executes ArenaSelectorType.BEST
BETA_USER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Used for the arena beta feature (Config "beta").
BLACK - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
BLACKLISTED_MATERIAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
Block can't be placed/broken because we don't want that type of block.
blockDataFromBlock(Block) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
blockDataFromMaterial(Material) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
blockDataParse(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
BlockType - Enum in
SpecialBlocks may very from what they represent
BLUE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
BOOTS - Enum constant in enum
The feet slot.
BRIDGE - Enum constant in enum
broadcast(Message) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sends this message to every player and spectator
broadcast(VarSound) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Plays the sound to every player and spectator
broadcast(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sends this message to every player and spectator
broadcastCustomMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Sends a custom message to any server on the network (apart from the local one).
broadcastCustomPropertyChange() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Broadcast that a custom property has been changed (e.g. the value of an arena picker).
BROKEN_LOBBY - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
There is no lobby we can teleport to.
BROWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
build(ShopLayoutHandler.OpenEvent) - Method in interface
Gets called when layout is getting opened or when a player changed the page.
build(ShopItem) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the item inside the GUI
build(ShopPage) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the page inside the GUI.
Also resets the current data back to null once pressed
build(ShopPage, Object) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the page inside the GUI
build(UpgradeShopLayoutHandler.OpenEvent) - Method in interface
Gets called when layout is getting opened or when a player changed the page.
build(UpgradeLevel) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the upgrade inside the GUI
build(UpgradeLevel, Object) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the upgrade inside the GUI the data is only passed if the purchase was successful
build(String) - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Creates an instance of a message.
build(String...) - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Creates an instance of a message that persists of multiple lines.
build(List<String>) - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Creates an instance of a message that persists of multiple lines.
BUILD_INSIDE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Similar to Permissions.TELEPORT_INSIDE_ARENA, this forbids players to build inside arenas in which they aren't participating
buildByKey(String) - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Creates an instance of a message.
buildByKey(String, String) - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Creates an instance of a message.
buildHome(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that will flush any info about the info on click.
This behavior is similar to as if the player is closing and reopening the shop
buildOffer(ShopItem) - Method in interface
Builds a GUIItem that can be used to set the page inside the villager GUI
BukkitEntitySkin - Interface in
Represents a hologram skin that allows to make use of Bukkit's entity API.
BukkitWrapper() - Constructor for class
buttonExists(PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
buy(Player, boolean) - Method in interface
Make the player buy the item.
BuyGroup - Interface in
A BuyGroup is a system that allows a tier-like upgrading system in the shop
BUYGROUP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
byMaterial(Material) - Static method in enum
Will be removed in the future. Use TeamEnchantment.isApplicable(ItemStack) instead
byName(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
byName(String) - Static method in enum
BYPASS_BLOCKED_COMANDS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Bypasses command restrictions from the config.


calcPurchasableQuantity(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of how often the player could purchase this item in the invoked moment
calcPurchasableQuantity(Player, ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of how often the player could purchase this item in the invoked moment
calcSlot(int, int) - Method in interface
calculate(int, int, int, int) - Method in enum
canAfford(Player) - Method in interface
Returns if a player could afford to purchase an UpgradeLevel.
cancel() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Forcefully terminate the running process.
cancel() - Method in class
Tries to cancel the chain of tasks.
cancel(Runnable) - Method in class
Tries to cancel the chain of tasks.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result
Act like the player didn't break the block
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result
Will keep the status as it is and won't start the regeneration process
canHavePlayers() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
canPlaceBlockAt(Block) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether a player would be able to place a block at a specific location.
canPlaceBlockAt(Block, Material) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Might break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType API
canPlaceBlockAt(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether a player would be able to place a block at a specific location.
canPlaceBlockAt(Location, Material) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Might break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType API
canPlayerBypassTrap(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Whether or not a player can bypass team traps
causesEnd() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
Returns true if the game will end after this event.
CenterFormat - Enum in
Helper for easily aligning items in a GUI
CENTRALIZED - Enum constant in enum
Item: X, Air: O
Example with 3 items: O O O X X X O O O
Example with 2 items: O O O X X O O O O
CENTRALIZED_EVEN - Enum constant in enum
Item: X, Air: O
Example with 3 items: O O O X X X O O O
Example with 2 items: O O O X O X O O O
chain(ThrowingConsumer<Runnable>) - Method in class
CHANGE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum
Player used the "next arena" item
CHANGE_PAGE - Enum constant in enum
Player changed the page
CHANGE_SPEED - Enum constant in enum
Clicking on causes the fly/movement speed of a player to get changed.
check(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaCondition
Checks whether the given arena fullfills the conditions or not.
check(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
check(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
check(ArenaConditionComparisonOperator, ArenaConditionVariableValue<?>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
Automatically executes the correct operation method given the passed operator.
check(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaCondition
Checks whether the given arena fullfills the conditions or not.
check(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
check(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
ChestGUI - Class in
ChestGUI() - Constructor for class
ChestGUI(int) - Constructor for class
ChestGUI(int, String) - Constructor for class
ChestGUI(String) - Constructor for class
CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum
The breast slot.
clear() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
clear() - Method in interface
Resets its content
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
Clears the cached reference.
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Weather will be fixed to clear
clearPlaceholders() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Removes all previously added placeholders to this instance.
clearTrapQueue() - Method in interface
Clears the trap queue.
clearUpgrade(Upgrade) - Method in interface
Removes existing upgrades for the specified upgrade.
ClickableGUI - Interface in
Extends GUI and adds methods for clickable items
ClickListener - Interface in
Listens for clicks on items
ClickListener.Proxy - Class in
Wraps an existing ClickListener instance, where you may optionally override its listener methods.
ClickListener.Silent - Class in
An implementation of ClickListener that does effectively nothing
clone() - Method in interface
Returns a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface
Returns a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface
Returns a clone of this instance.
clone() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Clones an exact replica.
clone() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
CLONED_ARENA_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Gets the name of the arena from which it has been cloned.
cloneMutable() - Method in class
cloneNonUpcyable() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Clones the current Message and creates a non-freeable variant.
close() - Method in class
CloseableIterator<T> - Interface in
An iterator that also must be closed at some point.
CloseableIterator.AlwaysClosed<T> - Class in
closeAll() - Method in interface
Closes this GUI for any player
closeAll() - Method in class
closeAll() - Method in class
closeAll() - Method in class
CLOUD_SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
A hook for the CloudSystem functionality.
CloudSystemHook - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a hook that is used to interact with the cloud system.
CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents the information that the server shall display.
CollectionCommandHandler - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
The default handler of a CommandsCollection
CollectionCommandHandler() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CollectionCommandHandler
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
He used a command (/mbedwars join).
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
He used a command (/mbedwars rejoin).
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum
Represents a command that will be executed on purchase
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum
The shop was opened using a command
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum
A command opened the GUI
COMMAND_FORCESTART - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw forcestart" command and the forcestart item
COMMAND_JOIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw join" command
COMMAND_KICK - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw kick" command
COMMAND_LEAVE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw leave" command
COMMAND_LOCATE_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw locateplayer" command
COMMAND_REJOIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw rejoin" command
COMMAND_STATS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Grants access to the "/bw stats" command
CommandExecuteEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called when a player runs a bedwars subcommand.
CommandExecuteEvent(CommandSender, SubCommand, String, String[]) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
CommandHandler - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
A CommandHandler handles the execution of a command
CommandHandler.Silent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
The default command handler that effectively does nothing
CommandHandlerWrappedSender - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
A CommandHandler handles the execution of a command that supports CommandSenderWrapper.
CommandsCollection - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
A collection of sub commands
The default handler is the HelpCommandHandler
It'll display all commands, similar to /bw and /bw arena
CommandSenderWrapper - Interface in
This class is an alternative to Bukkit's CommandSender that extends to functionalities, such as forcing all permissions and allows the use of remote players RemotePlayer.
CommandSenderWrapper.BukkitWrapper - Class in
CommandSenderWrapper.RemoteConsoleWrapper - Class in
CommandSenderWrapper.RemotePlayerWrapper - Class in
CommandShopProduct - Interface in
COMPLETE_REFRESH - Enum constant in enum
Complete update.
composeItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Forms a human-readable String given by an ItemStack.
composeJsonAsSNBT(JsonObject) - Method in interface
That method is prone to problems anyway and has no use for the MBedwars pluin
ConfigFile - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration
Represents all the config files of MBedwars
ConfigsLoadEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Called when the configurations of the plugin got loaded.
ConfigsLoadEvent(CommandSender, Duration, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
ConfigurationAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration
Contains API for getting and modifying MBedwars configurations.
CONFIGURE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
connectTo(RemoteServer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Makes the player connect with another server.
connectTo(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Makes the player connect with another server.
construct(Team) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Construct a new instance of this data container.
construct(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
Construct an issue instance from this type.
construct(CommandSenderWrapper, String) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
Construct an issue instance from this type.
construct(String, Message) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Constructs a new AddPlayerIssue with the given id and hint message.
construct(String, String) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Constructs a new AddPlayerIssue with the given id and hint message.
construct(Plugin, PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory, PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType, ItemStack, ClickListener) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Constructs a new button on which players will be able to click on.
constructSpliterator(Plugin, PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Constructs a spliterator.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
containsValue(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Copies bytes from an InputStream to an OutputStream.
COUNTER_OFFENSIVE_TRAP - Enum constant in enum
Gives players Speed and Jump Boost when there is an infiltrating player
createArena() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns a builder to create and add an arena.
CURRENCY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
A hook that adds an interface to maintain a currency.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum
A custom predicate has been passed to the TeamEnchantment
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum
A block with a custom handler.
CUSTOM_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
CUSTOM_NAME_ACTIVATION_STATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
CUSTOM_PRICE_IN_SHOP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Used for the "amount-perm" config for shop prices.
CustomBlock - Interface in
A type created for devs being able to create custom blocks with custom handler Use SpecialBlockAddEvent if you're looking to remove it when you think that the conditions aren't met (like when e.g. the material of the block isn't the needed one)
CustomBlock.Handler - Interface in
The handler for custom SpecialBlocks (CustomBlock)
CustomDropTypeHandler - Class in
Custom implementation for overrding drop and shop capabilities of a drop type.
CustomDropTypeHandler(String, Plugin) - Constructor for class
CYAN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team


DamageableSkin - Interface in
Certain skin types have heatlh and may receive damage.
de.marcely.bedwars.api - package de.marcely.bedwars.api
The root package of the MBedwars API
de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Contains classes that are related to the Arena.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker
Tools that can be used to filter out arenas based on certain criteria.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition
Classes used to specify the criteria for an arena used by ArenaPickers.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable
Classes related to handling variables for different arena conditions
de.marcely.bedwars.api.command - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
Classes used to implement the MBedwars command system.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration
API to get or modify the user's MBedwars configuration.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.event - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
The events fired by MBedwars
de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Events related to an Arena.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Events related to Player actions, or changes to player properties.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Events fired when events occur on a MBedwars RemoteServer.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception
Contains all custom exceptions that can be thrown by MBedwars - package
Contains all classes that can be used to manipulate aspects of the game. - package
Classes relevant to the waiting lobby of an Arena. - package
Classes relevant to manipulating a player's scoreboard. - package
Classes relevant to the in game shop. - package
Classes relevant to implement different ShopLayouts for the in game shop. - package
Classes relevant to each ShopPrice in the in game shop. - package
Classes relevant to each ShopProduct in the in game shop. - package
Classes related to the in game Spawners. - package
Classes dedicated to handling SpecialItems in MBedwars. - package
Classes dedicated to players Spectating in MBedwars. - package
Classes relevant to the in game team upgrade shop. - package
Classes relevant to implement different UpgradeShopLayouts for the in game shop.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Classes dedicated to managing 3rd party plugins MBedwars can hook into for additional functionality.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.message - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Classes dedicated building and sending messages to players.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.player - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Classes dedicated to fetching, updating, and saving player data/properties/stats in MBedwars.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Classes used to manage other servers running MBedwars remotely.
de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe - package de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
DO NOT USE: These classes are for internal use only, and may change at any time. - package
Classes relevant to managing custom blocks and holograms placed throughout worlds. - package
Interfaces used to manage custom blocks. - package
Interfaces used to manage the MBedwars packet based holograms. - package - package
Interfaces for different types of skins that can be applied to MBedwars packet holograms. - package
Various helper classes that can be used to make life a lot easier. - package
Tools for easily implementing in game GUIs. - package
All the different types of GUIs that can be created. - package
Classes used for representing locations within a world.
DEAD - Enum constant in enum
The default type when spawning a new hologram.
DeadSpecialItemUseHandler - Class in
The default use handler of a special item
It'll send a warning to the player whenever he's using it
DeadSpecialItemUseHandler() - Constructor for class
DEALER - Enum constant in enum
Player clicked on a dealer that has been spawned with /bw summon dealer
DEALER - Enum constant in enum
Opens a shop when interacted to it
DEATH - Enum constant in enum
Player died and is temporarily a spectator
DEATH_RESPAWN - Enum constant in enum
Player was only temporarily a spectator because he died.
DEATHS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
May be removed at any time
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
DEFAULT_AUTO_PICKUP - Static variable in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler
DEFAULT_KEEP_SPAWNERS - Static variable in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler
DEFAULT_REMOVE_ALL - Static variable in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler
DefaultMessageMappings - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Contains a collection of messages that'll be used when the user tries to obtain a message from his messages file that is however not present.
DefaultMessageMappings(Plugin) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
DefaultPlayerAchievement - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Contains all default achievements of the bedwars plugin
DefaultPlayerProperty - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Contains all default properties of the bedwars plugin
DefaultPlayerStatSet - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Contains all default stats of the bedwars plugin
DELETE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
deserialize(JsonObject) - Method in interface
Reads all the permanent data of this controller from a json object that was previously added with HologramController.serialize(JsonObject).
deserialize(Reader) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Deserializes the JSON object string from ArenaPersistentStorage.serialize(Writer).
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Required method for deserialization
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Required method for deserialization
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Required method for deserialization
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Required method for deserialization
destroyBed(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to break/destroy the bed of a team.
destroyBedBlocks(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to break/destroy the bed blocks of a team, but not change the internal state.
destroyBedNaturally(BedDestructionInfo) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Will destroy the bed as if a player actually broke it ingame.
destroyBedNaturally(Team, Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Will destroy the bed as if a player actually broke it ingame.
DIE_10_SECONDS_AFTER_BED_DESTRUCTION - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
dir - Variable in class
DISABLE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin stopped
DISABLING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin is currently disabling itself
display(Player, Arena, ScoreboardType) - Method in class
Displays the scoreboard to the player.
DISPLAY_INFO - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
DISPLAY_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
display0(Player, Arena, ScoreboardType) - Method in class
Displays the scoreboard to the player.
distance(IntXYZ) - Method in class
distance(XYZ) - Method in class
distance(Location) - Method in class
distanceSquared(IntXYZ) - Method in class
distanceSquared(XYZ) - Method in class
distanceSquared(Location) - Method in class
DO_NOT_REGENERATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result
State will stay as ArenaStatus.RESETTING, but won't start the regeneration process.
done() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Will put the message into the MessageProccessor and returns the result.
done(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Will put the message into the MessageProccessor and returns its result.
done(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Same as Message.done(RemotePlayer, boolean) and puts this instance automatically back into the pool
done(RemotePlayer, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Will put the message into the MessageProccessor and returns its result.
done(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Same as Message.done(CommandSenderWrapper, boolean) and puts this instance automatically back into the pool
done(CommandSenderWrapper, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Will put the message into the MessageProccessor and returns its result.
done(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Same as Message.done(String, boolean) and puts this instance automatically back into the pool
done(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
done(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Same as Message.done(CommandSender, boolean) and puts this instance automatically back into the pool
done(CommandSender, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Will put the message into the MessageProccessor and returns its result.
DONT_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result
Continue as normal.
doUpgrade(UpgradeLevel, Player) - Method in interface
Runs an upgrade for a team.
drawBorder(XYZ, XYZ, Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Draw a cube border once.
drop() - Method in interface
Make the spawner do its thing.
drop(boolean) - Method in interface
Make the spawner do its thing.
drop(boolean, ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Make the spawner do its thing.
DropType - Interface in
dye(ItemStack, DyeColor) - Method in interface
Tries to apply a color to an ItemStack if possible.


earn(PlayerAchievement) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Will give the achievement to the player.
earn(PlayerAchievement, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Will give the achievement to the player.
EAST - Enum constant in enum
Either<L,R> - Interface in
The Either type represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union).
Either.Left<L,R> - Class in
Either.Right<L,R> - Class in
ENABLE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
ENABLED_TEAMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
ENABLED_TEAMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
ENABLING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin is currently at Plugin.onEnable()
END_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
Broken. Using rejoin system instead, see RejoinPlayerCause.END_LOBBY
END_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Possibly before ArenaStatus.RESETTING and after ArenaStatus.RUNNING.
END_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
The match ended and players that died during the match - thus become spectators - get re-added to the end lobby.
END_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum
Game has ended (ArenaStatus.END_LOBBY)
END_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum
The match ended and players that died during the match - thus become spectators - get re-added to the end lobby.
endMatch(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Forcefully stop the match right now.
ENTER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
ENTER - Enum constant in enum
Player entered manually
ENTER_AS_SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
entry - Variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
entrySet() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
entrySet() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Returns all stored entries of this object
equal(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
equal(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
equal(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
EQUAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Variable and value must be equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Checks if the comparing object is equal to this issue.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equalsBlockCoords(XYZ) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords match.
equalsBlockCoords(XYZ) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords (i.a.
equalsBlockCoords(Block) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords match.
equalsBlockCoords(Block) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords (i.a.
equalsBlockCoords(Location) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords match.
equalsBlockCoords(Location) - Method in class
Check whether the block coords (i.a.
EquippableSkin - Interface in
Represents a skin that is able to hold equipment.
error(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in class
Set the error handler for all the tasks in the chain.
evaluateString(String) - Method in interface
Tries to evaluate an equation passed in as a String.
ExecutableCommand(String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand
Create a new executable command.
execute(Player, Arena, Player, List<ItemStack>, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler
executeBedwarsCommand(RemotePlayer, String, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Executes a command on the server, as if a player would run it.
executeBedwarsCommandAsConsole(String, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Executes a command on the server, as if a console would run it.
ExecutionChain - Class in
Simplifies execution of multiple async or time-dependant tasks.
ExecutionChain() - Constructor for class
exists() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether this arena is still existing.
exists() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns whether or not the button still exists on the GUI.
exists() - Method in interface
Returns if the spawner still exists on the arena.
exists() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns whether this arena is still existing.
exists() - Method in interface
Returns if this block is still existing inside its WorldStorage.
Keep in mind that this varies per instance and that this instance is forever garbage when it returns false
exists() - Method in interface
Returns if the hologram still exists and hasn't been removed yet.
EXPLOSIVE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
An explosive (potentially placed by somebody) caused by its impact a destruction.


FEATHER_FALL - Enum constant in enum
Adds the Feather Fall enchantment to boots
fetch(Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.PlayerLocaleFetcher
Fetches the locale of a player.
fetchAllStoredUUIDs() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Fetches all uuids of players that are known for this plugin.
fetchAsString(Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.PlayerLocaleFetcher
Fetches the locale in Java's Locale String format (e.g.
fetchLeaderboard(PlayerStatSet, int, int, Consumer<LeaderboardFetchResult>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Fetches players at the given ranks at the leaderboard.
fetchLeaderboardPosition(UUID, PlayerStatSet, Consumer<Integer>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Fetches the position of a player on the leaderboard.
fetchLeaderboardPosition(OfflinePlayer, PlayerStatSet, Consumer<Integer>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Fetches the position of a player on the leaderboard.
fill(GUIItem) - Method in interface
Replaces any slot with the given item
fill(GUIItem) - Method in class
fill(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Replaces any slot with the given item
fill(ItemStack, ClickListener) - Method in interface
Replaces any slot with the given item and listens for clicks
fillSpace(GUIItem) - Method in interface
Replaces any empty/air slot with the given item
fillSpace(GUIItem) - Method in class
fillSpace(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Replaces any empty/air slot with the given item
fillSpace(ItemStack, ClickListener) - Method in interface
Replaces any empty/air slot with the given item and listens for clicks
filterLocalArenas(Iterable<Arena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaCondition
Filters out all arenas that do not match the given condition.
filterRemoteArenas(Iterable<RemoteArena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaCondition
Filters out all arenas that do not match the given condition.
FINAL_DEATHS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
FINAL_K_D - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
FINAL_KILLS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
finish() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
Takes all given parameters and constructs the arena
FIREBALL - Enum constant in enum
flushQueuedPlayerData() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Transfers all queued-up player data to the other servers.
FOLLOW_PARTY - Enum constant in enum
Player is a member of a party and the party leader entered an arena.
FOLLOW_PARTY - Enum constant in enum
Player is a member of a party and followed its leader.
FORCE_START - Enum constant in enum
Decreases lobby timer on use.
FORCE_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
AddRemotePlayerInfo.setForcefully(boolean) forced him to switch to another arena
FORCE_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum
AddRemotePlayerInfo.setForcefully(boolean) forced him to switch to another arena.
forceLobbyHotbarRefresh(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Forcefully refresh the hotbar of a player during lobby phase.
formatAnyColumn(CenterFormat) - Method in interface
formatAnyColumn(CenterFormat, int, int) - Method in interface
formatAnyRow(CenterFormat) - Method in interface
formatAnyRow(CenterFormat, int, int) - Method in interface
formatColumn(int, CenterFormat) - Method in interface
formatColumn(int, CenterFormat, int, int) - Method in interface
formatDouble(Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
formatDuration(long) - Method in interface
Formats the milliseconds duration in a human-readable string.
formatDuration(Duration) - Method in interface
Formats the duration in a human-readable string.
formatInt(Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
formatItemStack(ItemStack, Player, Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the same ItemStack but possibly dyed or enchanted depending on team upgrades, and previous player purchases.
formatNumber(double) - Method in interface
Tries to format the number in a human-readable way.
formatNumber(long) - Method in interface
Tries to format the number in a human-readable way.
formatNumber(BigDecimal) - Method in interface
Tries to format the number in a human-readable way.
formatRow(int, CenterFormat) - Method in interface
formatRow(int, CenterFormat, int, int) - Method in interface
formatValue(Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Returns what would be displayed as the value for a certian number.
free() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Messages are stored in a pool to reduce memory usage.
from(Sound) - Static method in class
Creates a VarSound from a vanilla sound.
fromBlock(Block) - Static method in interface
Fetches all the data from the block and constructs a new instance from that
fromBlockFace(BlockFace) - Static method in enum
Returns the direction from the given block face
fromCustom(String) - Static method in class
Creates a VarSound from a custom sound.
fromId(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Returns the ArenaStatus which the corresponding id
fromId(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
fromId(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the BlockType that has the given id
fromInternalId(String) - Static method in enum
Tries to locate a type given by its HologramControllerType.getInternalId().
fromLegacy(int) - Static method in enum
Returns the direction from the given legacy id
fromMaterial(Material) - Static method in interface
Constructs a new instance given by a material
fromName(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the direction from the given name
FULL - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Player failed to enter since the arena is already full


GAME_END - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player got kicked as the game ended (e.g. post ArenaStatus.END_LOBBY phase)
GAME_LOSE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player died ingame while his bed was broken
GAME_WORLD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
GAME_WORLD_IS_MAIN_WORLD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The arena's RegenerationType is WORLD, and the arena's world is the server's main world.
GAME_WORLD_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
GAME_WORLD_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
GAME_WORLD_NOT_LOADED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The game world has been set, but it's not loaded.
GameAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api
Contains API for managing game-related stuff, such as arenas, lobbies, spawners...
GENERAL_ISSUE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
There was a generic reason why it failed.
GENERIC - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.AttributeChangeCause
Simply set the value.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.AddonAPI
Returns the global AddonAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Returns the global ArenaPickerAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Returns the global ConfigurationAPI instance.
get() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns the PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem instanced backed by this type
get() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns the PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem instanced backed by this type
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the global GameAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Returns the global HookAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Returns the global MessageAPI instance.
get() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns the permission in Bukkit's String format.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Returns the global PlayerDataAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the global RemoteAPI instance.
get() - Static method in interface
Contains utility stuff.
get() - Method in class
Gets the reference.
get() - Static method in interface
Contains API/Helper to access NMS stuff
get() - Method in interface
Gets a result.
get(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
get(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Gets the value of the key.
get(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Will look for the property with that key.
get(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Looks for the stats entry with that key.
get(String) - Method in interface
Gets the String value of the internal map.
get(String...) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns the permission in Bukkit's String format and overrides all parameters.
GET_ALL_TEAM_BEDS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
getAchievement() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
Returns the achievement that the player earned.
getAchievements(UUID, Consumer<PlayerAchievements>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the achievement info of the player.
getAchievements(OfflinePlayer, Consumer<PlayerAchievements>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the achievements info of the player.
getAchievementsCached(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get achievements from the cache.
getAchievementsCached(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get achievements from the cache.
getAchievementTypeById(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Get an achievement by its id.
getActivePlayers() - Method in class
Similar to ScoreboardHandler.isActive(Player), but returns all players to whom this applies to.
getActivePlayers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
Get the amount of active players that are currently playing.
getActivePool() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Get the pool of arenas that are currently actively being voted for.
getActiveUpgrades() - Method in interface
The upgrade levels that currently effect the team.
getAddingQueue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
Returns the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
getAddon() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonRegisterEvent
Returns the addon that has been registered.
getAddon() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonUnregisterEvent
Returns the addon that has been unregistered.
getAddonAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for handing addons.
getAddonAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getAddonCommandsCollection(BedwarsAddon) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getAddonDataFolder(BedwarsAddon) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getAddonPluginVersion() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getAffectedPlayerUUID() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
The UUID of the player that is affected with this event.
getAliases() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Other possible names for accessing this command.
getAliveTeams() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a List of all teams that still have a bed.
getAliveTeams(Player...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a List of all teams that have at least one player.
getAll() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.AddonAPI
Returns all addons that are currently registered.
getAllNames() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Gets all config names in the main config file.
getAltDisplayName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Will show this to the player as the cause that broke the bed.
getAmount() - Method in interface
Returns the amount that will be given to the player
getAmount(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount that will be taken
getAmplifier() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns the amplifier that's being applied to this upgrade
getAmplifier() - Method in interface
Returns the amplifier applied to this upgrade level.
getAPIVersion() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Returns the current version of the API.
getAPIVersion() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets the version of the API of the Bedwars plugin that is running on the server.
getApplyingPlayersPerTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
Gets the players per team amount that will be applied for the cloned arena.
getApproxRegenerationTime() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
This method calculates an approximate duration of the regeneration of an arena.
getArena() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Gets the RemoteArena to which this instance matches.
getArena() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Get the arena this handler is for.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
Gets the arena that will be cloned in the future.
getArena() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaEvent
Returns the Arena that is involved in this event.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns the arena in which the player is playing.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns the arena in which the player is playing.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Returns the local Arena that is involved in this event.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns the arena in which the player has died.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
Returns the Arena in which the chest is located
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Returns the local Arena that is involved in this event.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Returns the arena (of the player) in which the shop was opened.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
Returns the arena in which the shop was opened.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the arena the player is in.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns the arena in which the trap was triggered.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns the arena in which the player has used the item.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
Returns the arena to which the player wants to join.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
Returns the arena that he left.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaAddEvent
Gets the arena that has been added.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent
Gets the arena of which the properties have change.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaRemoveEvent
Gets the arena that has been removed.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent
The arena he has joined.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
The arena that he is about to join.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent
The arena he has quit.
getArena() - Method in interface
Returns the arena the player is a part of.
getArena() - Method in interface
Returns the arena in which the spawner was added.
getArena() - Method in interface
Returns the arena which the player is spectating.
getArena() - Method in interface
Returns the arena the player is a part of.
getArena() - Method in interface
Returns the arena belonging to this state.
getArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
Get the arena that shall be displayed.
getArena() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Returns the arena that he is currently playing in or spectating.
getArenaByExactName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Looks for an arena with exactly that name.
getArenaByExactName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with exactly that name.
getArenaByExactRealName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Looks for an arena from this server whose real name is identical to the given parameter.
getArenaByLocation(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Looks for all arenas where the location is inside the arena.
getArenaByName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Looks for an arena with that name and optionally parses it as an arena picker.
getArenaByName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that name and optionally parses it as an arena picker.
getArenaByPlayer(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Looks for an arena with that player inside the arena.
getArenaByPlayingPlayer(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player inside the arena.
getArenaByPlayingPlayer(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player inside the arena.
getArenaByPlayingPlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player inside the arena.
getArenaBySpectator(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player spectating the arena.
getArenaBySpectator(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player spectating the arena.
getArenaBySpectator(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Looks for an arena with that player spectating the arena.
getArenaBySpectator(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Looks for an arena with that player spectating the arena.
getArenaName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the arena or arena picker to which the player will be added
getArenaPickerAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API that is relevant to arena pickers.
getArenaPickerAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getArenas() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing arenas.
getArenas() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns all existing arenas.
getArenas() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets all the arena that the server holds.
getArenas(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns known arenas.
getArenasByCondition(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Parses the given condition and returns all arenas for which the condition applies to.
getArenasCondition() - Method in interface
Get the condition that may optionally be used to limit the arenas shown in the GUI.
getArguments() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
Returns the arguments that were included by the sender.
getAsString() - Method in interface
Transforms the data into a string which later can be reloaded with PersistentBlockData.parse(String).
getAttachement() - Method in class
Get an optional attachment to this item.
getAttackDamage(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of damage a player would cause at the exact moment with a generic entity.
getAuthors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the authors of the arena.
getAuthors() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the authors that created the addon.
getAuthors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the authors of the arena.
getAutoAssignTeamIncludePlayers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
All players that also are being concidered for the auto-team assignation.
getAutoIgnitionTicks() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Set the amount of ticks after which the fireball shall ignite itself.
getAutoPluginNames() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Returns the names of all plugin with which we can create a hook.
getBedDestructionTime(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get the time when the bed of a team has been destroyed.
getBedHologram(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the hologram that is optionally being spawned above the team's bed.
getBedLocation() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Returns the location of the broken bed.
getBedLocation(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the location the team's bed location.
getBedParts(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the blocks of all the team's bed parts.
getBedPartsAsync(Team, Consumer<Block[]>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the blocks of all the team's bed parts.
getBedwarsAPIVersion() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getBedwarsPluginVersion() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getBlock() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent
Get the special block the player tried to interact with.
getBlock() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Returns the block with which we're dealing now.
getBlock() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
Returns the block that has been added
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface
Tries to fetch and return a special block given by its coordinates
getBlock(XYZ) - Method in interface
Tries to fetch and return a special block given by its coordinates
getBlock(Block) - Method in interface
Tries to fetch and return a special block given by its block coordinates
getBlock(Location) - Method in interface
Tries to fetch and return a special block given by its coordinates
getBlock(World) - Method in class
Get the Bukkit block that you can find at the given position.
getBlock(World) - Method in class
Get the Bukkit block that you can find at the given position.
getBlockAsync(Location, Consumer<Block>) - Method in interface
Allows you to retrieve and modify a block asynchronously on 1.14+
getBlockAsync(World, int, int, int, Consumer<Block>) - Method in interface
Allows you to retrieve and modify a block asynchronously on 1.14+
getBlockAsync(World, XYZ, Consumer<Block>) - Method in interface
Allows you to retrieve and modify a block asynchronously on 1.14+
getBlocks() - Method in interface
Returns an iterator to iterate through all SpecialBlocks that were added to this world
getBlocksAmount() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of special blocks that exist in this world
getBlockVariant(Material) - Method in interface
Returns the block variant of a material.
getBlockX() - Method in class
Returns the floored x-coordinate
getBlockY() - Method in class
Returns the floored y-coordinate
getBlockZ() - Method in class
Returns the floored z-coordinate
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface
Gets the Boolean value of the internal map.
getBukkitChatColorFromBungee(ChatColor) - Method in interface
Gets the ChatColor (from the Bukkit package) that fits the most to the Bungee color.
getBukkitColor() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the corresponding Color to this team.
getBukkitColor() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getBukkitEntity() - Method in interface
Get the entity from Bukkit's API that is being used under the hood.
getBukkitEnum() - Method in class
Returns the bukkit enum of the sound.
getBukkitEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns the event that got everything rolling and that has been used to identify the players death.
getBukkitEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Returns the original block event with which we're dealing now.
getBukkitLabel(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Returns the name of the command using the given full usage.
getBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
getBukkitPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns the Player that is being wrapped.
getBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
getBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
getBungeeChannelName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getBungeeChannelName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets the name of this server that has been configured in Bungeecord's config.
getBungeeChatColor() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the corresponding ChatColor to this team.
getButtons(PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Returns all buttons that were added to a specific category.
getBuyerUUID() - Method in class
Get the UUID of the player who bought the trap.
getBuyGroup() - Method in interface
Returns the buy-group of the item.
getBuyGroup(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to locate and return a BuyGroup by its name
getBuyGroupLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the buy-group level of this item.
getBuyGroupLevel(Player, BuyGroup) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the current buy-group level of the player.
getBuyGroupLevels() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns a map containing all the corresponding buy-group levels of the player.
getBuyGroups() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing buy groups
getBuyPermissionId() - Method in interface
Get the required buy permission id for shop item purchase.
getById(String) - Static method in enum
Tries to look up for a price type with a specific id.
getById(String) - Static method in enum
Tries to look up for a product type with a specific id.
getByName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.AddonAPI
Returns the registered addon given by its name.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Looks through all teams and checks which team fits the best to the given name.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum
Looks through all ScoreboardTypes and checks which team fits the best to the given name.
getBypassTraps() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set if the player is able to bypass traps.
getByPlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.AddonAPI
Returns all registered addons whose BedwarsAddon.getPlugin() is equal to the one given as a parameter.
getByUsage(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Tries to obtain a operator given by its ArenaConditionComparisonOperator.getUsage().
getCachedAchievements() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Gets a collection of all currently cached properties achievements.
getCachedProperties() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Gets a collection of all currently cached player properties.
getCachedStats() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Gets a collection of all currently cached player stats.
getCallbacks() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
Gets all callbacks that are being called once the cloning has been finished.
getCallbacks() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Returns all callbacks that have been added.
getCallingDropTypeHandler() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the custom drop type handlers that shall be called.
getCapsMultiply() - Method in interface
Get the max amount that'll be multiplied when shift-clicking the item in the shop.
getCategory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns the category in which this button is inside.
getCategory() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook
getCategory() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.Hook
Get the category of the hook.
getCategory() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.NicknamingHook
getCategory() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get the specific cause or action of the bed destruction.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Returns the specific cause of the bed destruction.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Returns what has made the player to join the arena.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
Returns the cause of his death.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Returns the way how the player opened the shop
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
Returns the way how the player opened the upgrade shop
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Returns the cause why the player is rejoining the arena.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
Returns what caused him to teleport.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent
Gets the cause of his disconnection.
getCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Returns the cause that made him join the arena- Defined using AddRemotePlayerInfo.setCause(AddPlayerCause).
getCausingPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
Returns the player that is responsible for this event.
getChannel() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
Gets the channel parameter that has been passed into the send method on the other server.
getChatColor() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getChatMessage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
Get the chat message that might be used for this cause.
getChatMessageFunction() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Get the function that is used to obtain the message that shall be sent to each player.
getChestBlock() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
Return the block the player clicked on to open the chest
getChestInventory(Block, Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get the inventory the player would see with the given special chest.
getChestType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
Returns the type of chest that has been interacted with.
getChestType(Block) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get the type of a special chest existing within the arena.
getChildrens() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Gets all childrens that have been aded.
getChoice(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Get the choice of a player.
getChunkAsync(World, int, int, Consumer<Chunk>) - Method in interface
Allows you to retrieve and modify a block asynchronously on 1.14+
getClickedBlock() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns the block on which the player clicked.
getClickedBlockFace() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns the block face on which the player clicked.
getClonedArenas() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Gets all existing arenas that have been cloned.
getClonedItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Get the cloned item that was used within PlayerOpenShopEvent.getClonedPage().
getClonedPage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Returns the cloned page that was opened.
getCloneParent() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the arena from which this arena has been cloned from.
getClonePurposeWorlds() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Gets all worlds whose purpose is to only contain the cloned arenas.
getClones() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets all arenas that were cloned using this arena (basically the child arenas).
getCloningManager() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the ArenaCloningManager whose purpose it is to automatically clone new arenas.
getCloseListeners() - Method in interface
Gets all the close listeners attached to the GUI
getCloudSystemHooks() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Get all currently registered cloud system hooks.
getCommand() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
The subcommand that has been executed
getCommand() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand
Get the command to be executed.
getCommand() - Method in interface
Returns the command that will be executed on purchase
getCommand(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Returns the sub command that has that name or an alias with that name
getCommand(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Returns the sub command that has a name equal to the given name parameter
getCommands() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Returns the command that have been already added to this collection
getCommands() - Method in interface
Returns all commands that will be executed whenever a player uses the item.
getCommands() - Method in interface
Returns all commands that will be executed whenever a player uses the item.
getCommandSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
Returns the person/sender who executed the command
getCommandSender() - Method in class
getCommandSender() - Method in interface
Returns the CommandSender that is being wrapped.
getCommandSender() - Method in class
getCommandSender() - Method in class
getCommandsRoot() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the CommandsCollection that's bound to this addon.
getCompanionOwner(Entity) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Get the UUID of the player who owns the given companion.
getComparisonOperator() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
Returns the operator of this condition.
getCondition() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
The condition filters arena.
getConditionVariableByName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to get a condition variable given by its name.
getConditionVariableNames() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Gets the names of all registered condition variables.
getConditionVariables() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Gets all condition registered condition variables.
getConfigDescription() - Method in interface
Returns the unformatted description as it is written in the configs.
getConfigDroppingMaterials() - Method in interface
Returns the original materials as they were configured.
getConfigName() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Get the formatted name of the team as it is present in the configs.
getConfigName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the item exactly the same as it has been configured.
getConfigName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the spawner exactly the same as it has been configured.
getConfigName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the item exactly the same as it has been configured.
getConfigName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getConfigPluralName() - Method in interface
Returns the plural name of the spawner exactly the same as it has been configured.
getConfigurationAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for getting/setting configs, as well as saving config files.
getConfigurationAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getContentAmount(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
A command may display an amount as an additional info in /bw [...] help
getContentAmount(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
A command may display an amount as an additional info in /bw [...] help
getContentAmount(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
getController() - Method in interface
Returns the instance of the controller (aka the brain) of the hologram.
getControllerType() - Method in interface
Returns the current type of the controller (aka the brain) of the given hologram.
getCount() - Method in class
Get the amount of particles that will be shown.
getCountdown() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPreparingStartEvent
Returns the current value of the timer/countdown of the lobby.
getCurrentDropDuration() - Method in interface
Returns the time in seconds it takes until it drops something again.
getCurrentLevel(Upgrade) - Method in interface
Returns the level this team has upgraded this upgrade to.
getCurrentUpgradeLevel(Upgrade) - Method in interface
Returns the UpgradeLevel the teams has reached on this upgrade.
getCustomHandler() - Method in interface
Returns a custom handler that'll overtake the spawning process.
getCustomHandlerConfig() - Method in interface
Returns the configuration of the custom handler.
getCustomHandlerId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the custom handler.
getCustomImplementationCallback() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
This method is used to get the custom implementation callback.
getCustomName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the custom name of the arena.
getCustomSpawnerHandlers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all registered custom spawner handlers.
getDamaged() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
Returns the player that has been killed by PlayerEvent.getPlayer().
getDamageInfo() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
Get the past damage info of when the damager directly or indirectly damaged the killed player of this event.
getDamager() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Get the player who directly/indirectly caused the game.
getDamageSound() - Method in interface
Get the sound that will be played when it is being attacked.
getData() - Method in interface
The default value is null
getData() - Method in interface
The default value is null
getData(T) - Method in interface
Returns data that can be used during the session
getData(T) - Method in interface
Returns data that can be used during the session
getDataFolder() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the data folder of this addon.
getDeathMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns the death message that'll be displayed in the chat to the players instead of the default vanilla one.
getDeathMessageTargets() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns all the players to whom the custom death message will be displayed to.
getDeathSound() - Method in interface
Get the sound that will be played when it died.
getDeathSpectateDuration() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns the duration in seconds in which the player will enter the spectator mode after his respawn.
getDefaultAchievement(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.InitBedwarsAPILayer
getDefaultGUITitle() - Method in interface
Returns the title that has been configured by the player.
That title shall be used when creating the GUI
getDefaultIssues() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all the issues that were detected by this plugin (and not manually added by others) that prevent the arena from running.
getDefaultIssues(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all the issues that were detected by this plugin (and not manually added by others) that prevent the arena from running.
getDefaultLocaleFetcher() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Returns the default PlayerLocaleFetcher initiated by the MBedwars plugin
getDefaultMappings() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Returns all registered default mappings (This won't include the MBedwars' one).
getDefaultMessage() - Method in class
Returns the default/initial message that will be shown inside the text field
getDefaultPlayerStatSet(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.InitBedwarsAPILayer
getDefaultProcessor() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Returns the default MessageProcessor initiated by the MBedwars plugin
getDefaults() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Returns a collection of all default issues that are present with this class.
getDefaultScoreboardHandler() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the default handler for scoreboards that's being provided by the plugin.
getDefaultShopLayout() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the default ShopLayout that's being used whenever the player clicks on the dealer
getDefaultString() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Returns the default string in case no matching message has been found by the key.
getDefaultUpgradeShopLayout() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the default UpgradeShopLayout that's being used whenever the player clicks on the upgrade dealer
getDescription() - Method in interface
Returns the formatted description of the item in the default language.
getDescription() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the description that contains info about earning it of this achievement that'll get displayed e.g. when a player earns it
getDescription(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Get the description of a certain config.
getDescription(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the formatted description in the language of the sender.
getDescription(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the description that contains info about earning it of this achievement that'll get displayed e.g. when a player earns it
Tip: Use Message.buildByKey(String, String) when you're saving the message in the messages file
getDescriptionLines() - Method in class
Returns the description of this handler in the default language.
getDescriptionLines(CommandSender) - Method in class
Returns the description of this handler.
getDestroyer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get the player that is responsible for the bed destruction.
getDestroyerName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get the explicit name of the thing that broke it (e.g.
getDetail() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
A more deeper info about what item or hologram caused it
getDirection() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the direction in which the fireball shall fly.
getDirection() - Method in class
getDisplayedAuthors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all authors in a string split up by a comma.
getDisplayedAuthors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns all authors in a string split up by a comma.
getDisplayedAuthors(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all authors in a string split up by a comma.
getDisplayedAuthors(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns all authors in a string split up by a comma.
getDisplayedValue(PlayerStats) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Returns what essentially will be displayed as the value
getDisplayItem(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the item that'll be displayed in (shop) GUIs
getDisplayName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the non-unique name of the arena for displaying to players
getDisplayName() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Get the name of the team in the default language.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the price (e.g.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this product in the default configured language.
This method might return something like "Iron", "Bronze", "A command" or something else configured by the user
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns the formatted name of the item in the default language.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns the formatted name of the page in the default language.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the non-unique name of the arena for displaying to players
getDisplayName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns the name that will be displayed above his head.
getDisplayName(int) - Method in interface
Returns the name of the price (e.g.
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Get the name of the team in the language of the CommandSender.
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the name of the price (e.g.
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the name of this product that can be presented to the given sender.
This method might return something like "Iron", "Bronze", "A command" or something else configured by the user
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the formatted name in the language of the sender.
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the formatted name in the language of the sender.
getDisplayName(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getDisplayName(CommandSender, int) - Method in interface
Returns the name of the price (e.g.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface
Gets the Double value of the internal map.
getDropDuration(Arena) - Method in interface
Returns the interval between the spawns in seconds for a given arena.
getDropDurationExpression() - Method in interface
Returns the mathematical expression that calculates the interval between the spawns in seconds.
getDropDurationModifier(String) - Method in interface
Tries to locate a modifier that has been added to this spawner by it's id.
getDropDurationModifiers() - Method in interface
Use SpawnerDurationModifiers to modify the time until something gets dropped.
getDroppedItems() - Method in interface
Returns all the items that are currently uncollected in the spawner.
getDroppingMaterials() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
Returns all the DropTypes a spawner should drop.
getDroppingMaterials() - Method in interface
Returns the materials that will be dropped.
getDropType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
Returns the potential DropType of the spawner that dropped this item.
getDropType() - Method in interface
Returns the DropType aka spawner that will be taken from the player on purchase.
getDropType() - Method in interface
Returns the drop type aka spawner that will be given
getDropType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the spawner.
getDropTypeByDrop(ItemStack) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to find a DropType who could've dropped the item is
getDropTypeById(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to find a DropType given by its id.
getDropTypes() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all currently existing drop type.
getDuration() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
Get how long countdown will count down until the match starts.
getDuration() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns the duration that's being applied to this upgrade
getDuration() - Method in interface
Gets the duration (in seconds) of an UpgradeLevel.
getDyeColor() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the corresponding DyeColor to this team.
getDyeColor() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getDyedData(DyeColor) - Method in interface
Tries to dye this block and possibly returns a new instance with the blocked dyed in the given color.
getEarnDate(PlayerAchievement) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Returns the date when he earned the achievement.
getEarnedIds() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Returns the ids of all achievements that he earned.
getEffectByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify an effect given by its name.
getEffectInfiniteDuration() - Method in interface
Get the duration that you have to use for infinite potion effects.
getEnabledTeams() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns every team that has been enabled for this arena.
getEnabledTeams() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns every team that has been enabled for this arena.
getEnchantment() - Method in class
Get the enchantment that shall be applied on the items.
getEnchantmentByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify an enchantment given by its name.
getEnforcedInitials() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the enforced initials of the team that shall be shown to players.
getEnforcedInitials() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getEnterTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time when he got a spectator.
getEntity() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent
Get the hologram entity that the player tries to interact with.
getEntityById(World, int) - Method in interface
Returns the entity whose Entity.getEntityId() is equal to the given one.
getEntityDamageSound(Entity) - Method in interface
Returns the sound that the entity would play if it'd receive damage.
getEntityDeathSound(Entity) - Method in interface
Returns the sound that the entity would play if it'd die.
getEntityHeight(Entity) - Method in interface
Get the height of the entity
getEntityId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the entity that is being shown.
getEntityType() - Method in interface
Returns the EntityType that is being shown with this skin.
getEntityType() - Method in interface
Get the current EntityType that is being used for this skin
getEntityTypeByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify the type of an entity given by its name.
getEntityWidth(Entity) - Method in interface
Get the width of the entity
getEntry() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
Returns the actual data that this wrapper is holding.
getEquipment() - Method in interface
Get the equipment instance of this entity.
getEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Get the event that was used to obtain this info from.
getEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns the event in which this button was constructed.
getEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event/session details
getEverySpectatorData() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the spectator data of every player who's currently spectating this arena
getExecutingCommands() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the commands that shall be executed.
getExecutingSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
The CommandSender who sent the command to reset all player stats.
getExtra() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
Get the extra information that shall be displayed.
getFirstGivenPrice() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns the first price that was offered by the player.
getFirstPrice() - Method in class
Returns the first item that the player must have and give to purchase the offer
getFlightSpeed() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the speed of the fireball.
getFolder() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.AddonAPI
Returns the folder in which all the addon data is located in.
getForceSlot() - Method in interface
Returns the slot at which it'll be placed at after the rendering of the shop layout GUI Can be null if it shouldn't do that
getForceSlot() - Method in interface
Returns the slot at which it'll be placed at after the rendering of the shop layout GUI.
getForceSlot() - Method in interface
Returns the slot at which it'll be placed at after the rendering of the upgrade shop layout GUI Can be null if it shouldn't do that
getFrom() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
Returns the current location of the player.
getFullName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Returns the "full name" as if you'd type it in.
getGameAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for game related stuff, such as arenas, lobbies, spawners, special items etc.
getGameAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getGameStats() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the internal map that represents the game stats of the player.
getGameStats() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Will return the stats of the round that the player currently plays.
getGameWorld() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the world in which the arena is located at.
getGameWorldName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the name of the world in which the game is located at.
getGameWorldName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the name of the world in which the game is located at.
getGeneralAmount() - Method in interface
Returns the general amount that will be taken
getGeneralResult() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
Returns the result of the general action.
getGivenResult() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns the items that will be given if this even passes.
getGivingItems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the items that the player shall receive.
getGivingItems(Player, Team, Arena, int) - Method in interface
Returns an array of all the items that are being given on a purchase.
getGivingItems(Player, Team, Arena, int) - Method in interface
Gets the ItemStacks the player will actually receive.
getGUI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent
Get the rendered GUI that'd be shown.
getGUI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns the GUI that was opened and in which the player performs his transaction.
getGUI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the GUI that'll be shown to the player.
getGUI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the GUI that'll be shown to the player.
getHandle() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.PlayerStatsDataSetTypeWrapper
getHandler() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
The handler handles what should happen when the command is e.g. getting executed
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler that handles the execution of an item.
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler of it
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler that's been called whenever someone uses an item
Uses DeadSpecialItemUseHandler as the default one
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler that handles the execution of an item.
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler of it
getHandler() - Method in interface
Returns the handler of this CustomBlock.
getHandlerId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the current set handler for this item.
getHandlerId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the current set handler for this item.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonRegisterEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonUnregisterEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaCreateEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaEnableEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaOutOfTimeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPreparingStartEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStopEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaUnloadEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundStartEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerAddBedEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRemoveTrapEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeamChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginHookEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginPostHookEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginUnhookEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaAddEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaRemoveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
getHandlerQueue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
Returns the queue invoked in this event.
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonRegisterEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.AddonUnregisterEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaCreateEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaEnableEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownCancelEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaOutOfTimeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPreparingStartEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStopEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaUnloadEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundStartEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerAddBedEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRemoveTrapEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeamChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginHookEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginPostHookEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginUnhookEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaAddEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaRemoveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
getHealth() - Method in interface
Get the amount of heatlh that the entity currently has.
getHeight() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of items that fit in a column
getHeight() - Method in class
getHelpCommand() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Returns the command that will be executed when the player only executes the command on this collection level and not deeper
getHelper() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains utility stuff.
getHelper() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getHighestLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the highest level of the BuyGroup.getLevels() Set.
getHintMessage(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Returns the message that will be displayed to the player.
getHintMessage(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Returns the message that will be displayed to the player.
getHoldingAmount(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of instances the player is holding (in his inventory)
getHoldingAmount(Player) - Method in class
Get the amount of items the player is holding within its inventory.
getHoldingAmount(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of dropped spawners that the player is currently holding in his inventory.
getHoldingAmount(Player, ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of instances the player is holding (in his inventory)
getHologram() - Method in interface
Gets the hologram that is used to display i.a. the remaining time and the block.
getHologram() - Method in interface
Returns the hologram to which this controller is (possibly) bound to.
getHologram() - Method in interface
Returns the hologram to which this skin is bound to.
getHologramMaterial() - Method in interface
The material of the hologram that will be shown above the spawner ingame.
getHolograms() - Method in interface
Returns all the holograms that have been spawned into this world.
getHolograms(HologramControllerType) - Method in interface
Returns all the holograms of the HologramEntity.getControllerType() controllerType that have been spawned into this world.
getHolograms(HologramSkinType) - Method in interface
Returns all the holograms of the HologramEntity.getSkinType() skin that have been spawned into this world.
getHologramsAmount() - Method in interface
Returns the total amount of holograms that currently are in this world.
getHookAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for managing hooks.
getHookAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getHookedPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.Hook
Get the plugin into which this hook class is hooking into.
getHooks() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Gets all hooks that currently are active.
getHooksByHooked(Plugin) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Get all hooks that hook into the given plugin.
getHooksByManaging(Plugin) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Get all hooks that are being managed by the given plugin.
getIcon() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the icon of the arena.
getIcon() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Get the icon that is being displayed in the properties menu
getIcon() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Get the icon that is being displayed in the properties menu
getIcon() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns a clone of the icon.
getIcon() - Method in interface
Returns the icon that will be shown in the shop GUI.
getIcon() - Method in interface
Returns the icon that will be shown in the shop GUI.
getIcon() - Method in interface
Returns the item that shall be shown in GUIs.
getIcon() - Method in interface
Returns the default icon that's being used upgrade shop
getIcon() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets the icon of the arena.
getId() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Get the id of this issue that was passed during construction.
getId() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Returns the id of this state
getId() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
getId() - Method in class
Returns the id of this handler.
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id that's being used for the handler.
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id of this type that is being used to identify it in e.g. the shop config file.
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the unique id of this instance.
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id of this type that is being used to identify it in e.g. the shop config file.
getId() - Method in interface
Get the id of this item.
getId() - Method in class
The id of this custom spawner
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the identifier for this type.
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of this modifier that can be used to identify this modifier
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the id that's being used in e.g. the shop config
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the internal id of the type.
getId() - Method in class
Returns the id of this handler.
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id that's being used for the handler.
getId() - Method in interface
The id used in the config for this upgrade
getId() - Method in class
Returns the id of this handler
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id that's being used for the handler.
getId() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the id of this achievement
getId() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Returns the unique id of this data set
This is being used for other plugins that might want to modify the data set and to make it easier for them
It'll also be used for the %mbedwars_stats-<id>% PAPI placeholder
And it'll also get stored inside the SQL database including PlayerStatSet.getValue(PlayerStats) but with lower priority.
getId() - Method in enum
Returns the id of this type
getId() - Method in interface
Returns the type id of this custom block.
A plugin might have custom blocks but it's also important to be able to distinguish them
getId() - Method in class
Returns a random unique id that's bound to this offer
getImplementedAPIVersion() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the MBedwars API version that is implemented by the current RemoteAPI instance.
getImplementingPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the plugin that has implemented the current RemoteAPI instance.
getIngameTimeRemaining() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns how much time is left (in seconds) until an active match is ending.
getInitials() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the initials of the team that shall be shown to players.
getInitials() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getInitiator() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
Returns the initiator of the load event.
getInputString() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Get the string that has been inserted.
getInstance() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Returns the effective logic object of the given type.
getInstance() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Returns the effective instance of this type.
getInstant() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Get the Instant when this info was obtained.
getInt(String) - Method in interface
Gets the Integer value of the internal map.
getInternalClock() - Method in interface
Returns the time in ticks of the internal clock that's being used for this spawner.
getInternalId() - Method in enum
Returns the id that's internally being used.
getInternalIdV17() - Method in enum
Returns the 1.17+ NMS id that is being used for the given slot.
getInternalIdV8() - Method in enum
Returns the 1.8 NMS id that is being used for the given slot.
getInternalIdV9() - Method in enum
Returns the 1.9+ NMS id that is being used for the given slot.
getInventory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
The inventory that holds the contents of the chest.
getInventory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns Bukkit's inventory on which has been clicked.
getInventoryVariant(Material) - Method in interface
Returns the inventory variant of a material.
getIssue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
Get the issue that may prevent the player from joining the arena.
getIssues() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all the issues that prevent the arena from running.
getIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Returns every issue that prevents the arena from being enabled
getIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Returns all issues there are for the player to enter the arena.
getIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Returns all issues there are for the player to rejoin the arena.
getIssues() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets the issues that prevent the arena from running-
getIssues(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all the issues that prevent the arena from running.
getIssues(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets the issues that prevent the arena from running-
getItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns the item that the player wants to buy.
getItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
Returns the item that the player is trying to pick up.
getItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent
Returns the ItemStack on which has been clicked.
getItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns the item with which the player interacted.
getItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
Returns the item that has is about to be used.
getItem() - Method in interface
Returns the item that will be set into the hotbar.
getItem() - Method in interface
Returns the item to which the price has been added to
getItem() - Method in interface
Returns the item to which the product has been added to
getItem() - Method in enum
Returns the SpecialItem instance for the given type.
getItem() - Method in interface
Returns the item that will be set into the hotbar.
getItem() - Method in class
Get the item that will be displayed in the inventory.
getItem(int) - Method in interface
Returns the item at the specific slot.
getItem(int) - Method in class
getItem(int, int) - Method in interface
Returns the item at the specific x and y slot.
getItem(HologramEquipment.Slot) - Method in interface
Get an item that has been put at a certain slot.
getItemDamage(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Calculates the amount of attack damage this item would theoretically generate.
getItems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Gets all the items that the player would theoretically see in the GUI.
getItems() - Method in interface
Returns all the possible items that are inside the page.
getItems(int) - Method in interface
Returns a map with all items at that level.
getItemsGivenOnSpawn(Player, Team, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all the ItemStacks that will be given to a player when they spawn with all dyes already applied, and enchantments added.
getItemStack() - Method in interface
Returns the item that the player will receive once he purchases the item.
getItemStack(String) - Method in interface
Gets the ItemStack value of the internal map.
getItemStacks() - Method in interface
Returns cloned itemstacks that will be taken from the player.
getItemStacks() - Method in interface
Returns the itemstacks that will be given to the player.
getJavaVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the current java version.
getKey() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Get the key of the property of who the value might change
getKey() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Get the key of the stat of who the value might change
getKey() - Method in class
Gets the key for this pair.
getKeys() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Gets all the keys that exist within this storage.
getKeys() - Method in interface
Gets all the keys that exist within this storage.
getKiller() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
Returns the player who killed the other player.
getLabel() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
Returns the name or alias that was used to access the command
getLastJoinTime() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the time when the player has the last (re)joined the match.
getLastPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
Returns the player that survived as last in the team that has been eliminated
getLastPlayerCausedDamage(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Get the info of the last directly/indirectly player-caused damage during a match.
getLayout() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Returns the layout that will be used for the GUI.
getLayout() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
Returns the layout that will be used for the GUI.
getLayout() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the layout that was used for the shop GUI
getLayout() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the layout that was used for the upgrade shop GUI
getLayout() - Method in interface
Returns the layout that has been opened
getLayout() - Method in enum
Returns the corresponding layout to this type.
Might return null if the type is ShopLayoutType.PLUGIN
getLayout() - Method in interface
Returns the layout that has been opened
getLayout() - Method in enum
Returns the corresponding layout to this type.
Might return null if the type is UpgradeShopLayoutType.PLUGIN
getLayout() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.ShopLayoutTypeWrapper
getLayout() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.UpgradeShopLayoutTypeWrapper
getLayoutData() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
A layout may hold and pass around data during its session.
getLayoutData() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
A layout may hold and pass around data during its session.
getLayoutId() - Method in interface
Get the id of the arenasgui layout that will be opened when clicked on.
getLeaders() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Party
Get the leaders of the party.
getLeftInput() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
Get the input of the left side that we want to check.
getLevel() - Method in class
Get the upgrade's level that represents the queued trap.
getLevel() - Method in class
Get the level of the enchantment that gets applied
getLevel() - Method in interface
Returns level number of this upgrade level
getLevel(int) - Method in interface
Gets the upgrade levels at a certain level
getLevels() - Method in interface
Returns a set with all levels.
getLevels() - Method in interface
Returns all UpgradeLevels attached to this upgrade
getLines() - Method in interface
Returns the lines that are currently being displayed.
getLines(Player, Consumer<List<String>>) - Method in interface
Gets called when we want to know which lines shall be displayed to the player.
getListener() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns the listener that handles what will happen when the player clicks on the button.
getListener() - Method in class
Get the click listener of this item.
getListeners() - Method in class
Returns all listeners that were added to this GUI
getLobbyItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent
Returns the LobbyItem that was used by the player.
getLobbyItemHandler(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns a registered item handler whos id is equal to the passed one.
getLobbyItemHandlers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all registered handlers.
getLobbyItems() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing LobbyItems.
getLobbyItems(int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all LobbyItems that were added to a specific slot.
getLobbyLocation() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
The lobby location which can be set with /bw arena setlobby
getLobbyTimeRemaining() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns how much time is left until the game starts (ArenaStatus.LOBBY) or until all players get kicked (ArenaStatus.END_LOBBY).
getLocal() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets the arena instance that is being represented by this arena.
getLocale(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the locale of the player that he has configured within his client.
getLocaleFetcher() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Get the active instance that fetches the locale of a player.
getLocalServer() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the local server.
getLocation() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerAddBedEvent
Returns the new bed location.
getLocation() - Method in interface
Returns where the spawner has been added.
getLocation() - Method in interface
Returns the current location of the hologram.
getLoginTime() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Get the time since when we know that the player has joined the given server (not the network!).
getLong(String) - Method in interface
Gets the Long value of the internal map.
getLosers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns *all* the online player that lost the round.
getLowestLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the lowest level of the BuyGroup.getLevels() Set.
getManagingPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.Hook
Get the plugin that is managing and created this hook.
getMatchingSpectatorKickReason() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
The used reason for when a playing spectator gets kicked.
getMaterial() - Method in interface
Returns the material of the block.
getMaterialByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify a material given by its name.
getMaxLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum level in this upgrade
getMaxNearbyItems() - Method in interface
Returns the max amount of items that can be near the spawner until it's stops spawning any further.
getMaxNearbyItems() - Method in interface
Returns the max amount of spawner items that can be in this spawner before it stops spawning new items
getMaxPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Calculates [teams amount] x [players per team] when using a normal arena.
getMaxPlayers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
Get the amount of maximum players that can play.
getMaxPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Calculates [teams amount] x [players per team] when using a normal arena.
getMaxPlayersCount() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getMaxPlayersCount() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets the maximum amount of players that the server is able to hold.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
Returns the maximum amount of choices you can have when voting.
getMaxRank() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
Gets the maximum rank that has been fetched with this result.
getMaxRegionCorner() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
An arena of the type RegenerationType.REGION has two corners.
getMember(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Party
Get a member (or leader) by its id.
getMember(UUID, Consumer<Optional<PartiesHook.Member>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook
Asynchronously receive the info about a member and its party in which the player may be a part of.
getMember(Player, Consumer<Optional<PartiesHook.Member>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook
Asynchronously receive the info about a member and its party in which the player may be a part of.
getMembers(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Party
Get all the members that are a part of this party.
getMemory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
Returns the memory of his past ingame state.
getMemory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Returns the memory of the player that contains all info needed to successfully make him rejoin the arena.
getMessage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Get the message that would be sent to the player.
getMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
getMessage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
Get the error message that would be displayed using this issue-type.
getMessageAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for managing the messaging system.
getMessageAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getMetadata(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
getMinecraftPatchVersion() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Returns the patch version of the running server software.
getMinecraftVersion() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Returns the minor version of the running server software.
getMinHeight(World) - Method in interface
Returns the minimum height of an arena.
getMinLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the first level of this upgrade
getMinPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the minimum amount of players that are needed to start match.
getMinPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the minimum amount of players that are needed to start match.
getMinRank() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
Gets the minimum rank that has been fetched with this result.
getMinRegionCorner() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
An arena of the type RegenerationType.REGION has two corners.
getMinVisibilityRadius() - Method in interface
Returns the radius in which the hologram gets hidden for the player.
getMissingAmount(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of instances (i.a. item) the player is missing to pay the price
getMissingAmount(Player, ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Returns the amount of instances (i.a. item) the player is missing to pay the price
getModX() - Method in enum
Returns the x coordinate modifier for this direction
getModZ() - Method in enum
Returns the z coordinate modifier for this direction
getMultiplier() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns how much it has been multiplied by shift-clicking.
getMultiplier() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the multiplier of the shop product.
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the unique name of the arena.
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelector
The name of this selector.
getName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
The name of the variable.
getName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the name of this addon.
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
The main name of the command, which will be displayed in e.g.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns LobbyItem.getConfigName(), but formats it into the default configured language.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this group.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the layout that will be shown inter alia in the shop config
getName() - Method in interface
Returns its unformatted name as it is in the config file.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the unformatted name.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns DropType.getConfigName(), but formats it into the default configured language.
getName() - Method in interface
Same as SpecialItem.getName(CommandSender), but uses the default language
getName() - Method in interface
Returns SpectatorItem.getConfigName(), but formats it into the default configured language.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the layout that will be shown inter alia in the shop config
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this handler in the default language.
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the name of this achievement that'll get displayed e.g. when a player earns it
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the unique name of the arena.
getName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
The name of the player.
getName() - Method in interface
Get the name of the hologram that will be displayed above his head.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Remotes the name of the sender.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the name/particle.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the sound.
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns LobbyItem.getConfigName(), but formats it and translates it to the given sender.
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns DropType.getConfigName(), but formats it and translates it to the given sender.
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns the name of this item in the language of the given sender.
If sender is null then it'll use the default language instead
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns SpectatorItem.getConfigName(), but formats it and translates it to the given sender.
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the name of this achievement that'll get displayed e.g. when a player earns it
Tip: Use Message.buildByKey(String, String) when you're saving the message in the messages file
getName(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Returns the name that shall be displayed everywhere
Tip: Use Message.buildByKey(String, String) when you're saving the message in the messages file
getName(CommandSender, int) - Method in interface
Returns DropType.getConfigName() or DropType.getConfigPluralName(), depending on the amount but formats it and translates it to the given sender.
getName(CommandSender) - Method in class
Returns the name of this handler.
getNameAsMessage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Get the original Message instance that is used for the name of the team.
getNameAsMessage() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
getNative() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the Arena instance that's being used internally.
getNearbyHolograms(Location, double) - Method in interface
Returns all the holograms within the given radius.
getNearbyItemsCount() - Method in interface
Counts all the items that are currently uncollected in the spawner.
getNewChoice() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
Get the new choice of the player.
getNewName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
Gets the possibly new name of the arena.
getNewStatus() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
Returns the new status status that should be set.
getNewTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeamChangeEvent
Returns the new team to which the player has been moved to.
getNewTime() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaOutOfTimeEvent
Arena time will be set to this time after this event.
getNewValue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Get the new value that's on being planned to be set.
getNewValue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Get the new value that's on being planned to be set
getNextId() - Static method in class
Returns the VillagerOffer.getId() that will be used for the next constructed offer
getNextSpace() - Method in interface
Starts at slot 0 and tries to find the next available/empty slot.
Returns -1 if it didn't find any
getNextSpace(AddItemCondition) - Method in interface
Starts at slot 0 and tries to find the next available/empty slot.
Returns -1 if it didn't find any
getNextSpace(AddItemCondition) - Method in class
getNextUpgradeLevel(Upgrade) - Method in interface
Returns the next upgrade level players can buy of the specified type.
getNickedPlayerRealName(Player) - Method in interface
Nicknaming plugins might replace HumanEntity.getName() in favour for the nicked name.
getNickname(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.NicknamingHook
Get the nickname that a player is currently using.
getNicknamingHooks() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Get all currently registered nicknaming hooks.
getNMSEntity() - Method in interface
Returns the NMS object that is being used internally for this skin.
getNMSHelper() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API/Helper to access NMS stuff.
getNMSHelper() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getOffer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns the offer involved in this transaction
getOffer(UUID) - Method in class
Returns the offer in this GUI whose id is equal to the given as a parameter
getOffers() - Method in class
Returns all offers that have been added to this GUI.
getOffsetX() - Method in class
Defines the random offset at the x-coordinate at which a particle may be spawned.
getOffsetY() - Method in class
Defines the random offset at the y-coordinate at which a particle may be spawned.
getOffsetZ() - Method in class
Defines the random offset at the z-coordinate at which a particle may be spawned.
getOldChoice() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
Get the previous choice of the player.
getOldName() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRenameEvent
Gets the current name of the arena.
getOldStatus() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
Returns the current status.
getOldTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeamChangeEvent
Returns the previous team of the player.
getOldValue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Returns the previous value that was set.
getOldValue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Returns the previous value that was set
getOneTimePurchaseBoughtItems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns all ShopItems the player has bought which have ShopItem.isOneTimePurchase() set to true.
getOnlinePlayer(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the information of a player that is currently online on the network.
getOnlinePlayer(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the information of a player that is currently online on the network.
getOnlinePlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns the information of a player that is currently online on the network.
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns a collection of all known online players on the network.
getOpenCause() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns they way the player opened the shop.
getOpenPage() - Method in interface
The currently open page
Can be null when there's no page open
getOperation() - Method in interface
Get the operation this modifier will apply to the mathematical equation.
getOrigin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Returns the previously used system.
getOriginal() - Method in interface
Returns the original "non-cloned" instance.
getOriginal() - Method in interface
Returns the original "non-cloned" instance.
getOriginal() - Method in interface
Returns the original "non-cloned" instance.
getOriginalClassLoader() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getOriginalItemStack() - Method in interface
Returns the original ItemStack that's being passed during initiation.
getOriginEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the event that was called right before this event.
getOverridingHologramLines() - Method in interface
While generally all hologram lines are basically the same you may make them unique per spawner using this spawner using Spawner.setOverridingHologramLines(String[]).
getOverridingUsage(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Override the shown usage at certain conditions.
getPage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the page that was used to build the shop GUI
getPage() - Method in interface
Returns the page in which the item is inside.
getPageItems() - Method in interface
All items that should be displayed to the player
getPages() - Method in interface
The available pages with which the handler has to work with
The collections and EVERYTHING in the collection has been cloned,
meaning the handler can do anything with it that he wants
getParent() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
A command must be added into a collection otherwise it's not accessible.
getParticipatingVotingPool() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the voting arena in which this arena is in the pool of.
getPartiesHooks() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Get all currently registered parties hooks.
getParty() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Member
Get the party of which the member is a part of.
getPatchVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the patch version of the running software.
getPayload() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
Gets the unmodified payload.
getPermission() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
The permission needed to use the command.
getPerPlayerVisibility() - Method in interface
Returns the Predicate that returns whether it should be visible to a player.
getPersistentStorage() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets a helper class for storing persistent information for exactly this arena instance.
getPersistentStorage() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets a helper class for storing persistent information for exactly this arena instance.
getPersistentStorage() - Method in interface
Get the persistent storage of this object.
getPitch() - Method in class
getPitch() - Method in class
Returns the pitch of the sound.
getPlace() - Method in interface
Returns the place which will be displayed on the sign
getPlace() - Method in interface
Returns the place which will be displayed on the sign
getPlace() - Method in interface
Get the place of the player in the ranking.
getPlaceholder(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Obtains the value of a placeholder that has been previously added.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Returns the player who broke the bed.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
Returns the player who has won the achievement.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent
The player that joined it.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent
Gets the player that has entered a server.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
The player that is about to join the arena.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent
The player that quit it.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent
Gets the player that has left a server.
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the player that opened the shop
getPlayer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Returns the player that opened the upgrade shop
getPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns the player that opened it
getPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns the player behind this data.
getPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns the player that opened it
getPlayerAchievementsData() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
Returns an object which contains his earn history.
getPlayerDataAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API for getting and managing player data, such as stats and achievements.
getPlayerDataAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getPlayerDisplayName(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the display name of a player that shall be shown to the public.
getPlayerIssue(UUID) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
Gets the issue that possibly caused the player to not join the arena.
getPlayerNickName(Player) - Method in interface
Tries to obtain the nicked name of a plugin which possibly has been changed by a third-party nick plugin.
getPlayerPrivateInventory() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the players private inventory, used for ender chests in some configurations.
getPlayerPrivateInventory(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Obtain a players private chest inventory using this method.
getPlayerProperties() - Method in interface
Returns the already loaded and ready to use player properties instance of the player
getPlayerProperties() - Method in interface
Returns the already loaded and ready to use player properties instance of the player
getPlayerResult(UUID) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
Gets the result of a specific player.
getPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all players (except spectators) who are inside the lobby.
getPlayers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Returns all players that have been added so far.
getPlayers() - Method in interface
Returns the player for whom the GUI is currently open
getPlayers() - Method in class
getPlayers() - Method in class
getPlayers() - Method in class
getPlayersCount() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
getPlayersCount() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the amount of players that are currently playing on this arena.
getPlayersCount() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets the total amount of players that are currently on this server.
getPlayersInTeam(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a List of all players that are in a specific team.
getPlayerSkinData(Player) - Method in interface
Gets the texture & signature of the player's skin.
getPlayerSpecificLinesSupplier() - Method in interface
Returns the current lines supplier.
getPlayersPerTeam() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the amount of players that can be in a team.
getPlayersPerTeam() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the amount of players that can be in a team.
getPlayerTeam(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the team of a player.
getPlayerUniqueId() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult
The unique id of the player.
getPlayerUniqueIds() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
Gets the unique id of the players.
getPlayerUUID() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Returns the UUID of the player.
getPlayerUUID() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Returns the uuid of the player behind these properties.
getPlayerUUID() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
The UUID of the involved player
getPlayTime() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the duration that the player has been within the match.
getPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelector
The plugin that created this instance.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
The plugin that has constructed this instance.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the plugin that's the owner of this addon.
getPlugin() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Returns the main class of the MBedwars plugin.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CollectionCommandHandler
getPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Returns the plugin that created this handler
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler.Silent
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem
Returns the plugin that has created this problem
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem
Returns the plugin that has created this problem
getPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns the plugin that created this button.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginHookEvent
Returns the plugin in which MBedwars wants to hook into.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginPostHookEvent
Returns the plugin to which we tried to hook ourself into.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginUnhookEvent
Returns the plugin with which this plugin has removed a hook from.
getPlugin() - Method in class
Returns the plugin that constructed this handler.
getPlugin() - Method in class
Returns the plugin that initiated this instance
getPlugin() - Method in interface
Returns the plugin that has created the layout
getPlugin() - Method in class
The plugin that created this handler
getPlugin() - Method in interface
Returns the plugin that created this modifier
getPlugin() - Method in class
getPlugin() - Method in interface
Returns the plugin that created the item
getPlugin() - Method in interface
Returns the plugin that's in charge of this handler
getPlugin() - Method in class
Returns the plugin that constructed this handler.
getPlugin() - Method in interface
Returns the plugin that has created the layout
getPlugin() - Method in class
Returns the plugin that's in charge of this handler
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
Returns the plugin that has constructed this instance.
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageProcessor
Returns the plugin that's owning this processor
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.PlayerLocaleFetcher
Returns the plugin that's owning this instance
getPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Returns the plugin that created this achievement
getPlugin() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Returns the plugin that's providing this data set
getPlugin() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getPlugin() - Method in interface
The plugin that created this handler
getPluginVersion() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets the version of the Bedwars plugin that is running on the server.
getPluralName() - Method in interface
Returns DropType.getConfigPluralName(), but formats it into the default configured language.
getPluralName(CommandSender) - Method in interface
Returns DropType.getConfigPluralName(), but formats it and translates it to the given sender.
getPool() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
Get the new voting pool of the arena.
getPosition() - Method in exception class de.marcely.bedwars.api.exception.ArenaConditionParseException
Get the char position where the exception occurred.
getPotentialPool() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
Returns all arenas that are potential choices for the voting pool.
getPotionTypeByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify a potion type given by its name.
getPriceAmount(Arena, Team) - Method in interface
Returns the actual price that a team has to pay for this upgrade.
getPriceAmount(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the actual price that a player has to pay for this upgrade.
getPriceDropType() - Method in interface
Returns the DropType required to purchase the item
getPrices() - Method in interface
Returns the prices that will be taken from the player when he's trying to buy the item.
getPrizeForMatchDisabledTickets() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get a list of ticket ids of whatever reason the prize for match has been disabled.
getProblems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns the problems that are preventing the item from being bought
getProblems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns the problems that are preventing the item from being bought
getProcess() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
Returns the process that has started.
getProcessor() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
A MessageProcessor overtakes the post processing of a message.
getProducts() - Method in interface
Returns the products that will be given to the buyer.
getProjectile() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
Returns the projectile that the PlayerEvent.getPlayer() might have used to kill the player.
getProjectileDamager() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Tries to get the projectile that was used to damage the player.
getProperties() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Get the PlayerProperties in which the new value might get set
getProperties() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent
Gets the properties that have changed.
getProperties(UUID, Consumer<PlayerProperties>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the properties of the player.
getProperties(OfflinePlayer, Consumer<PlayerProperties>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the properties of the player.
getPropertiesAtRank(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
Obtains the properties of the player at the given rank.
getPropertiesCached(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get properties from the cache.
getPropertiesCached(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get properties from the cache.
getProperty() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent
Gets the property that has changed.
getPurpose() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
Returns the purpose of the chest opening.
getQueue() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Gets all arenas that are enqueued for the cloning process.
getQueuedTraps() - Method in interface
The traps currently queued for this team.
getQueueEntries() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Gets all entries that are enqueued for the cloning process.
getQuitLosers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns the offline players that lost the round.
getQuitPlayerMemories() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all memories/infos of all players who were playing in the game but left.
getQuitPlayerMemory(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all memory/infos of a player who has left a running match.
getQuitTime() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the time when the player has quit the arena.
getQuitWinners() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns the offline players that won the round.
getRawMessage(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
This method is essential for the message processor.
getRealName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns what Arena.getName() would return on the server, in which the arena is located at.
getRealName(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.NicknamingHook
Get the real name of the player.
getReason() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
Returns the reason why he left the arena.
getReason() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
Returns the reason why he got into a spectator.
getReason() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
Returns the reason why he left the arena.
getReason() - Method in interface
Returns the reason or the cause of him being a spectator.
getReference() - Method in class
getReference() - Method in interface
Returns the object that's being referenced.
getReference() - Method in class
getReference() - Method in class
getRegenerationType() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the regeneration type aka the form/variant of the arena.
getRegenerationType() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the regeneration type aka the form/variant of the arena.
getRegisteredAchievementTypes() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Get all existing achievements.
getRegisteredStatSets() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Returns all registered data sets for stats.
getRegularPriceAmount() - Method in interface
Returns amount of a specific DropType required to purchase this UpgradeLevel
getReleaseTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time when he is supposed to be released from enforced spectating.
getRemainingNextDropTime() - Method in interface
Returns the time in ticks until the spawner drops something again
getRemoteAPI() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Contains API that is being used for communicating with other servers in a Proxy network.
getRemoteAPI() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getRemoteArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Returns the arena that is involved in this event.
getRemoteArena() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
Returns the arena that is involved in this event.
getRemotePlayer() - Method in class
getRemotePlayer() - Method in interface
Returns the RemotePlayer that is being wrapped.
getRemotePlayer() - Method in class
getRemotePlayer() - Method in class
getRemotePlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns all the players that are currently playing on this arena.
getRemoteServer() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets the server on which the arena is being managed on.
getRestrictedStatSetIds() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Get the stat sets that shall be purged.
getRestriction() - Method in interface
The ArenaConditionGroup that controls what arenas this ShopItem is visible in.
getRestriction() - Method in interface
The ArenaConditionGroup that controls what arenas this ShopPage is visible in.
getRestriction() - Method in interface
The ArenaConditionGroup that controls what arenas this Upgrade is visible in.
getResult() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Returns what shall happen after the event.
getResult() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
Returns what actually should happen after this event.
getResult() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult
Gets what exactly happend
getResult() - Method in class
Returns the item that will be given to the player once he purchased it
getRevision() - Method in interface
Returns the revision number that you can find in NMS packages.
Example: If it's running "v1_8_R3" then this method returns 3
getRightInput() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
Get the input of the right side that we want to check.
getRootCommandsCollection() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Returns the commands collection that contains all sub commands under /bw.
getRootCommandsCollection() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getRoundStartTime() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the time when the arena changed the last time its state to ArenaStatus.RUNNING.
getRoundStopTime() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the time when the arena has ended (forceful state changes don't count).
getRunningMigrationProcesses() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Returns all running migration processes.
getRunningMigrationProcesses() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getRunningTime() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get the time since the current match is running or how long the last has match.
getSavingLocation() - Method in interface
Returns the location that will be saved and reused after the plugin restarts.
getScoreboardHandler() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the current handler for scoreboards.
getSecondGivenPrice() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Returns the second price that was offered by the player.
getSecondPrice() - Method in class
Returns the optional second price that the player must have and give to purchase the offer
getSeeingPlayers() - Method in interface
Returns all the player who are theoretically able to see him.
getSeeingPlayersAmount() - Method in interface
getSelector() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Returns the selector.
getSelectorByName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to find a selector given by its name.
getSelectorNames() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Gets the names of all registered selectors.
getSelectors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Gets the instances of all registered selectors.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaCreateEvent
Returns the person who created the arena.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
Returns the person who deleted the arena.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Returns the person who initiated the check.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
Returns the person who started the regeneration.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStopEvent
Returns the person/sender who stopped it.
getSender() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
Get the server that has sent this message.
getSenderWrapped() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
Returns the person who deleted the arena.
getSenderWrapped() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Returns the person who initiated the check.
getSenderWrapped() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
Returns the person who started this regeneration.
getSenderWrapped() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStopEvent
Returns the person/sender who stopped it.
getServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent
Gets the server that he entered.
getServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent
Gets the server that he left.
getServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectEvent
Gets the server that has connected.
getServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent
Gets the server that has disconnected.
getServer() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Gets the server in which he's currently on.
getServerName() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook
Get the name of the server.
getServers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns a collection of all known servers (including the local one RemoteAPI.getLocalServer()).
getShooter() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the entity from whom the fireball shall come from.
getShopHypixelV2QuickBuyItems() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Parses the entry DefaultPlayerProperty.SHOPDESIGN_HYPIXELV2_QUICKBUY and returns all the items stored in the quick buy.
getShopItemById(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to locate and return a ShopItem by its id.
getShopItems() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing items inside the shop
getShopLayout(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to look up for a registered layout that has the given name.
getShopLayouts() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing layouts for the shop
getShopPages() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing pages inside the shop
getShopProduct() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the shop product that the player is trying to buy.
getShopResourcesSpentAmount() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the amount of resources the player has spent in the shop.
getSignName() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
You can find them in the messages file under: "Sign_[status]".
Uses the configured language as the default language
getSignName(CommandSender) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
You can find them in the messages file under: "Sign_[status]".
Uses the configured language as the default language
getSignName(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.ArenaStatusWrapper
getSituationalGUITitle() - Method in interface
Returns what shall be shown in this given sitation.
getSize() - Method in interface
Returns the total amount of items/slots that fit into this GUI
getSkin() - Method in interface
Returns the skin object of the hologram.
getSkin() - Method in interface
Get the skin that is being represented by this instance.
getSkinSignature() - Method in interface
Returns the skin signature that has been passed using NPCHologramSkin.setSkin(String, String).
getSkinTexture() - Method in interface
Returns the skin texture that has been passed using NPCHologramSkin.setSkin(String, String).
getSkinType() - Method in interface
Returns the skin type of the hologram.
getSkullTexture(Skull) - Method in interface
Returns the texture of the skull in a base64 format.
getSkullTexture(SkullMeta) - Method in interface
Returns the texture of the skull in a base64 format.
getSlot() - Method in interface
Returns the slot to which this item will be added to.
getSlot() - Method in interface
Returns the slot to which this item will be added to.
getSoloRejoinTask() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the task used to eliminate a team if no players rejoin in the configured time.
getSoundByMinecraftName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to parse a Minecraft sound given by it's vanilla id (e.g. minecraft:beacon.activate)
getSoundByName(String) - Method in interface
Tries to identify a sound given by its name.
getSpawnAtStart() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of items that should be spawned at the start of the game.
getSpawnEffect() - Method in interface
The effect that should be played whenever it drops something.
getSpawner() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
Returns the spawner that's about to drop something.
getSpawner() - Method in interface
Returns the spawner to which this modifier has been added to
getSpawners() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a collection of all added spawners
getSpawnersAtLocation(IntXYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all spawners that are located at that block/location
getSpawnersAtLocation(XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all spawners that are located at that block/location
getSpawnersAtLocation(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all spawners that are located at that block/location
getSpawnLocation() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the location where the fireball shall spawn.
getSpawnLocation() - Method in interface
Returns the location at which the hologram was initially spawned.
getSpawnRadius() - Method in interface
Get the radius in which the item may randomly spawns.
getSpawnSound() - Method in interface
The sound that should be played whenever it drops something.
getSpecialItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns the special item that the player has used.
getSpecialItem() - Method in interface
Returns the special item that will be given on purchase.
getSpecialItem(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to locate and return a SpecialItem given by its id.
getSpecialItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to locate and return a SpecialItem given by its usable item.
getSpecialItemId() - Method in interface
Returns the id of the special item that will be given on purchase.
getSpecialItems() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all registered (including the default ones) SpecialItems.
getSpectateData(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Looks and returns the spectator data of the player.
getSpectatingPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all players who are currently spectating.
getSpectator() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
Returns the spectator who is about to use the item.
getSpectator() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
Returns the spectator who's trying to join.
getSpectator() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
Returns the spectator.
getSpectatorByPlayer(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to find the corresponding Spectator instance given by its player.
getSpectatorItem(int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns a hotbar slot given by its slot.
getSpectatorItemHandler(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns a registered item handler whos id is equal to the passed one.
getSpectatorItemHandlers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all registered handlers.
getSpectators() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns every player who's currently spectating this arena.
getSpectators() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the spectator data of every player who is currently spectating.
getSpectatorsCount() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the amount of players currently spectating the arena.
getSpectatorSpawn() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the spawnpoint of a spectator.
getState() - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Returns the current run state of the MBedwars plugin.
getState() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getState(Player, Arena, Team) - Method in interface
Returns the current state of a player that indicates whether he is able to upgrade at this given moment.
getStats() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Get the PlayerStats in which the new value might get set
getStats(UUID, Consumer<PlayerStats>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the stats of the player.
getStats(OfflinePlayer, Consumer<PlayerStats>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the stats of the player.
getStatsAtRank(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
Obtains the stats of the player at the given rank.
getStatsByName(String, Consumer<Optional<PlayerStats>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to fetch the stats of the player given by its name.
getStatsCached(UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get stats from the cache.
getStatsCached(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to get stats from the cache.
getStatsDataSet(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Searches for the data set with that id and returns it.
getStatSet() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
Get the stat set that was used to order the players.
getStatsSet(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Returns the stats set with the given id.
getStatus() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the current state of the arena
getStatus() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
Get the status that shall be displayed.
getStatus() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Returns the current state of the arena
getStoredKeys() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Returns all keys/ids of the properties that are currently stored in this object.
getStoredLocales() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Returns all locales that are currently in memory.
Keep in mind that this may vary depending on the configuration of the user.
Does not include the default one
getSynchronizedFlag(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Get whether the key-value pair shall be synchronized between servers.
getTarget() - Method in class
Get the broad item target this enchantment should target.
getTargetId() - Method in class
Get the id of the target.
getTargetInvSlot() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Player clicked on a specific number on his keyboard while buying.
getTargetTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get the team of whom the bed shall be destroyed.
getTargetTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Returns the target team that has been specified using AddRemotePlayerInfo.getTargetTeam().
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the team to which he belongs to.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Returns the team who own the bed.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
Returns the team that has been eliminated.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerAddBedEvent
Returns the team of the bed.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns the team in which the player bought the upgrade for.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Returns the team to which the player is automatically getting added to.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
Returns the player's Team
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
Returns the arena in which the shop was opened.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
Returns the team in which he was before he left the arena.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Get the team the player is in.
getTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns the team in which the upgrade or trap belongs to.
getTeam() - Method in interface
The team that belongs to this state.
getTeam() - Method in interface
Get the team that will be selected when clicked on.
getTeamBaseOnlyEffects(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns effects applied to a team around their base
getTeamByBaseLocation(XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to fetch the team of a location that's inside a base.
getTeamByBaseLocation(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to fetch the team of a location that's inside a base.
getTeamByBedBlock(IntXYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the team that owns the bed part at the given location.
getTeamByBedBlock(Block) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the team that owns the bed part at the given location.
getTeamByName(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getTeamEnchantments(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all team enchantments applied to a team
getTeamPermanentEffects(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns all effects applied to a team everywhere
getTeamPrivateInventory(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Obtain a teams private inventory using this method.
getTeamSpawn(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the spawn point of a team.
getTeamsWithPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a List of all teams that have at least one player.
getTeamsWithPlayers(Player...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns a List of all teams that have at least one player.
getTicks() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Get the ticks that the time should be set to
getTime() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
Returns the time it took to load the configurations from 0 to complete in milliseconds.
getTimeType() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the arena's ArenaTimeType
getTitle() - Method in interface
Returns the set title
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTo() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
Returns the location to which the player is trying to teleport to.
getTotalPool() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Get the pool of theoretical arenas that may be voted for.
getTradeListeners() - Method in class
Returns all registered trade events that were explicitly added to this GUI.
getTrap() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRemoveTrapEvent
Returns the trap that the player wants to remove.
getTriggerHandler() - Method in interface
Returns UpgradeTriggerHandler used by this UpgradeLevel
getTriggerHandlerId() - Method in interface
Returns UpgradeTriggerHandler used by this UpgradeLevel
getType() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelector
The type of this selector.
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
Returns the type of this variable.
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
The type of this class.
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
Returns the type of the issue to differentiate it from others
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Returns the buttons type.
getType() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent
Get the type of the UI.
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of this handler.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the layout to make it easier to differentiate to default ones
getType() - Method in interface
Prices can vary from their type.
getType() - Method in interface
Products may vary on what they effectively give to the player.
This returns what exactly it'll be giving to the player
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type to make it easier for you to differentiate it
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of this handler.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the layout to make it easier to differentiate to default ones
getType() - Method in class
Returns the type of this handler.
getType() - Method in interface
SpecialBlocks vary from the type they represent.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of this controller.
getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the skin.
getUnformattedHintMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Get the hint message that has been passed during the construction.
getUniqueId() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the uuid (OfflinePlayer.getUniqueId()) of the player.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Member
The UUID of the player (Entity.getUniqueId().
getUniqueId() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
The unique id of the player.
getUniqueId() - Method in class
getUniqueId() - Method in interface
Remotes the uuid of the sender.
getUniqueId() - Method in class
getUniqueId() - Method in class
getUpgrade() - Method in interface
Returns upgrade that this upgrade level belongs to
getUpgradeLevel() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
The upgrade level that was purchased by the player
getUpgradeLevel() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns the UpgradeLevel that belongs to the upgrade that's being triggered, or the trap that's being purchased
getUpgradeLevels() - Method in interface
Gets all the upgrade levels that should be displayed in the GUI
getUpgrades() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all the upgrades that are currently loaded.
getUpgradeShopLayout(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to look up for a registered layout that has the given name.
getUpgradeShopLayouts() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all existing layouts for the upgrade shop
getUpgradeState() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRemoveTrapEvent
Returns the upgrade state of the player's team.
getUpgradeState() - Method in interface
Returns the upgrade state corresponding to the team this gui is selling upgrades for.
getUpgradeState(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the UpgradeState of a specified team
getUpgradeState(Upgrade) - Method in interface
returns the upgrade state of a specified upgrade
getUpgradeTriggerHandler(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to locate and return a UpgradeTriggerHandler given by its id.
getUpgradeTriggerHandlers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns all registered (including the default ones) UpgradeTriggerHandlers.
getUsage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Gets the explicit String that must be given to use this operator.
getUsage() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Returns the default parameters the command expects.
getUsage(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Returns the parameters the command expects for a specific sender.
getUsername() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns the name (OfflinePlayer.getName()) of the player.
getUsername() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Member
The name of the player (HumanEntity.getName().
getUUIDByName(String, Consumer<Optional<UUID>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to look-up the UUID of a player by its name in the database.
getValue() - Method in interface
Get the amount in seconds by which this modifier will apply its SpawnerDurationModifier.Operation.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value for this pair.
getValue(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
Fetches the value of a local arena.
getValue(Arena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
Fetches the value of a local arena.
getValue(PlayerStats) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Similar to PlayerStatSet.getDisplayedValue(PlayerStats), but as a direct number
Will amongst other things be used for the leaderboard
getValue(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
Fetches the value of a remote arena.
getValue(RemoteArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
Fetches the value of a remote arena.
getValue(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Get the object that is currently set for this config
getValueClass() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
The class of the value that is being fetched.
getValueType(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Returns the data type used for a certian Config.
getVanillaDeathMessage(Player) - Method in interface
Returns the death message that Minecraft would use by default if the player would die at this moment
getVersion() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns the version of this addon.
getVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the minor version of the running server software.
getVisibleLobbyItem(int, Player, Arena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns the currently visible item at a specific slot.
getVisiblePageItems(Arena, Player) - Method in interface
Returns the items that are inside the page for a specific player.
getVolume() - Method in class
Returns the volume of the sound.
getVoters(Arena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Get all the players who are voting for an arena.
getVoting() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns the voting handler of this arena.
getVoting() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
Get the voting handler of the arena in which the voting is happening.
getWeatherType() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets the arena's ArenaWeatherType
getWidth() - Method in interface
Returns the amount of items that fit in a row
getWidth() - Method in class
getWinners() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns the online player that won the round.
getWinnerTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns the team that won the round.
getWinningTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
Returns the winning team of the arena.
getWorld() - Method in interface
Returns the world to which this block initially was added.
Keep in mind that the block might have been removed.
getWorld() - Method in interface
Returns the world to which the hologram was added to
getWorldStorage(World) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
A world storage contains anything needed for creating custom entities or blocks.
getWorldStorage(World) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
getX() - Method in interface
Returns the x coordinate of this block
getX() - Method in class
Returns the x-coordinate
getX() - Method in class
Returns the x-coordinate
getY() - Method in interface
Returns the y coordinate of this block
getY() - Method in class
Returns the y-coordinate
getY() - Method in class
Returns the y-coordinate
getYaw() - Method in class
getYield() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns the yield of the explosion.
getZ() - Method in interface
Returns the z coordinate of this block
getZ() - Method in class
Returns the z-coordinate
getZ() - Method in class
Returns the z-coordinate
give(Player, int) - Method in class
Give a given amount to a player's balance.
give(Player, Team, Arena, int) - Method in interface
Gives the product to a player.
give(Player, Team, Arena, int, Integer) - Method in interface
Gives the product to a player.
giveItems(Player, ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface
A fast implementation for adding items to a player's inventory.
givePlayerItem(Player, ItemStack) - Method in interface
Properly gives an item to a player.
GOMMEHD - Enum constant in enum
GOOD_KD - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
GRAY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
GREATER_THAN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber:
- Value must be greater (not equal!)
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber:
- Value must be greater than or equal to variable
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueString:
- Value string must being with the same letters as variables (letter casing is important)
greaterThan(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
greaterThan(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
greaterThan(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
greaterThanOrEqual(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
greaterThanOrEqual(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
greaterThanOrEqual(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
GREEN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
GUARD_DOG - Enum constant in enum
GUI - Interface in
Interface that includes anything that any kind of GUI have in common
GUIItem - Class in
Represents an interactable item that can be added to a GUI
GUIItem(ItemStack, ClickListener) - Constructor for class
GUIItem(ItemStack, ClickListener, Object) - Constructor for class


handle(Exception) - Method in class
handleDrop(Spawner, Location) - Method in class
Gets called whenever the spawner drops something.
handleInteract(Player) - Method in interface
Simulate as if a player would right-click on him
handleNotification(PlayerBuyInShopEvent) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem
Notify the player about the problem
handleNotification(PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem
Notify the player about the problem
handleStop() - Method in class
Forcefully stops and cleans the session
handleUse(Spectator, SpectatorItem) - Method in class
Handles the execution of the item.
handleUse(Player, Arena, LobbyItem) - Method in class
Handles the execution of the item.
has(PlayerAchievement) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Returns if the player has a specific achievement.
has(CommandSender) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns whether or not the sender is granted to this permission.
has(CommandSender, String...) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns whether or not the sender is granted to this permission.
HAS_ISSUE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
There was an issue that made him not join the arena.
hasBuyGroup() - Method in interface
Returns if the item is a member of a buy-group or not.
hasBuyPermission(Player) - Method in interface
Weather or not a player has permission to buy this item.
hasContentAmount() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Returns whether or not it'll display the amount of entries in /bw [...] help.
hasDisplayName() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not a custom display name is given.
hasHandler() - Method in interface
Returns if a handler has been set for this block with CustomBlock.setHandler(Handler)
hashCode() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Returns the hash code of this issue.
hasIssue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
Get if any issue has been added so far, that'd prevent the player from joining.
hasIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Returns if the arena has any issues and by that won't be able to start correctly
hasIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Returns if the player has any issues entering the arena.
hasIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Returns when there are any issues that cause the original BukkitEvent to get cancelled.
hasIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Returns if the player has any issues rejoining the arena.
hasLeft() - Method in interface
Returns if something has been set to the left field.
hasLeft() - Method in class
hasLeft() - Method in class
hasLobbyLocation() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether a location for the lobby has been set.
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNickname(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.NicknamingHook
Get whether a player currently has a nickname.
hasOpen(Player) - Method in interface
Get whether the given player has the inventory currently open
hasOpen(Player) - Method in class
hasOpen(Player) - Method in class
hasOpen(Player) - Method in class
hasPermission(String) - Method in class
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface
Returns whether the sender has a given permission.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class
hasPermission(String) - Method in class
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in interface
Returns whether the sender has a given permission.
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class
hasPlayerSpecificLinesSupplier() - Method in interface
Returns whether a lines supplier has been set.
hasRight() - Method in interface
Returns if something has been set to the right field.
hasRight() - Method in class
hasRight() - Method in class
hasSecondPrice() - Method in class
Returns if a second unique price is required for the player to purchase the item
hasSkin() - Method in interface
Returns whether the skin has a skin (whether he looks like Alex or Steve)
HASTE - Enum constant in enum
Gives the Haste effect
HEAL_POOL - Enum constant in enum
Gives the regeneration effect near your base
HELMET - Enum constant in enum
The head slot.
HelpCommandHandler - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
HelpCommandHandler() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.HelpCommandHandler
Helper - Interface in
hide(Player) - Method in class
Hides the scoreboard from a player who's seeing it
HIDE_SPAWNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
hide0(Player) - Method in class
Hides the scoreboard from a player who's seeing it
hideAll() - Method in class
Similar to ScoreboardHandler.hide(Player), but does that for all active players
hideAll(Arena) - Method in class
Similar to ScoreboardHandler.hide(Player), but does that for all players (including spectators) inside an arena
hideAttributes(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Hides attributes from the item.
HIGH_PLAY_TIME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
HIVEMC - Enum constant in enum
HOLOGRAM - Enum constant in enum
Spawns a bunch of invisible armor stands to create something-like a hologram.
HOLOGRAM_LINES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The hologram lines config file
HologramController - Interface in
The HologramController is basically the brain of the hologram.
HologramControllerType - Enum in
Represents the type of the HologramController
HologramEntity - Interface in
The plugin has a special feature included called "Holohraphic Entities".
HologramEquipment - Interface in
Represents the externally visible equipment inventory of a hologram.
HologramEquipment.Slot - Enum in
Represents a slot in a holograms equipment inventory.
HologramSkin - Interface in
Represents the skin of the hologram.
HologramSkinType - Enum in
The skin of the hologram which specifies the way the hologram is going look like.
HolographicHologramSkin - Interface in
Represents a "holograph" (don't get confused by "holograms").
HolographicHologramSkin.PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier - Interface in
Displays specific lines that vary to each player.
Hook - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents an extension handler for third-party plugins by hooking into their feature-set.
HookAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Aggregates a collection of APIs that are used to maintain a list for features that MBedwars makes use of.
HookCategory - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a generalized category to which a hook may itself assign to.
HYPIXEL - Enum constant in enum
HYPIXEL - Enum constant in enum
HYPIXEL_V2 - Enum constant in enum
HYPIXELV2 - Enum constant in enum


ICON - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
ICON - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
ID_DEFAULT_BASE - Static variable in interface
ID_DEFAULT_UPGRADEDEALER - Static variable in interface
Gets added when a player purchases an upgrade
IGNORE_STATE_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result
Does everything as ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result.DONT_CANCEL, only doesn't update the internal state.
ignoresCancelEvent() - Method in interface
Ignore it.
ignoresCancelEvent() - Method in class
ImmutableLocation - Class in
Extends Location and forbids any modifications done to it
ImmutableLocation(Location) - Constructor for class
ImmutableLocation(World, double, double, double) - Constructor for class
ImmutableLocation(World, double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZ - Class in
Extends XYZ and forbids any modifications done to it
ImmutableXYZ() - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZ(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZ(XYZ) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZ(Location) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZ(Vector) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD - Class in
Extends XYZD and forbids any modifications done to it
ImmutableXYZD() - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(double, double, double, XYZD.Direction) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(XYZ) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(XYZD) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(Location) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZD(Vector) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP - Class in
Extends XYZYP and forbids any modifications done to it
ImmutableXYZYP() - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(XYZ) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(XYZYP) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(Location) - Constructor for class
ImmutableXYZYP(Vector) - Constructor for class
includesPlayer(UUID) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
Checks whether the given uuid was a part of the joining action.
INGAME - Enum constant in enum
In a round (ArenaStatus.RUNNING)
INGAME_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
init(Plugin) - Static method in class
Initializes the chain.
InitBedwarsAPILayer - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
InitBedwarsAPILayer() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.InitBedwarsAPILayer
INITIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.AttributeChangeCause
Used when the attributes container is being loaded.
initMigrationProcess(MigrationProcess.Origin) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
INSIDE_NON_BUILD_RADIUS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
Block that gets broken/placed is inside a region in which you may not do that (such as near the team spawn).
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler.Silent
INSTANCE - Static variable in class
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
INSTANCE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.InitBedwarsAPILayer
INSTANCE - Static variable in class
INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
IntXYZ - Class in
Represents a 3-dimensional int position (i.a. block coord)
IntXYZ() - Constructor for class
IntXYZ(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
IntXYZ(XYZ) - Constructor for class
IntXYZ(Block) - Constructor for class
IntXYZ(Location) - Constructor for class
IntXYZ(Vector) - Constructor for class
isActive() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Gets whether this manager is currently actively processing the cloning of new arenas.
isActive() - Method in class
Returns true when SpecialItemUseSession.stop() hasn't been called yet
isActive() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.Hook
Get whether the hook is currently registered and active.
isActive() - Method in interface
Returns if the controller is still bound to an existing hologram.
isActive() - Method in class
Returns whether this sound is active.
isActive(Hook) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
isActive(Player) - Method in class
Returns whether or not the scoreboard is active for a given player.
isAffectingAchievements() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Whether achievements shall be purged.
isAffectingAllPlayers() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Whether all players are affected from this purge, and not just a single one.
isAffectingProperties() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Whether properties shall be purged.
isAffectingStats() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Whether stats shall be purged.
isAND() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Whether all childrens are being checked using the AND operator.
isAPIActive() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns whether the current instance is actually the instance that is currently implemented.
isApplicable(TeamEnchantment.Target, ItemStack) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
isApplicable(ItemStack) - Method in class
Get whether this enchantment is applicable to the given material.
isApplyingStoredInventory() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Get whether the player's stored inventory does get applied with this reason.
isApplyingStoredInventory() - Method in enum
Get whether the player's stored inventory does get applied with this reason.
isArenaNameValid(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Returns weather or not the given String can be used as the name for an arena
isAsConsole() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand
Whether the command shall be executed as console.
isAsConsole() - Method in interface
Returns if the command will be executed as the player or as the console
isAutoAssignTeam() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Whether auto-assign has been enabled using AddRemotePlayerInfo.setAutoAssignTeam(boolean).
isAutoWear() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this item is automatically getting worn on purchase
isBackingUpInventory() - Method in enum
Get whether a back up of the player's inventory is being created in this reason.
isBedDestroyed(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether the bed of a team has been destroyed.
isBedrockPlayer(UUID) - Method in interface
Returns whether the player is playing using Minecraft's Bedrock Edition or not.
isBedrockPlayer(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface
Returns whether the player is playing using Minecraft's Bedrock Edition or not.
isBeta() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not the layout is in beta state
Beta meaning that the layout hasn't been completely finished yet or hasn't been tested
isBeta() - Method in interface
Returns whether the layout is in beta state
isBlockPlayerPlaced(Block) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
There are configurations which limit the block breaking to blocks that have been placed by players.
isBreakEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Whether the player tries to break a block.
isBroadcastingMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Whether or not a message will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade or trap is purchased
isBroadcastingMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Whether or not a message will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
isBroadcastingSound() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Whether or not a sound will be played when an upgrade or trap is purchased
isBroadcastingSound() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Whether or not a sound will be played when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
isBroadcastingTitle() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Whether or not a title will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
isBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
isBukkitPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns whether an online player executed this.
isBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
isBukkitPlayer() - Method in class
isCacheOnly() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
Whether only the local cache is affected.
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
isClone() - Method in interface
Checks whether this instance is a clone (as if it has been cloned using BuyGroup.clone()).
isClone() - Method in interface
Checks whether this instance is a clone (as if it has been cloned using ShopItem.clone()).
isClone() - Method in interface
Checks whether this instance is a clone (as if it has been cloned using ShopPage.clone()).
isCloned() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether this arena has been cloned from an other arena.
isCommandsAsConsole() - Method in interface
Returns whether the commands (LobbyItem.getCommands()) will be executed as console or as the player who used the item.
isCommandsAsConsole() - Method in interface
Returns whether the commands (SpectatorItem.getCommands()) will be executed as console or as the player who used the item.
isConditionVariableRegistered(ArenaConditionVariable<?>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Gets whether a given condition variable instance is currently registered
isConsole() - Method in class
isConsole() - Method in interface
Returns whether it was the console that executed the command.
isConsole() - Method in class
isConsole() - Method in class
isCustomNameEnabled() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether this arena has a custom name enabled that'll be displayed (Arena.getDisplayName()) in favor of the actual name (Arena.getName()).
isDeathSpectating() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns whether the player will have to wait by spectating.
isDecliningServerMovement() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
In somce cases the player is only getting teleported to the hub position on the local server.
isDefault() - Method in class
Returns if it's the ScoreboardHandler provided by MBedwars
isDefault() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageProcessor
Returns if it's the MessageProcessor provided by MBedwars
isDefault() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.PlayerLocaleFetcher
Returns if it's the PlayerLocaleFetcher provided by MBedwars
isDisplayingJoinMessage() - Method in enum
Get whether the join message shall be sent to the player with this reason.
isDisplayingLeaveMessage() - Method in enum
Get whether the leave message shall be sent to the player with this reason.
isDoingUpgrade() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns whether or not the player will receive the products of the item.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
isEnabled() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Get whether it has been enabled by the server administrator.
isFatalDeath() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Returns whether or not the player is getting excluded due his death.
isFlyingStraight() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Returns whether the fireball shall fly straight.
isForcefully() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Returns whether all players are being forcefully being removed from their existing arenas.
isFreed() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Returns whether the Message instance has been put back to the pool or not.
isFromRemoteServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Get whether a non-local server has caused the change.
isFromRemoteServer() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Get whether a non-local server has caused the change.
isFromSpawner() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
Get whether it has never picked up before or whether a player just dropped it and picked it up again.
isGameStats() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Get whether this stats instance holds the stats of a running match, and not the total ones.
isGivingEffects() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
Returns whether effects will be given to the player respawning.
isGivingItems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundStartEvent
Returns whether spawn items will be given to the player respawning.
isGivingItems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
Returns whether spawn items will be given to the player respawning.
isGivingProducts() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns whether or not the player will receive the products of the item.
isGUITitleAsShopPage() - Method in interface
Returns whether the title of the GUI should be the same as the shop page.
isHub() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
isHub() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Whether this server represents a location to which the player gets teleported when he leaves the arena (or when the match ends).
isIdAutogenerated() - Method in interface
Get whether the id of this item has been auto-generated or not.
isIgnoringLimits() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
Whether certain limitations shall be ignored (see ArenaCloningManager.addToQueue(QueuedCloningArena)).
isIngameTimerTicking() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether or not currently the ingame timer is countding down
isInitial() - Method in enum
Get whether the player opened the shop for the first time and not by e.g. changing the page.
isInitial() - Method in enum
Get whether the player opened the shop for the first time and not by e.g. refreshing the GUI.
isInside(IntXYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Checks whether the given location is inside the arena.
isInside(XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Checks whether the given location is inside the arena.
isInside(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Checks whether the given location is inside the arena.
isInstantPlayerDataSyncingActive() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns whether sync-player-data is active in ProxySync's configs.
isInteractableBlock(Material) - Method in interface
Might break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType API
isInternallyEffect() - Method in class
Returns whether Effect is being used.
isInternallyParticle() - Method in class
Returns whether Particle is being used.
isIssuePresent(PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Returns whether the given issue is present.
isKeptOnDeath() - Method in interface
Returns whether the item will be kept when the player dies.
isLeader() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.PartiesHook.Member
Get whether he is a leader of the party or not.
isLeftClick() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a left click.
isLobby() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Returns true when using:
- ArenaStatus.LOBBY
- ArenaStatus.END_LOBBY
isLocal() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Gets whether the arena is located on our server, or if it's being managed by an other one.
isLocal() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Gets whether the player is currently playing on this server and not on another one.
isLocal() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets whether this instance represents the server on which you are accessing the API with-
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in interface
Returns whether this object is wrapping a sender this is located on this server.
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocal() - Method in class
isLocalOnly() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Returns whether a networking system has been actually implemented.
isMaxLevel(Upgrade) - Method in interface
Checks if an upgrade is maxed out.
isMerging() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not it merges with other items.
isNaturalInteractionCancelled() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns whether the plugin will accept the handling of the natural behaviour of whatever would actually happen.
isNormal() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
isOffHand() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns whether the player used the item in his off-hand.
isOneTimePurchase() - Method in interface
Returns whether the item can be only bought once.
isOnline() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Gets whether he is currently online.
isOnline() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Gets whether the arena is still online.
isOnlyForPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Whether or not only players are able to execute the command
isOR() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Whether all childrens are being checked using the OR operator.
isOutdated() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Get whether the age of this object is larger than PlayerDamageInfo.MAX_AGE.
isPersistent() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not it'll stay even after a reload.
isPlaceEvent() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Whether the player tries to place a block.
isPlayer() - Method in class
isPlayer() - Method in interface
Returns whether it was a player who executed the command.
isPlayer() - Method in class
isPlayer() - Method in class
isPlayerBlockMarkingSupported() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Plugin might mark blocks as player placed depending on their configuration.
isPlayerCaused() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
It's possible that beds get broken without the influence of a player.
isPlayerTrapBypassKeepOnDeath(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Whether or not the players ability to bypass teams traps will remain if they die.
isPlaying() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Returns whether he is playing a match (also includes the lobby state).
isPlayingSound() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get whether a sound shall be played.
isPlayingSound() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Whether the bed break sound is being played.
isPresent() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this modifier still exists in SpawnerDurationModifier.getSpawner()
isPresent() - Method in interface
Returns if this Spectator instance is still present.
isPriceAutoScaling() - Method in interface
Weather or not this upgrade auto-scales its pricing.
isPrivateChest() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
isPrizeForMatchEnabled() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Get whether prizes (rewards in form of e.g. coins) will be given to players during this match.
isPunch() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent
Get whether the player tried to punch the hologram entity with this interaction.
isRageQuit() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Get whether leaving a running match with this reason is considered a rage quit.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Any changes made to this instance will not be saved, even if tried.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Any changes made to this instance will not be saved, even if tried.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Any changes made to this instance will not be saved, even if tried.
isRegenerationBlocksSavingProcessRunning() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
The saving process of the blocks inside the arenas (aka regeneration blocks) is being executed async.
isRegistered() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariable
Returns whether this instance is registered.
isRegistered() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Returns whether or not this addon is registered and ready to be used.
isRegistered() - Method in class
Returns whether or not this handler is registered.
isRegistered() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not it has been added to the registry.
isRegistered() - Method in interface
Returns whether this item has been registered using GameAPI.registerSpecialItem(SpecialItem)
isRegistered() - Method in class
Returns whether or not this handler is registered.
isRegistered() - Method in class
Returns whether this handler is registered.
isRegisteredAddon(BedwarsAddon) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
isRejoinPermitted() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Get whether a player will be allowed to rejoin the arena with this reason.
isRejoinPermitted() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Returns if the player is able to rejoin the match.
isRemote() - Method in class
isRemote() - Method in interface
Returns whether this object is wrapping a sender this is located on another server.
isRemote() - Method in class
isRemote() - Method in class
isRemotePlayer() - Method in class
isRemotePlayer() - Method in interface
Returns whether it's a player on a remote server.
isRemotePlayer() - Method in class
isRemotePlayer() - Method in class
isRepeatable() - Method in interface
Weather or not this upgrade is repeatable.
isResetPlayerTimeOnQuit() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets whether the player's time shall be reset to default after one leaves.
isResetPlayerWeatherOnQuit() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Gets whether the player's weather shall be reset to default after one leaves.
isRightClick() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a right click.
isRunning() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Returns whether it is still running
isRunning() - Method in class
Checks if the chain is running right now.
isRunningPaper() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not this server is running paper or a fork of paper
isSelectorRegistered(ArenaSelector) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Find out whether a selector is currently registered
isSendingChatMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get whether a chat message shall be sent.
isSendingChatMessage() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Get whether a chat message shall be sent.
isSendingChatMessage(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set whether a chat message shall be sent.
isSendingTitle() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Get whether a title shall be sent.
isSendingTitle() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Get whether a title message shall be sent.
isShiftClick() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns whether or not the player shift-clicked while buying the item and by that tries to buy a whole stack.
isShiftClick() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
Gets whether the ClickType for this event indicates that the key was pressed down when the click was made.
isSneaking() - Method in interface
Returns whether the NPC is sneaking or not.
isSpecialItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Returns whether or not the given ItemStack is running this SpecialItem when used.
isSpectating() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Returns whether he is currently spectating an arena.
isSpectatorFallbackActive() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Whether they shall fallback as spectators.
isSQLServiceActive() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Returns whether the plugin is currently connected to a SQL database.
isStacked() - Method in interface
Whether items shall be displayed as a single one in the shop GUI.
isStartup() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ConfigsLoadEvent
Returns whether this event is being executed for the first time due to the loading that occured with starting up the plugin.
isStorage() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
Whether the given type is a storage type.
Issue(String, ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
Issue(String, String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
Issue(String, String, ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue
ISSUES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
isSupported() - Method in enum
Returns whether the current spigot software supports the slot type.
isTakingFromQueue() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
If true the trap will be pulled from the upgrade queue.
isTakingItem() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Returns whether the item will be taken from the players inventory.
isTakingPayments() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Returns whether or not the it'll take the payments from the player.
isTakingPayments() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns whether or not it will take the payments from the player.
isTaskable() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
Returns is it's safe to create a BukkitTask during this state
isTeamChest() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
isTeamEnabled(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Returns whether or not a team is enabled.
isTeleportingToHub() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Get whether the player is being teleported to the hub with this reason.
isTeleportingToHub() - Method in enum
Get whether the player is being teleported to the hub with this reason.
isTie() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
Returns if the round has ended as a tie.
isTie() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
Returns if the round has ended as a tie.
isTranquil() - Method in interface
Returns whether or not the item is tranquil.
isTrap() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Returns if the handler attached to this upgrade level is a trap handler
isTrap() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Returns if the handler attached to this UpgradeLevel is a trap handler
isTrap() - Method in interface
Returns whether this UpgradeLevel is a trap.
isTrap() - Method in class
Returns weather or not this is a trap handler.
isTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class
isUnbreakable() - Method in interface
Returns if this item is able to obtain any damage
isVanilla() - Method in class
Returns whether this sound is a vanilla sound or whether it's a custom sound that requires a resource pack.
isVisible() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Returns whether or not this command is visible in help.
isVisible() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
A button may exist in the GUI, but this does not mean that it's actually visible.
isVisible(Spectator, SpectatorItem) - Method in class
Whether or not the item shall be shown and usable at the given circumstances.
isVisible(Player, Arena, LobbyItem) - Method in class
Whether the item shall be shown and usable at the given circumstances.
isZero() - Method in class
Get whether all coordinates are set to 0
isZero() - Method in class
Get whether all coordinates are set to 0
ITEM - Enum constant in enum
Represents an ItemStack (ItemShopPrice)
ITEM - Enum constant in enum
Represents an ItemStack
ItemShopPrice - Interface in
ItemShopProduct - Interface in


JOIN_ARENA - Enum constant in enum
He joined an arena (e.g. with /bw join).
JOIN_ARENA_SIGN - Enum constant in enum
A sign which makes the player join the arena once he interacts with it.
JOIN_DIRECTLY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
He tried to join the arena directly (e.g.
JOIN_FULL_LOBBIES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Players using this permission are able to join full lobbies.
JoinArenaSignBlock - Interface in
A sign which makes the player join the arena once he interacts with it
JOINED_TOO_LATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
It took him too long to join.


K_D - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
keySet() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
kick() - Method in interface
kick(KickSpectatorReason) - Method in interface
Stops the player from spectating any further.
KICK - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player got kicked by e.g.
KICK - Enum constant in enum
Player has been kicked
kickAllPlayers() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Does the same as Arena.kickAllPlayers(KickReason), but uses KickReason.PLUGIN as the reason.
kickAllPlayers(KickReason) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Kicks every player who's currently inside the arena.
kickAllSpectators() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
kickAllSpectators(KickSpectatorReason) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Kicks every spectator of this arena
kickPlayer(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Does the same as Arena.kickPlayer(Player, KickReason), but passes KickReason.PLUGIN as the reason.
kickPlayer(Player, KickReason) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Kicks the player from the arena.
KickReason - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The reason why a player has left an arena.
KickSpectatorReason - Enum in
Reasons or causes why a player stopped spectating
KILL_STREAK - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
KILL_WITH_BOW - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
KILL_WITH_HALF_HEART - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
KILLS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet


LANGUAGE_PER_USER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Used for the "language-per-user-requires-permission" config.
LazyReference<T> - Class in
Represents a lazy reference that will only be initialized when it's being accessed.
LazyReference(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new lazy reference.
LeaderboardFetchResult - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
LeaderboardFetchResult(PlayerStatSet, int, int, PlayerStats[], PlayerProperties[]) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.LeaderboardFetchResult
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player left the arena
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum
Kicks player out of the arena.
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum
Player manually left the arena
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum
Player leaves the spectating mode when clicking on it.
left() - Method in interface
Retrieve the left value.
left() - Method in class
left() - Method in class
left(L) - Static method in interface
Creates a new Either with something set to the left value.
Left(L) - Constructor for class
LEFT_SERVER - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
He left the server during the join-process (e.g. if a plugin kicked him during PlayerJoinArenaEvent.
LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum
The legs slot.
LESS_THAN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber:
- Value must be less (not equal!)
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber:
- Value must be less than or equal to variable
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueString:
- Value string must end with the same letters as variables (letter casing is important)
lessThan(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
lessThan(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
lessThan(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
lessThanOrEqual(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
lessThanOrEqual(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
lessThanOrEqual(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
LIGHT_BLUE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
LIGHT_GRAY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
LIGHT_GREEN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
LIVING - Enum constant in enum
Represents a LivingEntity with a dynamic EntityType.
LivingEntityHologramSkin - Interface in
Represents an Entity that implements LivingEntity.
load(CustomBlock, JsonObject) - Method in interface
You may use the storage feature of the plugin.
This method is getting called when the data is getting loaded.
Load stuff from the JsonObject into the given block
LOADING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin is currently at Plugin.onLoad()
loadInternalYAML(Plugin, InputStream) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
Tries to load the YAML file as a language file.
LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Players are waiting for other players and until the game starts
LOBBY - Enum constant in enum
Waiting in the lobby (ArenaStatus.LOBBY)
LOBBY_HOTBAR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The lobby hotbar config file
LOBBY_NEED_SLOT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player got kicked during lobby phase as someone with a higher role wants to join the full arena
LOBBY_SELECT_TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
LOBBY_VOTE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
LobbyItem - Interface in
Represents an actual item that will be added into the hotbar to players during the lobby phase
LobbyItemHandler - Class in
Handles the execution of a LobbyItem.
LobbyItemHandler(String, Plugin) - Constructor for class
LobbyItemHandlerType - Enum in
Represents the type of LobbyItemHandler.
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
From local storage to the current active one
LOCATE_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum
Player entered as a spectator to watch another person play using the 'locate player' command.
LOSE - Enum constant in enum
Player lost and is now watching the game
LOSE_ROUND - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
LOSES - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet


MACE - Enum constant in enum
MAGIC_MILK - Enum constant in enum
MAGNETIC_SHOES - Enum constant in enum
MAIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The main config of MBedwars
MAIN_HAND - Enum constant in enum
Right hand.
MATCH_AREA_COLLIDES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The match area of the arena collides with other arenas.
MATCH_AREA_INTERFERES_GAME_DONE_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The hub-location (or also known as game-done-location) is inside the match area.
matches(PersistentBlockData) - Method in interface
Returns if the given instance is similar to this one.
matches(Block) - Method in interface
Returns whether the stored data matches the current data of the given block.
MAX_AGE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
Get the max age, until an instance is counted as invalid.
MAX_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
MAX_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
MAX_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
MAX_UPGRADE_VALUE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem
MAXIMUM - Enum constant in enum
He reached the max level
mergeFrom(ChestGUI, boolean) - Method in class
Copy over everything from another instance to this instance.
Message - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Easily hook into the messages system of MBedwars using this class.
MessageAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Contains API for the process of messages and languages.
MessageProcessor - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Handles the post-processing of a message.
MessageProcessor() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageProcessor
MigrationProcess - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api
It's possible to migrate from previous sources.
MigrationProcess.Callback - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api
A callback gets called when the process is done.
MigrationProcess.Origin - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api
The previous system that has been used from which we're migrating from.
MigrationProcessRunEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called when a process of migration has been started using
MigrationProcessRunEvent(MigrationProcess) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
MIN_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
MIN_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
MIN_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
MINESUCHT - Enum constant in enum
MINI_SHOP - Enum constant in enum
Player clicked on a dealer that has been spawned with SpecialItemType.MINI_SHOP
MINI_SHOP - Enum constant in enum
MINING_FATIGUE_TRAP - Enum constant in enum
Gives mining fatigue to infuriating players
MISCELLANEOUS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
Something that can't be generalized into the other categories.
MISSING_CORNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
No corners have been defined for region arenas.
MISSING_GAME_DONE_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The hub-location (or also known as game-done-location) is missing.
MISSING_GAME_WORLD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The game-world is either missing or not loaded.
MISSING_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
No (waiting) lobby is missing.
MISSING_TEAM_BED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
A bed of a team is missing.
MISSING_TEAM_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The spawnpoint of a team is missing.
MODIFY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
MONGO_DB - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
From mongodb storage to the current active one
moveToTeamDuringLobby(Player, Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Simulates as if the player would manually want to change the team.
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(double, double, double) - Method in class
multiply(int) - Method in class
multiply(int, int, int) - Method in class
MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum
Multiplies the value with the previous one (new = value * previous)


NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
newDyedMobSpell(Color) - Static method in class
Constructs a new VarParticle that displays swirls as seen with potion effects.
newDyedParticle(Color) - Static method in class
Constructs a new VarParticle that displays a redstone dust at the given color.
newInstanceByName(String) - Static method in class
Looks up for a particle/effect by the given name and returns a new instance.
newItemInstance() - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Constructs a new item that's being used for placing the bed during the set-up.
newItemInstance(CommandSender) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Constructs a new item that's being used for placing the bed during the set-up.
newItemInstance(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
newMessageInstance(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
newMessageInstance(String, String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
newMessageInstance(List<String>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
newRandomizedDyedSwirl(int, double) - Static method in class
Returns a new instance of VarParticle that persists of a random color.
next() - Method in class
NEXT_ROUND - Enum constant in enum
Clicking on it causes the player to get sent to a new game.
NICKNAMING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
A hook that implements NicknamingHook.
NicknamingHook - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a hook that modifies the display name of a player.
NIGHT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Player client time will be fixed at night
NMSHelper - Interface in
This class contains some helpers which may help you in solving NMS stuff
NO_INVENTORY_SPACE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
NON_PLAYER_PLACED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
A block gets destroyed that hasn't been placed by a player (it's a part of the map).
NONE - Static variable in class
Doesn't actually play any particle.
NOON - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Player client time will be fixed at noon
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum
NORMALV2 - Enum constant in enum
NORTH - Enum constant in enum
NOT_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
The game is not running anymore.
NOT_BETA_USER - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Beta mode is enabled and player doesn't have the Permissions.BETA_USER permission.
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem
NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Variable and value must not be equal.
NOT_IN_RUNNING_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
NOT_PARTICIPATING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
The player is not participating in any game.
NOT_PERMITTED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
NOT_UPGRADEABLE - Enum constant in enum
He is missing materials
NOT_VALID_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
A new game is running in which the player wasn't present.
notEqual(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
notEqual(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
notEqual(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class
notNullDeep(Object[], String) - Static method in class
NPC - Enum constant in enum
Equally to EntityType.PLAYER.
NPCHologramSkin - Interface in
Represents an "NPC"


OBTAIN_EVERY_ACHIEVEMENT - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
of(ArenaConditionVariable<?>) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
Creates a new instance of this class with a variable.
of(ArenaConditionVariableValue<?>) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
Creates a new instance of this class with a value.
of(Message) - Static method in interface
Creates a new supplier that auto-translates the given message for each player.
of(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class
Creates a new lazy reference.
of(List<Message>) - Static method in interface
Creates a new supplier that auto-translates the given message for each player.
OFF_HAND - Enum constant in enum
Left hand (1.9+ only).
onAutocomplete(CommandSenderWrapper, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CollectionCommandHandler
onAutocomplete(CommandSenderWrapper, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
Gets called whenever someone autocompletes (presses tab) on the command
onAutocomplete(CommandSenderWrapper, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.HelpCommandHandler
onAutocomplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Gets called whenever someone autocompletes (presses tab) on the command
onAutocomplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler.Silent
onAutocomplete(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
onClick(Player, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Gets called whenever a player clicked on an item in the GUI
onClick(Player, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
onClick(Player, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
onClose(Player) - Method in interface
Poor API implementation. Not using #super(player) with AnvilGUI and VillagerGUI can cause memory leaks. Use GUI.addCloseListener(Consumer) instead
onClose(Player) - Method in class
onClose(Player) - Method in class
ONETIMEPURCHASE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
onFail(Duration, String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Callback
Gets called when the process didn't finish due to an error or a manual cancellation
onFire(CommandSenderWrapper, String, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CollectionCommandHandler
onFire(CommandSenderWrapper, String, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
Gets called whenever someone executes the command
onFire(CommandSenderWrapper, String, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.HelpCommandHandler
onFire(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Gets called whenever someone executes the command
onFire(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler.Silent
onFire(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandlerWrappedSender
onInteract(CustomBlock, Player, PlayerInteractEvent) - Method in interface
A player may interact with the block.
onInteract(Player, PlayerInteractEvent) - Method in interface
Call this if you want to simulate an interaction of the player
onNumClick(Player, int) - Method in interface
Gets called when a player clicks on a number on his keyboard while hovering over item.
onNumClick(Player, int) - Method in class
onReady(Runnable) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Calls the callback when the API is ready to use.
onReady(Runnable) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
onRegister(SubCommand) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CollectionCommandHandler
onRegister(SubCommand) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler
Gets called whenever the command is getting added as handler
onRegister(SubCommand) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandHandler.Silent
onRegister(SubCommand) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.HelpCommandHandler
onSuccess(Duration) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Callback
Gets called when the process went sucessfully as inititally planned.
onTrigger(PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent) - Method in class
Handles the execution of the upgrade.
onWrite(Player, String) - Method in interface
Gets called when player is done writing
OP_BOW - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
open(AnvilGUI, Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
open(ChestGUI, Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
open(VillagerGUI, Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
open(Player) - Method in interface
Opens the GUI for the player
open(Player) - Method in class
open(Player) - Method in class
open(Player) - Method in class
openAchievementsGUI(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the AchievementsGUI for a player
openSession(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent) - Method in class
openSession(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent) - Method in interface
Use SpecialItemUseSession(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent) and pass it back to this event
Make sure to call SpecialItemUseSession.stop() when the item did its thing
Also optionally call SpecialItemUseSession.takeItem() when needed
openShop(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the shop for a player.
openShop(Player, ShopLayout) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the shop for a player.
openShop(Player, ShopLayout, ShopOpenCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the shop for a player.
openShop(Player, ShopLayout, ShopOpenCause, ShopPage) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the shop for a player.
openShop(Player, ShopOpenCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the shop for a player.
openSQLConnection() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Opens a new database connection (or takes one from the connection pool).
openUpgradeShop(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the upgrade shop for a player.
openUpgradeShop(Player, Arena, Team, UpgradeShopOpenCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Opens the upgrade shop for a player.
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
OUTSIDE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
The block has been placed/broken outside the playable area.
OWN_BED_DESTROYED - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement


Pair<K,V> - Class in
A convenience class to represent name-value pairs.
Pair(K, V) - Constructor for class
PAPI_PLACEHOLDERS - Enum constant in enum
Update PlaceholderAPI placeholders
parse(String) - Static method in interface
Tries to parse a previously encoded string using PersistentBlockData.getAsString().
parse(ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class
Parses a given config.
parse(ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class
Parses a sound from a ConfigurationSection.
parseCondition(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Parses the condition.
parseDouble(String) - Method in interface
Parses the string to a double
parseInt(String) - Method in interface
Parses the string to an int
parseItemStack(String) - Method in interface
Tries to form an ItemStack given by a String.
parseLong(String) - Method in interface
Parses the string to a long
parsePicker(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Parses the picker.
parseSNBTAsJson(String) - Method in interface
That method is prone to problems anyway and has no use for the MBedwars pluin
PARTICLE_CLOUD - Static variable in class
Plays the "CLOUD" particle effect.
PARTICLE_EXPLOSION_HUGE - Static variable in class
Plays the "EXPLOSION_HUGE" ("EXPLOSION_EMITTER" with 1.20.5+) particle effect.
PARTICLE_POTION_INVISIBILITY - Static variable in class
Plays the "MOB_SPELL" particle effect with the colors R129 G133 B149.
PARTICLE_SMOKE - Static variable in class
Plays the "SMOKE" particle effect.
PARTIES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
A hook that implements PartiesHook.
PartiesHook - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a class that hooks into a Parties system.
PartiesHook.Member - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a member of a party.
PartiesHook.Party - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook
Represents a party that holds various members.
PARTY_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
He got pulled into the arena by his party as his leader wants to join the arena.
PARTY_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
A party plugin caused the player to switch from one arena to another
Permissions - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api
Contains all permissions that are being provided by MBedwars
PersistentBlockData - Interface in
This class allows you to obtain, store and restore a blocks data.
PersistentStorage - Interface in
Represents a String-Map object for attaching custom and persistent data to its holding object
PersistentStorage.Holder - Interface in
Classes implementing this, add the possibility of attaching custom and persistent data to it
PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum
PINK - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
place(Block) - Method in interface
Places the data for a block at a specific location with applying phyics.
place(Block, boolean) - Method in interface
Places the data for a block at a specific location.
PLACE_TRAP - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
placeBed(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to place the bed of a team.
placeBedBlocks(Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to place the bed blocks of a team, but not change the internal state.
placeholder(String, Object) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Adds a placeholder to the message.
placeholder(String, String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Adds a placeholder to the message.
play(Player) - Method in class
Plays the sound to the player at the location of the player.
play(Player, Location) - Method in class
Plays the sound to the player at the given location.
play(Player, Location, Float, Float) - Method in class
Plays the sound to the player at the given location.
play(Location) - Method in class
Plays the particle globally at the given location.
play(Location) - Method in class
Plays the sound at the given location.
play(Location, Float, Float) - Method in class
Plays the sound at the given location.
play(Location, Player) - Method in class
Plays the particle for at the given location.
PLAY_TIME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
playCustomSound(Player, Location, String, float, float) - Method in interface
Plays a custom sound - even on a non-main thread.
playCustomSound(Location, String, float, float) - Method in interface
Plays a custom sound - even on a non-main thread.
PLAYER_ADD - Enum constant in enum
Player has joined the arena.
PLAYER_OFFLINE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
Player went offline.
PLAYER_OFFLINE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
The player went offline.
PLAYER_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum
Player has left the arena.
PLAYER_STATS_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum
Stats of a player have changed.
PLAYER_TEAM_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum
Player has changed his team.
PlayerAchievement - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
PlayerAchievements - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
PlayerAddBedEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player places a bed into an arena during set-up
PlayerAddBedEvent(Player, Arena, Team, Location) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerAddBedEvent
PlayerArenaVoteEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player votes for an arena in the voting phase.
PlayerArenaVoteEvent(Player, Arena, Arena, Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerArenaVoteEvent
PlayerBuyInShopEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player is buying an item from the shop
PlayerBuyInShopEvent(Player, Arena, ShopItem, ShopItem, ShopOpenCause, boolean, Integer, int, List<PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Default problems used and provided by the plugin
PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent(Player, Arena, Team, UpgradeLevel, List<PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Default problems used and provided by the plugin
PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when player closes an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)
PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI(Player, RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerCloseArenaEditorInSetupGUI
PlayerDamageInfo - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Contains info of the last even in which a player directly or indirectly received damaged.
PlayerDamageInfo() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.PlayerDamageInfo
PlayerDataAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
PlayerDataPurgeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called right before some (or all) parts of player's data gets cleared.
PlayerDataPurgeEvent(CommandSender, UUID, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Set<String>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDataPurgeEvent
PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever MBedwars is handling the drops of a players' death.
PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent(Player, Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerEarnAchievementEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player earns an achievement provided by MBedwars
PlayerEarnAchievementEvent(Player, PlayerAchievement, PlayerAchievements, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
PlayerIngameDeathEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player dies during a match
PlayerIngameDeathEvent(PlayerDeathEvent, Arena, boolean, Message, Set<Player>, int) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
PlayerIngameRespawnEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player has respawned in a game
PlayerIngameRespawnEvent(Player, Arena, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player either clicks or punches an HologramEntity
PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent(Player, HologramEntity, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractHologramEntityEvent
PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player tries to interact with a SpecialBlock
PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent(Player, SpecialBlock) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerInteractSpecialBlockEvent
PlayerJoinArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player joins an arena
PlayerJoinArenaEvent(Player, Arena, AddPlayerCause, Team, Set<AddPlayerIssue>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
PlayerKillPlayerEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when someone is killing someone else during a game
PlayerKillPlayerEvent(PlayerDeathEvent, Arena, boolean, Message, Set<Player>, int, Player, PlayerDamageInfo) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerKillPlayerEvent
PlayerLocaleFetcher - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.message
Used to fetch the locale of a player.
PlayerLocaleFetcher() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.PlayerLocaleFetcher
PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when we want to know whether a player is permitted to modify a block.
PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent(Player, Arena, Block, BlockEvent) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Reasons that cause the BlocKEvent to not get performed.
PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player is opening a chest in an arena.
PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent(Player, Arena, Team, Supplier<Inventory>, Block, PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType, PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent(Player, Arena, Team, Inventory, Block, PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType, PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent
PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
The type of chest that has been interacted with.
PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
The purpose of the chest opening.
PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when player opens an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)
PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI(Player, RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
PlayerOpenShopEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when the player is opening the shop or when he's clicking on a page in the GUI
PlayerOpenShopEvent(Player, Arena, ShopLayout, ShopOpenCause, ShopPage, Object) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
PlayerOpenUIEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a misc variant of a UI is being shown
PlayerOpenUIEvent(Player, ChestGUI, PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent
PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Get the type of the UI that can be shown.
PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when the player is opening the upgrade shop
PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent(Player, Arena, Team, UpgradeShopLayout, UpgradeShopOpenCause, Object) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
PlayerPickupDropEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever a player picks up a spawner item.
PlayerPickupDropEvent(Player, Arena, DropType, Item, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPickupDropEvent
PlayerProperties - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Basically a key/value (key and value being a String) Map that persists of various general-purpose information of a player.
PlayerPropertyChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever a value of a property has changed in a PlayerProperties, set or removed.
PlayerPropertyChangeEvent(PlayerProperties, boolean, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
PlayerQuitArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player leaves an arena
PlayerQuitArenaEvent(Player, Arena, KickReason, Team, QuitPlayerMemory) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerQuitArenaEvent
PlayerRejoinArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Player attempts to get added back to an arena after having quit it in the past.
PlayerRejoinArenaEvent(Player, Arena, RejoinPlayerCause, QuitPlayerMemory, Set<RejoinPlayerIssue>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
PlayerRemoveTrapEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player attempts to remove a trap.
PlayerRemoveTrapEvent(Player, Arena, UpgradeState, QueuedTrap) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRemoveTrapEvent
PLAYERS_PER_TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
PLAYERS_PER_TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
PLAYERS_PER_TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Called when the items that a player shall receive from a shop product are determined.
PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent(Player, Team, Arena, int, ShopProduct, ItemStack[], PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand[], CustomDropTypeHandler) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Represents that may be executed in the future.
PlayerStatChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever a value of a stat has changed in a PlayerStats.
PlayerStatChangeEvent(PlayerStats, boolean, boolean, String, Number, Number) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
PlayerStats - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
An instance represents a mutable collection of stats of a player.
PlayerStatsDataSetTypeWrapper - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
PlayerStatSet - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.player
Represents a handler for a data set
Data sets might be the kills, rank or the play time of the player
It has been built to be fully modular
There's only one global instance that's handling all players
PlayerTeamChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called after a player has changed his team.
PlayerTeamChangeEvent(Player, Arena, Team, Team) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeamChangeEvent
PlayerTeleportHubEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
This event gets called whenever the player gets teleported to the hub.
PlayerTeleportHubEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player teleports himself out of the arena during a game.
PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent(Player, Arena, Location, Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
This event is getting called when the player wants to do a transaction within a VillagerGUI
PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent(Player, VillagerGUI, Inventory, VillagerOffer, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent
PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when an upgrade is bought (and thus automatically triggered) or a trap is triggered.
PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent(Player, Arena, Team, UpgradeLevel, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever a player uses a LobbyItem
PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent(Player, LobbyItem, Arena, ItemStack) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseLobbyItemEvent
PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player is using a special item while he's in a game
PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent(Player, SpecialItem, Arena, ItemStack, boolean, Block, BlockFace, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player is about to use the SpecialItemType.FIREBALL special item.
PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent, ProjectileSource, Location, Vector, float, double, boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
playItemPickupAnimation(Entity, Entity, int) - Method in interface
Simulates an item, arrow, exp or whatever getting picked up.
playSound(Player, String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
playSound(Player, Location, Sound, float, float) - Method in interface
Plays a sound - even on a non-main thread.
playSound(Location, String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
playSound(Location, Sound, float, float) - Method in interface
Plays a sound - even on a non-main thread.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
A plugin made him enter it using the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
The bed was destroyed by a plugin using the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
A plugin has kicked the player
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
All custom added selectors have this type
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Custom type
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
A plugin made him rejoin using the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
A custom cause.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
A plugin added a custom issue.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
A custom reason added using the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A custom type created by something accessing the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A plugin opened the GUI
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A plugin kicked him
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A plugin made him into a spectator
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A custom type created by something accessing the API.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A plugin opened the GUI
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum
A custom type created by something accessing the API.
PLUGIN_EVENT_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
A plugin cancelled the process.
PLUGIN_EVENT_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
A plugin cancelled it using the API.
PLUGIN_STOP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Server/plugin is about to stop or to be reloaded
PLUGIN_STOP - Enum constant in enum
Server/plugin is about to stop or to be reloaded
PluginHookEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called before this plugin is attempting to hook itself into another one.
PluginHookEvent(Plugin) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginHookEvent
PluginPostHookEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called after this plugin tried to create a hook with another plugin.
PluginPostHookEvent(Plugin, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginPostHookEvent
PluginState - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api
Run states of a plugin
PluginUnhookEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called after a plugin has been unhooked.
PluginUnhookEvent(Plugin) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginUnhookEvent
prepareMigrationProcess(MigrationProcess.Origin) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Initiate a process of migration from another system, such as a Bedwars plugin or storage system.
PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType
An inventory only visible to the player himself.
Problem() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem
Problem() - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem
process(String, Message, String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageProcessor
The default processor processes it in the following way:
process(CommandSender, Message, boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageProcessor
Same as MessageProcessor.process(String, Message, String) put fetches the locale from the given target
PROCESS_ALREADY_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Rejoin process has already been started and is currently running for the player.
processLocal() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Filters out all local arenas that do not match the conditions and gets the arena that matches the arena.
processLocal(Collection<Arena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Filters out all local arenas that do not match the conditions and gets the arena that matches the arena.
processRemote() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Filters out all local arenas that do not match the conditions and gets the arena that matches the arena.
processRemote(Collection<? extends RemoteArena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Filters out all remote arenas that do not match the conditions and gets the arena that matches the arena.
PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
Proxy(ClickListener) - Constructor for class
PUNCH_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
The player manually broke the block with his hand.
PUNCH_TO_DEPOSIT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose
Punching the chest to deposit items.
purgeAllPlayerData(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Purges stored and cached data from ALL (!!)
purgeAllPlayerData(Set<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Purges stored and cached data from ALL (!!)
purgePlayerData(UUID, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Purges stored and cached data from a certain player.
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
put(String, String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings


QueuedCloningArena - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Represents a queued entry within ArenaCloningManager.
QueuedCloningArena(Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
QueuedCloningArena(Arena, Integer, boolean, Consumer<Optional<Arena>>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QueuedCloningArena
QueuedTrap - Class in
Represents a trap that has been bought and is queued to be activated.
QueuedTrap(UpgradeLevel, UUID) - Constructor for class
QueuedTrap(UpgradeLevel, OfflinePlayer) - Constructor for class
queueTrap(QueuedTrap, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a trap to the queue.
QuitPlayerMemory - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Gets constructed whenever a player leaves a running match.
QuitPlayerMemory(UUID, String, Team, boolean, Instant, Instant, Duration, boolean, Inventory, BukkitTask, int) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
QuitPlayerMemory(OfflinePlayer, Team, boolean, Instant, Instant, Duration, boolean, Inventory, BukkitTask, int) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory


RAGE_QUIT - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
RAINING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Weather will be fixed to precipitation
RANDOM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Chooses a completely random arena
RANK - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
RANKING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum
A sign which displays informations of a place in a leaderboard.
RANKING_SKULL - Enum constant in enum
A skull of a player on a specific rank.
RANKING_STATUE - Enum constant in enum
A ranking statue that displays a player info of a certain rank
RANKING_TOP_3 - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
RankingSignBlock - Interface in
A sign which displays informations of a place in a leaderboard
RankingSkullBlock - Interface in
A sign which displays informations of a place in a leaderboard
RankingStatueController - Interface in
Extending API if HologramControllerType.RANKING_STATUE is used.
readConfigProperties(ConfigurationSection) - Method in interface
Read the user-defined configurations from the layouts config file.
readConfigProperties(ConfigurationSection) - Method in interface
Read the user-defined configurations from the layouts config file.
RECONNECT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
Server relogged while we thought that it was still alive.
RED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
refresh() - Method in interface
Will reopen the current GUI
refresh() - Method in interface
Will reopen the current GUI
refresh(Object) - Method in interface
Will reopen the current GUI
REFRESH - Enum constant in enum
Page has been refreshed (After a purchase)
REFRESH - Enum constant in enum
The upgrade shop GUI has been refreshed.
REGENERATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result
Arena will regenerate like normal
REGENERATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
REGENERATION_TYPE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
REGENERATION_TYPE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
RegenerationType - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The "regeneration type" or just simply "type" describes the form of an arena
REGION - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
Game fills only a given rectangular region
REGION_GREATER_THAN_WORLD_MAX_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The region's maxY is greater than the world's max height.
REGION_LESS_THAN_WORLD_MIN_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
The region's minY is less than the world's min height.
register() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Tries to register this addon.
registerAddon(BedwarsAddon) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
registerCloudSystemHook(CloudSystemHook) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Manually register a new cloud system hook.
registerConditionVariable(ArenaConditionVariable<?>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to register the condition variable
registerCustomSpawnerHandler(CustomDropTypeHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Registers the custom spawner handler.
registerDefaultMappings(DefaultMessageMappings) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
A mapping contains a collection of messages that'll be used when the user tries to obtain a message from his messages file that is however not present.
registerLobbyItemHandler(LobbyItemHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Registers a handler for LobbyItems.
registerNicknamingHook(NicknamingHook) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Manually register a new nicknaming hook.
registerPartiesHook(PartiesHook) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Manually register a new parties hook.
registerSelector(ArenaSelector) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to register a new selector instance.
registerShopLayout(ShopLayout) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Create and register your own custom ShopLayout using this method.
registerSpecialItem(SpecialItem) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Reregisters a SpecialItem that previously has been unregistered.
registerSpecialItem(String, Plugin, String, ItemStack) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Registers a custom SpecialItem for the later ingame use.
registerSpectatorItemHandler(SpectatorItemHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Registers a handler for SpectatorItems.
registerStatSet(PlayerStatSet) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to register this data set and make it display everywhere in the plugin.
registerTradeListener(Consumer<PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent>) - Method in class
Registers a listener that will be called when a player successfully executes a trade.
registerUpgradeShopLayout(UpgradeShopLayout) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Create and register your own custom UpgradeShopLayout using this method.
registerUpgradeTriggerHandler(UpgradeTriggerHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Registers a custom UpgradeTriggerHandler for use in the upgradeshop.
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose
Regularly opening it by interacting with it.
REGULAR_TRAP - Enum constant in enum
Gives an infiltrating player blindness and slowness
REJOIN_ARENA_NAME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The name of the arena in which he lastly played inside.
REJOIN_SERVER_NAME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The bungeecord name of the server in which he lastly played inside.
REJOIN_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
All the team's members left the game and did not rejoin in time.
rejoinPlayer(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to make the player rejoin an already active game.
rejoinPlayer(Player, QuitPlayerMemory) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Tries to make the player rejoin an already active game using some rejoin info contained in the memory.
rejoinPlayer(Player, Consumer<Optional<RejoinPlayerIssue>>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to make the player rejoin the arena he previously was playing in.
RejoinPlayerCause - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
The reason why a player rejoined an arena.
RejoinPlayerIssue - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
Reasons why a player has failed to rejoin a match.
reload(CommandSender) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Attempts to reload the MBedwars plugin 1.
reload(CommandSender) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
REMAINING_SLOTS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Amount until Arena.getMaxPlayers() is reached
REMOTE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.AttributeChangeCause
Used by the ProxySync addon.
RemoteAPI - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Generally, this API only gets replaced by the ProxySync addon.
RemoteArena - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents an arena that is located on another server, or on this server.
RemoteArenaAddEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called when an arena from another server has been added to our local collection.
RemoteArenaAddEvent(RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaAddEvent
RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called whenever properties of a remote arena changed.
RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent(RemoteArena, Set<RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent
RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Some properties of the arena.
RemoteArenaRemoveEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called when an arena from another server has been removed from our local collection.
RemoteArenaRemoveEvent(RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaRemoveEvent
RemoteConsoleWrapper() - Constructor for class
RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
This event is being called when another server has sent a custom message to this server.
RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent(RemoteServer, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteCustomMessageReceiveEvent
RemotePlayer - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents a player on the network.
RemotePlayerAddResult - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents the result of what happened to the player that tried to enter an arena.
RemotePlayerAddResult(AddRemotePlayerInfo, AddPlayerIssue) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
RemotePlayerAddResult(AddRemotePlayerInfo, RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
RemotePlayerAddResult(RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult, Map<UUID, Pair<RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult, AddPlayerIssue>>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
RemotePlayerAddResult(Map<UUID, Pair<RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult, AddPlayerIssue>>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult
RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents a general result of what happened to all the players.
RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents the result of a specific player.
RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
A player joined an arena that is located on another server.
RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent(RemotePlayer, RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinArenaEvent
RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called when a remote player joined a server on the network.
RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent(RemotePlayer) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerJoinServerEvent
RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called right before a player is being pulled into this server to join an arena.
RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent(RemotePlayer, Arena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
A player left an arena that is located on another server.
RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent(RemotePlayer, RemoteArena) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitArenaEvent
RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called when a remote player left a server on the network.
RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent(RemotePlayer) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerQuitServerEvent
RemotePlayerWrapper() - Constructor for class
RemoteServer - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents a server in the network, including ours.
RemoteServerConnectEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called whenever we successfully connected with another server.
RemoteServerConnectEvent(RemoteServer) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectEvent
RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called whenever a server wants to connect to the network.
RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent(String, boolean, int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerConnectRequestEvent
RemoteServerDisconnectEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
Gets called whenever we disconnected with another server.
RemoteServerDisconnectEvent(RemoteServer, RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent
RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote
The reasons why no connection is further kept with this server.
RemoteSpectatorAddResult - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents the result of a player that tried to get added as a spectator.
RemoteSpectatorAddResult(UUID, RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult
RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote
Represents the exact result of what happened to the player that tried to spectate.
remove() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes the arena and kicks all playing players + spectators.
remove() - Method in interface
Tries to remove the spawner from the arena.
remove() - Method in interface
Tries to remove this block from its WorldStorage
remove() - Method in interface
Completely removes the hologram.
remove(PlayerAchievement) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Removes the achievement from the earned list.
remove(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
remove(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Removes everything we know about a given key-value pair.
remove(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Removes the property from the internal storage.
remove(String) - Method in interface
Removes everything we know about a given key-value pair.
remove(String, AttributeChangeCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Removes the property from the internal storage.
REMOVE_ALL_SPAWNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
removeAllAuthors() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes all existing authors.
removeAllProblems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Removes all problems and makes it buyable by that.
removeAllProblems() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Removes all problems and makes it buyable by that.
removeAuthor(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes an author.
removeCallback(MigrationProcess.Callback) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
Remove a previously added callback.
removeCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in interface
Removes a close listener from the gui.
removeCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
removeCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
removeCloseListener(Consumer<Player>) - Method in class
removeCommand(SubCommand) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Removes the command from the collection
removeCommand(String) - Method in interface
Removes a command from the LobbyItem.getCommands() List.
removeCommand(String) - Method in interface
Removes a command from the SpectatorItem.getCommands() List.
removeConnectedItems(ShopItem) - Method in interface
Removes all ShopItems that share the original instance.
removeDeathMessageTarget(Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Remove a player to whom the custom death message shall not be displayed to.
removeDeathMessageTargets(Collection<? extends Player>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Remove players to whom the custom death message shall not be displayed to.
removeDropDurationModifier(SpawnerDurationModifier) - Method in interface
Removes an existing modifier.
removeFromAddingQueue(QueuedCloningArena) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
Removes a single arena from the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
removeFromQueue(Arena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaCloningManager
Removes a single instance of an arena from the queue.
removeHandler(PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent.Handler) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerDeathInventoryDropEvent
Tries to remove a Handler that has been added before
removeIssue(AddPlayerIssue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Removes an issue.
removeIssue(RejoinPlayerIssue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerRejoinArenaEvent
Removes an issue.
removeIssue(ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.Issue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Remove a specific issue from this event
removeIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent
Removes every issue and causes the arena to be enabled anyways
removeIssues() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Removes all existing issues.
removeItem(ShopItem) - Method in interface
Removes an item from this shop page.
removeListener(WriteListener) - Method in class
Removes an already added listener from this GUI
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
removeOffer(VillagerOffer) - Method in class
Removes an existing offer.
removePlayerTrapBypass(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes a player's ability to bypass team traps
removePrice(ShopPrice) - Method in interface
Removes a price instance from this item.
removePrizeForMatchDisabledTicket(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Remove a ticket id from the list of reasons to disable prizes (rewards in form of e.g. coins, achievements, stats ...).
removeProblem(PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Removes a problem.
removeProblem(PlayerBuyInShopEvent.Problem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Removes a problem.
removeProblem(PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Removes a problem.
removeProblem(PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.Problem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Removes a problem.
removeProduct(ShopProduct) - Method in interface
Removes a product instance from this item.
removeShopItem(ShopItem) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Tries to remove a shop item and causes it to not be seen.
removeSpecialItemUseSession(SpecialItemUseSession) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
removeTeamEffect(Team, PotionEffectType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes an effect from a team
removeTeamEnchantment(Team, TeamEnchantment) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes a team enchantment from a team, and applies it to team players
removeTrap(QueuedTrap, Player) - Method in interface
Removes a queued trap.
RENAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
replace(String, String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
replace(String, String, AttributeChangeCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
replacePAPIPlaceholders(String, Player) - Method in interface
Will return a new String will all the PAPI (or similar supported plugins) being replaced.
RESCUE_PLATFORM - Enum constant in enum
resetGameStats() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Will reset the game stats.
resetSkin() - Method in interface
Removes the current skin of the NPC and causes it by that to look like Alex/Steve
RESETTING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
The game has finished.
REWINSIDE - Enum constant in enum
right() - Method in class
right() - Method in interface
Retrieve the right value.
right() - Method in class
right(R) - Static method in interface
Creates a new Either with something set to the right value.
Right(R) - Constructor for class
RoundEndEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a game has ended and is about to move into the EndLobby / Resetting state.
RoundEndEvent(Arena, Team, Collection<Player>, Collection<QuitPlayerMemory>, Collection<Player>, Collection<QuitPlayerMemory>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
RoundEndEvent(Arena, Team, Map<Player, Team>, Collection<QuitPlayerMemory>) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundEndEvent
ROUNDS_PLAYED - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
RoundStartEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when a round is about to start.
RoundStartEvent(Arena, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundStartEvent
run() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess
You must manually run this method in order to run this.
run() - Method in class
Runs the chain of tasks.
run() - Method in interface
The callback that gets ran.
run(List<? extends RemoteArena>, RemoteArena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelector
Make this selector do its thing using this method.
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
The game is running with players playing and spectators spectating
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin successfully started and is running now
runRegenerationBlocksSavingProcess() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
The saving process of the blocks inside the arenas (aka regeneration blocks) is being executed async.
runRegenerationBlocksSavingProcess(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
The saving process of the blocks inside the arenas (aka regeneration blocks) is being executed async.


save() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Asynchronously saves these achievements.
save() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Asynchronously saves these achievements.
save() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Asynchronously saves these stats.
save(CustomBlock, JsonObject) - Method in interface
You may use the storage feature of the plugin.
This method is getting called when the data is getting stored.
Load stuff from the given block into the JsonObject
save(Runnable) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Asynchronously saves these achievements.
save(Runnable) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Asynchronously saves these achievements.
save(Runnable) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Asynchronously saves these stats.
SAVE_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SAVE_REGION_CORNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
saveAllPlayerData(boolean, boolean, boolean, Runnable) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Announce to all servers (including this one) that we would like to save all locally-cached player data.
saveAsync() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Save the arenas current state.
saveAsync() - Method in interface
Forcefully save the storage.
saveNow() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Save the arenas current state.
saveNow(ConfigFile) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Saves a config file based on the data currently loaded in memory.
saveToString() - Method in class
ScoreboardHandler - Class in
Manages the creation and termination of a scoreboard and what's getting displayed on the scoreboard
ScoreboardHandler() - Constructor for class
ScoreboardType - Enum in
The occasion used by ScoreboardHandler to determinate what exactly shall be shown
ScoreboardUpdateCause - Enum in
What part of the scoreboard shall be updated
SELECT_TEAM - Enum constant in enum
Opens a GUI in which the player can select the team in which he wants to be in.
SELF_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
The remote server hasn't received any ping responses from us since a while and timed us out.
send(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
send(RemotePlayer, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
send(CommandSenderWrapper) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
send(CommandSenderWrapper, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
send(CommandSender) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
send(CommandSender, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.Message
Computes it and sends it to the person
sendConsoleMessage(String...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Sends a message to the console of the given server using CommandSender.sendMessage(String))
sendCustomMessage(String, byte[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteServer
Sends a custom message to this server.
sendMessage(String) - Method in class
sendMessage(String) - Method in class
sendMessage(String) - Method in class
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface
Sends a message to the sender.
sendMessage(String...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Sends messages to the player.
sendMessage(String...) - Method in class
sendMessage(String...) - Method in class
sendMessage(String...) - Method in class
sendMessage(String...) - Method in interface
Sends multiple messages to the sender.
sendMessage(BaseComponent...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Sends a message to the player.
sendMessage(BaseComponent...) - Method in class
sendMessage(BaseComponent...) - Method in class
sendMessage(BaseComponent...) - Method in class
sendMessage(BaseComponent...) - Method in interface
Sends a single message that persists of the following components.
sendPacket(Player, Object) - Method in interface
Will send a message to the player.
sendToHub() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayer
Causes a player to get teleported to the hub server.
sendToHub(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Causes a player to get teleported to the hub server.
sendToHub(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Sends the player to the hub.
sendToHub(Player, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Sends the player to the hub.
sendWorldTimePacket(Player, long) - Method in interface
Sends a world time packet to the given player.
serialize() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
Serializes a string representation that may as well be used to deserialize/parse it.
serialize() - Method in class
serialize() - Method in class
serialize() - Method in class
serialize() - Method in class
serialize(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Serializes a string representation that may as well be used to deserialize/parse it.
serialize(JsonObject) - Method in interface
Puts all the permanent data of this controller into a json object.
serialize(Writer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Serializes this every entry of this instance into a JsonObject String.
serializeAsConfig() - Method in class
Serializes this sound into a ConfigurationSection.
SERVER_CHANNEL_NAME - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
If the arena is local: Plugin tries to fetch the BungeeCord channel name and returns that one.
SERVER_DISCONNECT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player disconnected from the server
SERVER_DISCONNECT - Enum constant in enum
Player disconnected from the server
SERVER_FULL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
The server is full.
SERVER_OFFLINE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Server didn't reply to rejoin request.
SERVER_PLAYING_ARENAS_COUNT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Gets the amount of arenas on the server of the testing arena that has at least 1 player
ServerInfoDto(Arena, ArenaStatus, int, int, String) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
Sets the new coordinates
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
set(double, double, double) - Method in class
set(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the new coordinates
set(IntXYZ) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given object
set(XYZ) - Method in class
set(XYZ) - Method in class
set(XYZ) - Method in class
set(XYZ) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given object
set(XYZ) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given object
set(XYZ) - Method in class
set(XYZ) - Method in class
set(XYZD) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates and direction coordinates from the given object
set(XYZYP) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates and yaw/pitch coordinates from the given object
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Sets a boolean as the value for the given key.
set(String, Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Sets the value of a stats entry.
set(String, Number) - Method in interface
Sets a number as the value for the given key.
set(String, Number, AttributeChangeCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Sets the value of a stats entry,
set(String, String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Sets the value for the key.
set(String, String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Will set the value of the property with that key.
set(String, String) - Method in interface
Set an entry to the internal map.
set(String, String) - Method in interface
Set an entry to the internal map.
set(String, String, AttributeChangeCause) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Will set the value of the property with that key
Ignores whether the key is uppercase or undercase
You may only use the following chars for the key: a-z, 0-9, :, _
It's safe to use UTF8 for the value.
Values are limited to 8192 bytes, otherwise an exception will be thrown
set(String, ItemStack) - Method in interface
Sets an ItemStack as the value for the given key.
set(Block) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given block
set(Location) - Method in class
set(Location) - Method in class
set(Location) - Method in class
set(Location) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given object
set(Location) - Method in class
Copies and sets the xyz coordinates from the given object
set(Location) - Method in class
set(Location) - Method in class
SET - Enum constant in enum
Will throw away previous values and set it to a new one (new = value)
SET_GAME_WORLD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SET_LOBBY - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SET_REGION_CORNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SET_SPECTATOR_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
setActive(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this sound is active.
setAddingQueue(Queue<QueuedCloningArena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent
Sets the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
setAliases(String...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Set the new aliases of the command.
setAltDisplayName(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Will show this to the player as the cause that broke the bed.
setAmount(int) - Method in interface
Set the amount that will be given to the player.
Not any product type does support this operation, those who don't support it will return false
setAmplifier(double) - Method in interface
Sets the amplifier applied to this upgrade level.
setAND() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Use the AND operator.
setArena(Arena) - Method in interface
Set the new arena to which the player shall be added once he interacts with the block
setArenaName(String) - Method in interface
Set the new arena or arena picker to which shall be added once he interacts with the block
setArenasCondition(ArenaConditionGroup) - Method in interface
Set your own condition that may optionally be used to limit the arenas shown in the GUI.
setAsConsole(boolean) - Method in interface
Define if the command should be executed as if the console typed it or as if the buyer typed it.
setAttachement(Object) - Method in class
Set the optional attachment of this item.
setAutoAssignTeam(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Whether a team shall be automatically assigned.
setAutoAssignTeamIncludePlayers(Collection<RemotePlayer>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Set all players that shall also be concidered for the auto-team assignation.
setAutoIgnitionTicks(Integer) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Set the amount of ticks after which the fireball shall ignite itself.
setAutoWear(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether or not this item shall be automatically worn on purchase
setBedLocation(Team, XYZD) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sets the bed location of a team.
setBlockPlayerPlaced(Block, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
There are configurations which limit the block breaking to blocks that have been placed by players.
setBroadcastingMessage(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Sets whether or not a message will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade or trap is purchased
setBroadcastingMessage(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Sets whether or not a message will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
setBroadcastingSound(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Set whether or not a sound should be played when an upgrade or trap is purchased
setBroadcastingSound(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Set whether or not a sound should be played when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
setBroadcastingTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
Sets whether or not a title will be sent out to all team players when an upgrade is purchased, or when a trap is triggered
setBukkitColor(Color) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Set the corresponding Color of this team.
setBukkitColor(Color) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
setBungeeChatColor(ChatColor) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Set the corresponding ChatColor of this team.
setButtonIcon(PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button, ItemStack) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
setButtonVisibility(PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button, boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI
setBuyGroup(BuyGroup) - Method in interface
Set the new buy-group of this item or remove it from an existing one.
setBuyGroupLevel(int) - Method in interface
Set the buy-group level of this item.
setBuyGroupLevel(Player, BuyGroup, int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Modify the buy-group level of the player.
setBuyPermissionId(String) - Method in interface
Set a required buy permission for players.
setBypassTraps(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set if the player is able to bypass traps.
setCallingDropTypeHandler(CustomDropTypeHandler) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Set the custom drop type handlers that shall be called.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaDeleteEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.CommandExecuteEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.MigrationProcessRunEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerEarnAchievementEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
setCapsMultiply(int) - Method in interface
Set the max amount that'll be multiplied when shift-clicking the item in the shop.
setCause(AddPlayerCause) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Define the cause that made the player join the arena.
setCause(BedDestructionInfo.Cause) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set the specific cause or action of the bed destruction.
setChatColor(ChatColor) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
setChatMessage(Message) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Set a constant message that is equal for all players.
setChatMessageFunction(Function<Player, Message>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Set the function that is used to obtain the message that shall be sent to each player.
setChoice(Player, Arena) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Set the choice of a player.
setCommand(String) - Method in interface
Set the command that shall be executed on purchase
setCommandsAsConsole(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether the commands (LobbyItem.getCommands()) will be executed as console or as the player who used the item.
setCommandsAsConsole(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether the commands (SpectatorItem.getCommands()) will be executed as console or as the player who used the item.
setCompanionOwner(Entity, UUID) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Set the owner of a companion.
setCompanionOwner(Entity, OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Set the owner of a companion.
setConfigDescription(String) - Method in interface
Change the description of the item.
setConfigDroppingMaterials(ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Set the items that will be dropped.
setConfigName(String) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Set the formatted name of the team as it is present in the configs.
setConfigName(String) - Method in interface
Set the unformatted name of the config.
setConfigName(String) - Method in interface
Set the unformatted name of the config.
setConfigName(String) - Method in interface
Set the unformatted name of the config.
setConfigName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
setConfigPluralName(String) - Method in interface
Set the unformatted plural name of the config.
setControllerType(HologramControllerType) - Method in interface
Set the controller (aka the brain) of the hologram.
setCount(int) - Method in class
Set the amount of particles that will be shown.
setCountdown(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPreparingStartEvent
Set the new timer/countdown value.
setCurrentUpgradeLevel(UpgradeLevel) - Method in interface
Set the new level for the upgrade.
setCustomHandler(CustomDropTypeHandler) - Method in interface
Changes the custom handler that'll overtake the spawning process.
setCustomHandlerId(String) - Method in interface
Changes the id of the custom handler.
setCustomImplementationCallback(Consumer<Runnable>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportHubEvent
This method is used to define a custom implementation for the movement.
setCustomName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the custom name of the arena.
setCustomNameEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set whether this arena has a custom name enabled that'll be displayed (Arena.getDisplayName()) in favor of the actual name (Arena.getName()).
setDeathMessage(Message) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Set the death message that'll be displayed in the chat to the players instead of the default vanilla one.
setDeathSpectateDuration(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Set the duration in seconds in which the player will enter the spectator mode after his respawn.
setDestroyer(Player) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set the player that is responsible for the bed destruction.
setDestroyerName(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set the explicit name of the thing that broke it (e.g.
setDirection(XYZD.Direction) - Method in class
setDirection(XYZD.Direction) - Method in class
setDirection(Vector) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Sets the direction in which the fireball shall fly.
setDirection(Vector) - Method in class
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface
Set the name that will be displayed above his head.
setDoingUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Define whether or not if he'll get products.
setDropDuration(double) - Method in interface
Set the interval between the spawns in seconds.
setDropDurationExpression(String) - Method in interface
Set the mathematical expression that calculates the interval between the spawns in seconds.
setDroppingMaterials(ItemStack[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
Change the materials that the spawner should drop
setDropType(DropType) - Method in interface
Set the DropType aka the spawner that will be taken from the player on purchase.
setDropType(DropType) - Method in interface
Set the drop type aka the spawner that shall be given.
setDuration(int) - Method in interface
Sets the duration (in seconds) of an UpgradeLevel.
setDuration(Duration) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent
Set how long countdown will count down until the match starts.
setDyeColor(DyeColor) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Set the corresponding DyeColor of this team.
setDyeColor(DyeColor) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
setEarnDate(PlayerAchievement, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Sets the earn date of the achievement.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievement
Set whether it is enabled.
setEnforcedInitials(String) - Method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Set the initials of the team that shall be shown to players.
setEnforcedInitials(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.TeamWrapper
setEntityFollowRange(LivingEntity, double) - Method in interface
Changes the range in which the entity can follow its target/enemy.
setEntityMovementSpeed(LivingEntity, double) - Method in interface
Changes the movement speed of the given entity.
setEntitySilent(Entity, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes if an entity is silent, or is allowed to make noise.
setEntityTarget(Entity, Location) - Method in interface
Causes a walkable hologram to walk to a given location.
setEntityType(EntityType) - Method in interface
Change the EntityType to something else
setExecutingCommands(PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent.ExecutableCommand[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Set the commands that shall be executed.
setFatalDeath(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameDeathEvent
Set whether the player shall get excluded due his death.
setFirstPrice(ItemStack) - Method in class
Set the first price that will be taken from the player once he purchased the offer
setFlightSpeed(double) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Sets the speed of the fireball.
setForcefully(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Whether it should ignore that he's already playing within an arena.
setForceSlot(Integer) - Method in interface
Define at which it shall be forced at after the rendering of the shop GUI
Can be null if it shouldn't do that
setForceSlot(Integer) - Method in interface
Define at which slot the item shall be forced at after the rendering of the shop GUI.
setForceSlot(Integer) - Method in interface
Define at which it shall be forced at after the rendering of the upgrade shop GUI
Can be null if it shouldn't do that
setGameWorld(World) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sets the world in which the game is located at.
setGameWorldName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the name of the world in which the game is located at.
setGeneralAmount(int) - Method in interface
Set the general amount that will be taken from the player.
Not any product type does support this operation, those who don't support it will return false
setGivingEffects(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
Set whether or not effects will be given to the player when respawning.
setGivingItems(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.RoundStartEvent
Set whether spawn items will be given to the player when respawning.
setGivingItems(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerIngameRespawnEvent
Set whether or not spawn items will be given to the player when respawning.
setGivingItems(ItemStack[]) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
Set the items that the player shall receive.
setGivingProducts(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Define whether or not if he'll get products.
setGlowEffect(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface
Adds or removes a "glow" effect to an item.
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Set the GUI that shall be shown to the player.
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
Set the GUI that shall be shown to the player.
setHandler(CommandHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
The handler handles what should happen when the command is e.g. getting executed
setHandler(LobbyItemHandler) - Method in interface
Set the handler for this item.
setHandler(SpecialItemUseHandler) - Method in interface
Set the handler that's been called whenever someone uses the item.
setHandler(SpectatorItemHandler) - Method in interface
Set the handler for this item.
setHandler(CustomBlock.Handler) - Method in interface
Set the handler of this CustomBlock.
setHandlerId(String) - Method in interface
Set the handler id of this item.
setHandlerId(String) - Method in interface
Set the handler id of this item.
setHasContentAmount(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Set whether or not it'll display the amount of entries in /bw [...] help.
setHealth(float) - Method in interface
Change the amount of health.
setHeight(int) - Method in class
Resizes the inventory and tries to keep the content
setHelpCommand(CommandHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.CommandsCollection
Set the command that shall be executed when the player only executes the command on this collection level and not deeper
setHologramMaterial(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the material of the hologram that will be shown above the spawner ingame.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
Set the icon of the button.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the new icon for the arena.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the icon that shall be shown in the shop GUI.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the icon that shall be shown in the shop GUI.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the icon that will be shown inside GUIs.
setIcon(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Returns the id that's being used in e.g. the shop config
setId(String) - Method in interface
Set the type id of this custom block.
A plugin might have custom blocks but it's also important to be able to distinguish them
setIngameTimeRemaining(int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the time (in seconds) until an active match is ending.
setIssue(AddPlayerIssue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemotePlayerPreJoinLocalArenaEvent
Add an issue that may prevent the player from joining the arena.
setIssuePresent(PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue, boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent
Set whether an issue is present.
setItem(HologramEquipment.Slot, ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set an item at a certain slot.
setItem(GUIItem, int) - Method in interface
Set an item at a specific slot
setItem(GUIItem, int) - Method in class
setItem(GUIItem, int, int) - Method in interface
setItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the item that will be set into the hotbar.
setItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set the item that will be set into the hotbar.
setItem(ItemStack, int) - Method in interface
Set an item at a specific slot
setItem(ItemStack, int, int) - Method in interface
Set an item at a specific x and y coordinate
setItem(ItemStack, int, int, ClickListener) - Method in interface
Set an item at a specific x and y coordinate and listen whenever someone clicks on it
setItem(ItemStack, int, ClickListener) - Method in interface
Set an item at a specific slot and listen whenever someone clicks on it
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Replace the price item.
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Replace the product item.
setKeptOnDeath(boolean) - Method in interface
Define whether the item shall be kept on death.
setLastJoinTime(Instant) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the time when the player has the last time (re)joined the match
setLayout(ShopLayout) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Set the layout of the shop GUI that shall be shown.
setLayout(UpgradeShopLayout) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
Set the layout of the shop GUI that shall be shown.
setLayoutData(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
A layout may hold and pass around data during its session.
setLayoutData(Object) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUpgradeShopEvent
A layout may hold and pass around data during its session.
setLayoutId(String) - Method in interface
Set the id of the arenasgui layout that will be opened when clicked on.
setLines(String...) - Method in interface
Set the lines that shall be shown
setLines(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Set the lines that shall be shown
setLobbyLocation(Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the location for the lobby to which the players will be teleported at when they join the arena.
setLobbyTimeRemaining(double) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the new time until the lobby showdown is being executed.
setLobbyTimeRemaining(double, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the new time until the lobby showdown is being executed.
setLocaleFetcher(PlayerLocaleFetcher) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Set the active instance that fetches the locale of a player.
setLocation1(XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
Can be used for:
- RegenerationType.REGION
setLocation2(XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
Can be used for:
- RegenerationType.REGION
setMaxNearbyItems(int) - Method in interface
Set the amount of items that can lay near the spawner until it stops spawning more items.
setMaxNearbyItems(int) - Method in interface
Change the max nearby items for this spawner
setMerging(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether or not it should merge with other items.
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
setMinPlayers(int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the minimum amount of players that are needed to start a match.
setMinVisibilityRadius(int) - Method in interface
Make him only visible at a specific distance.
setMultiplier(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Set how often/many items he should receive the item.
setName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Changes the name of the arena.
setName(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
setName(String) - Method in interface
Changes the name of this ShopItem.
setName(String) - Method in interface
Set the name of the hologram that will be displayed above his head.
setNaturalInteractionCancelled(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Set whether the plugin should accept the handling of the natural behaviour of whatever would actually happen.
setNewStatus(ArenaStatus) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaStatusChangeEvent
Set the new status that should be set.
setNewTime(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaOutOfTimeEvent
Let the game continue running by changing the time.
setNewValue(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerPropertyChangeEvent
Modify the new value to be something else.
setNewValue(Number) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerStatChangeEvent
Modify the new value to be something else
setOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class
Set the random offset at which a particle may be spawned.
setOneTimePurchase(boolean) - Method in interface
Define whether the item can be only bought once.
setOnlyForPlayers(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Whether or not only players are able to execute the command
setOpenPage(ShopPage) - Method in interface
Sets the new open page.
Won't reopen the GUI when set
setOR() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
Use the OR operator.
setOverridingHologramLines(String[]) - Method in interface
While generally all hologram lines are basically the same you may make them unique per spawner using this spawner using this method.
setPage(ShopPage) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenShopEvent
Sets the page that shall be opened.
setPermission(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
The permission needed to use the command.
setPerPlayerVisibility(Predicate<Player>) - Method in interface
Set a Predicate that returns whether it should be visible to a player.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface
Returns whether or not it'll disappear after a reload.
setPersistentStorage(Arena, ArenaPersistentStorage) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
setPitch(float) - Method in class
setPitch(float) - Method in class
setPitch(float) - Method in class
setPitch(float) - Method in class
Sets the pitch of the sound.
setPlace(int) - Method in interface
Set the new place that shall be shown on the sign
setPlace(int) - Method in interface
Set the new place that shall be shown on the sign
setPlace(int) - Method in interface
Set the place of the player in the ranking.
setPlayerArmor(Player, ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface
Tries to make a player wear armor (ie automatically puts an items in a players armor slot)
setPlayerSpecificLinesSupplier(HolographicHologramSkin.PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier) - Method in interface
Set the (optional) supplier if you want to display lines specific to a player.
setPlayersPerTeam(int) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the amount of players that can be in a team.
setPlayerTeam(Player, Team) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Change the team of a player.
setPlayingSound(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set whether a sound shall be played.
setPlayingSound(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Define whether the bed break sound shall be played.
setPlayTime(Duration) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the total play time the player has been within the match.
setPool(List<Arena>) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
Set the new voting pool of the arena.
setPriceDropType(DropType) - Method in interface
Sets the DropType required to purchase the item
setProcessor(MessageProcessor) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
A MessageProcessor overtakes the post processing of a message.
setQuitTime(Instant) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the time when the player has the last time quit the arena.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerAchievements
Sets whether this instance is read-only.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Sets whether this instance is read-only.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStats
Sets whether this instance is read-only.
setRegenerationType(RegenerationType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
This method allows you to change the form of the arena
setRegenerationType(RegenerationType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
The regeneration type of an arena represents its form or its general behavior
setRegionCorners(XYZ, XYZ) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
An arena of the type RegenerationType.REGION has two corners.
setRegularPriceAmount(int) - Method in interface
Sets the amount of a specific DropType required to purchase this UpgradeLevel.
setRejoinPermitted(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set if the player is able to rejoin the match.
setRemoteAPI(RemoteAPI) - Static method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAPI
Implement your own remote API.
setRemoteAPI(RemoteAPI) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
setResetPlayerTimeOnQuit(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Define whether the player's time should be reset to default after one leaves.
setResetPlayerWeatherOnQuit(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Define whether the player's weather should be reset to default after one leaves.
setRestriction(ArenaConditionGroup) - Method in interface
Lets you restrict this ShopItem, so only be available in certain arenas
setRestriction(ArenaConditionGroup) - Method in interface
Lets you restrict this ShopPage, so only be available in certain arenas
setRestriction(ArenaConditionGroup) - Method in interface
Lets you restrict this Upgrade, so only be available in certain arenas
setResult(ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Set what should happen after the event.
setResult(ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent
Set what actually should happen after this event.
setResult(ItemStack) - Method in class
Set the item that will be given to the player once the offer has been purchased
setScoreboardHandler(ScoreboardHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Set the new handler for scoreboards.
setSecondPrice(ItemStack) - Method in class
Set the new optional second price that will be taken from the player once he purchased the offer
setSendingChatMessage(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Define whether a chat message shall be sent.
setSendingTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set whether a title shall be sent.
setSendingTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent
Define whether a title message shall be sent.
setServerMotd(String) - Method in interface
This may sound crazy, but Bukkit's API does not allow the direct change of the server's motd.
setShooter(ProjectileSource) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Sets the entity from whom the fireball shall come from.
setShopHypixelV2QuickBuyItems(ShopItem[]) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerProperties
Serializes and sets the entry DefaultPlayerProperty.SHOPDESIGN_HYPIXELV2_QUICKBUY for all the items that are stored in the quick buy.
setShopResourcesSpentAmount(int) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the amount of resources the player has spent in the shop.
setSkin(String, String) - Method in interface
Applies a skin to the NPC
setSkullTexture(Skull, String) - Method in interface
Applies a custom texture in a base64 format to a skull block.
setSkullTexture(SkullMeta, String) - Method in interface
Applies a custom texture in a base64 format to a skull item
setSneaking(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether the NPC is sneaking or not.
setSoloRejoinTask(BukkitTask) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the task used to eliminate a team if no players rejoin in the configured time.
setSpawnAtStart(int) - Method in interface
Set the amount of items that should be spawned at the start of the game.
setSpawnEffect(VarParticle) - Method in interface
Set the effect that it should play whenever it drops something.
setSpawnLocation(Location) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Sets the location where the fireball shall spawn.
setSpawnRadius(int) - Method in interface
Set the radius in which the item may randomly spawns.
setSpawnSound(VarSound) - Method in interface
Set the sound that it should play whenever it drops something.
setSpecialItem(SpecialItem) - Method in interface
Set the SpecialItem that shall be given on purchase
setSpecialItemId(String) - Method in interface
Set the id of the SpecialItem that shall be given.
setSpectatorFallback(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Define whether players shall fall back as spectators when the arena is running.
setSpectatorSpawn(XYZYP) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the spawnpoint for spectators.
setStacked(boolean) - Method in interface
Define whether items shall be displayed as a single one in the shop GUI.
setStatus(ArenaStatus) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Not only changes the status, but also does operations depending on the status.
setSynchronizedFlag(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaPersistentStorage
Define whether a certain key-value pair shall be synchronized between servers.
setTakingFromQueue(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTriggerUpgradeEvent
If true the trap will be pulled from the upgrade queue.
setTakingItem(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent
Set whether the item should be taken away from the player.
setTakingPayments(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent
Define whether or not the payments will be taken from the player.
setTakingPayments(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent
Define whether or not the payments will be taken from the player.
setTargetTeam(Team) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.AddRemotePlayerInfo
Set the team which the player shall automatically enter when he joins the arena.
setTargetTeam(Team) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo
Set the team of whom the bed shall be destroyed.
setTeam(Team) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerJoinArenaEvent
Set the team to which the player shall automatically get added to.
setTeam(Team) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.QuitPlayerMemory
Set the team to which the player belongs to.
setTeam(Team) - Method in interface
Set the team that will be selected when clicked on.
setTeamEnabled(Team, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Enables or disables a team in this arena.
setTeamSpawn(Team, XYZYP) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Set the spawn point of a team.
setTie() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
Sets the round to end as a tie.
setTimeType(ArenaTimeType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sets the arena's ArenaTimeType
setTitle(String) - Method in interface
Set the title of the GUI.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
Set the title of the GUI.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTo(Location) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerTeleportOutOfArenaEvent
Set the new location to which the player shall get teleported to.
setTranquil(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether the item is tranquil or not.
setTriggerHandler(UpgradeTriggerHandler) - Method in interface
Set the UpgradeTriggerHandler used by this UpgradeLevel
setTriggerHandlerId(String) - Method in interface
Set the id of the new UpgradeTriggerHandler used by this UpgradeLevel
setUnbreakable(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether or not this item shall be able to obtain damage
setUnbreakable(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the "unbreakable" tag to the given item.
setUnbreakable(ItemMeta, boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the "unbreakable" tag to the given ItemMeta.
SETUP_GUI - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
He used the setup gui (opened with /mbedwars arena setupgui)
setUsage(String) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Set the parameters the command expects
setValue(double) - Method in interface
Set the amount in seconds by which this modifier will apply its SpawnerDurationModifier.Operation.
setValue(PlayerStats, Number) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerStatSet
Stat can implement this for easier use for others wanting to modify it
setValue(String, Object) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigurationAPI
Updates the config value stored in memory.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Set whether or not this command is visible in help.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.Button
A button may exist in the GUI, but this does not mean that it's actually visible.
setVolume(float) - Method in class
Sets the volume of the sound.
setWeatherType(ArenaWeatherType) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Sets the arena's ArenaWeatherType
setWinningTeam(Team) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaWinningTeamDetermineEvent
Sets the winning team of the arena.
setWorld(World) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaBuilder
setWorld(World) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
Sets the x-coordinate
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(double) - Method in class
setX(int) - Method in class
Sets the x-coordinate
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(double) - Method in class
Sets the y-coordinate
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(double) - Method in class
setY(int) - Method in class
Sets the y-coordinate
setYaw(float) - Method in class
setYaw(float) - Method in class
setYaw(float) - Method in class
setYield(float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
Sets the yield of the explosion.
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(double) - Method in class
Sets the z-coordinate
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(double) - Method in class
setZ(int) - Method in class
Sets the z-coordinate
SHARPNESS - Enum constant in enum
Adds the Sharpness enchantment to swords and axes
SHOP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The shop config file
SHOP_ITEM_USE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Permissions to buy specific shop items.
SHOP_LAYOUTS_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The layout properties config file
SHOPDESIGN_HYPIXELV2_QUICKBUY - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
A JsonObject with the user specific quick buy configuration
SHOPDESIGN_HYPIXELV2_QUICKBUY_MODIFICATION_DATE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The date the user has modified the shop the last time
SHOPDESIGN_REWINSIDE_VARIANT - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The variant that the player has chosen in the rewinside shop
ShopGUIPostProcessEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called during the post processing of a shop GUI
ShopGUIPostProcessEvent(Player, ShopLayout, ShopPage, GUI) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.ShopGUIPostProcessEvent
ShopItem - Interface in
Represents a buyable item in the shop
ShopLayout - Interface in
A ShopLayout is what's dealing with the look-and-feel of a shop.
By default MBedwars delivers types such as ShopLayoutType.HYPIXEL.
This instance only represents the info of a layout.
ShopLayoutHandler - Interface in
The logic behind the look-and-feel of a ShopLayout.
It receives an ShopLayoutHandler.OpenEvent that contains various informations that are needed in that event to display it.
The event, that gets called whenever it's time to process it, gets called very frequently, including whenever the player changes his page.
ShopLayoutHandler.OpenEvent - Interface in
Used to pass information to
ShopLayoutType - Enum in
ShopLayoutTypeWrapper - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
ShopOpenCause - Enum in
ShopPage - Interface in
Represents a page in the shop that contains a collection of items
ShopPrice - Interface in
ShopPriceType - Enum in
ShopProduct - Interface in
ShopProductType - Enum in
SHOW_SPAWNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
showActionbar(Player, String) - Method in interface
Will show a small message above the players hotbar
showTitle(Player, String, String) - Method in interface
Shows the "title" to a player.
showTitle(Player, String, String, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Shows the "title" to a player.
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
Server notified us that the connection loss is wanted.
SIGN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
He clicked on a sign (/mbedwars spawn joinarenasign).
SILENT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
similar(Float) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
similar(String) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
similar(T) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
SIMILAR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
In case the value is of type ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber:
- Integer of both numbers must be equal.
simulateChestClosing(Block) - Method in interface
Simulates as if someone would close a container, such as an ender chest, normal chest or a shulker box.
simulateChestClosing(World, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Simulates as if someone would close a container, such as an ender chest, normal chest or a shulker box.
simulateChestOpening(Block) - Method in interface
Simulates as if someone would open a container, such as an ender chest, normal chest or a shulker box.
simulateChestOpening(World, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Simulates as if someone would open a container, such as an ender chest, normal chest or a shulker box.
simulatePlayerClickingRespawn(Player) - Method in interface
Simulates as if the player would click on the "respawn" button while he's dead.
size() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
SOME_HAVE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
Some have failed.
SOUNDS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The sounds config file
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum
Spawner - Interface in
Represents a single (existing) spawner inside an arena.
SPAWNER - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SPAWNER_ITEM - Enum constant in enum
SPAWNER_ITEM - Enum constant in enum
Represents a DropType
SPAWNER_MULTIPLIER - Enum constant in enum
Increases the speed of nearby spawners
SpawnerDropEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called whenever a spawner drops something.
SpawnerDropEvent(Spawner, ItemStack[]) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.SpawnerDropEvent
SpawnerDurationModifier - Interface in
Spawners have a specific period/duration until they drop something.
SpawnerDurationModifier.Operation - Enum in
Enumerable operation to be applied to the mathematical equation
SpawnerItemShopPrice - Interface in
SpawnerItemShopProduct - Interface in
SPAWNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The spawners config file
SPAWNERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
spawnHologram(HologramControllerType, Location) - Method in interface
Spawns a new hologram into this world and uses a default skin based on the controller.
spawnHologram(HologramSkinType, Location) - Method in interface
Spawns a new hologram into this world.
SPECIAL_ITEM - Enum constant in enum
Represents a SpecialItem
SPECIAL_ITEM_USE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Permission for the config "specialitem-requiredpermission".
SpecialBlock - Interface in
A SpecialBlock represents a normal block with special (maybe even interactable) features.
SpecialBlockAddEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
Gets called when a SpecialBlock is being added.
SpecialBlockAddEvent(SpecialBlock) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.SpecialBlockAddEvent
SpecialItem - Interface in
Represents the type of SpecialItem and not one for every given item to the player.
SpecialItemShopProduct - Interface in
SpecialItemType - Enum in
SpecialItemUseHandler - Interface in
SpecialItemUseSession - Class in
Represents a session of a special item use
A new session is created every time someone uses a special item.
Make sure to call SpecialItemUseSession.stop(), even when you're handler, after you're done as the plugin will invoke SpecialItemUseSession.handleStop() for EVERY still active session after the round ended.
Also make sure to invoke SpecialItemUseSession.takeItem() if you wish the item to be taken away
SpecialItemUseSession(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent) - Constructor for class
SPECTATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player wants to spectate, even though he is still a part of match, whereby he gets kicked from the running match
SPECTATE_FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
We tried to make him into a spectator, but that failed.
SPECTATE_ITEM_NEXT_ROUND - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
SpectateReason - Enum in
Reasons or causes for someone spectating
Spectator - Interface in
Represents a spectating player and contains the info about him
SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum
Spectating the game
SPECTATOR_FIND_NEXT_ROUND - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
SPECTATOR_HOTBAR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The spectator hotbar config file
SPECTATOR_VIEW_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
SpectatorItem - Interface in
Represents an actual item that will be added into the spectator's hotbar
SpectatorItemHandler - Class in
Handles the execution of a SpectatorItem.
SpectatorItemHandler(String, Plugin) - Constructor for class
SpectatorItemHandlerType - Enum in
Represents the type of SpectatorItemHandler.
SpectatorItemUseEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called whenever a Spectator uses a SpectatorItem
SpectatorItemUseEvent(Spectator, SpectatorItem) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorItemUseEvent
SpectatorJoinArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a player tries to enter an arena as a spectator
SpectatorJoinArenaEvent(Spectator) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorJoinArenaEvent
SpectatorQuitArenaEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Gets called when a spectator leaves the arena
SpectatorQuitArenaEvent(Spectator, KickSpectatorReason) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.SpectatorQuitArenaEvent
SPEND_200_RESOURCES - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
SPLITERATOR - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
SQL - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
From sql storage to the current active one
START_FAILED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
The plugin tried to start, but failed
STATS_HOLO - Enum constant in enum
Displays a players stats on a hologram
STATUS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Legacy id of Arena.getStatus()
STATUS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
stop() - Method in class
Safely stops and cleans the session
It's safe to call this even if it hasn't been passed yet to SpecialItemUseHandler.openSession(PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent)
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
The arena is stopped.
StringMapSerializationHelper - Interface in
Extends another class with some helper methods to simplify the parsing/writing of non-String types.
SubCommand - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.command
A (sub)command you find under /bw.
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class
subtract(int, int, int) - Method in class
subtract(IntXYZ) - Method in class
subtract(IntXYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(XYZ) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Location) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
subtract(Vector) - Method in class
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
Everyone successfully entered.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
Player successfully made it.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
It all went fine.
SUCCESS_SPECTATE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
The arena was already running, and he instead joined as a spectator.
SUNSET - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Player client time will be fixed at sunset
SWORD - Enum constant in enum
sync() - Method in class
Synchronizes the upcoming chain with the main thread.
synchronize(Runnable) - Method in interface
Runs a given task on the main thread.
syncLater(long) - Method in class
Synchronizes the upcoming chain with the main thread after a certain amount of ticks.
syncProperties(RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property...) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Forcefully request the server owing this arena to resend us up-to-date poperty information.


take(Player, int) - Method in interface
Takes the price from the player
take(Player, int) - Method in class
Take a given amount from a player's balance.
take(Player, int, ItemStack[]) - Method in interface
Takes the price from the player
takeItem() - Method in class
Takes a special item from the players inventory
takeItems(Player, ItemStack, int) - Method in interface
A fast implementation for removing items from a player's inventory.
takeItemSpecialItemUseSession(SpecialItemUseSession) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
Team - Enum in de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena
A list of all possible colors that exist in the game
TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType
An inventory only visible to members of the same team.
TEAM - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
TEAM_DEAD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
The bed of the team has been destroyed whereby the player may not respawn anymore.
TEAM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
All the team's members left the game.
TEAM_SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum
Used during lobby phase.
TEAMCHAT_UNAVAILABLE_SOLO_LAST_HINT_TIME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The time in milliseconds of when the last time the player has been hinted that the team chat is currently unavailable as he's in solo.
TEAMCHAT_USE_LAST_HINT_TIME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerProperty
The time in milliseconds of when the last time the player has been hinted that he's using the team chat.
TeamEliminateEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena
Gets called when all players of a team have been eliminated.
TeamEliminateEvent(Arena, Team, Player, Player, boolean) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.TeamEliminateEvent
TeamEnchantment - Class in
Represents an enchantment that is being applied to all items of a specific type for all team members
TeamEnchantment(TeamEnchantment.Target, Enchantment, int) - Constructor for class
TeamEnchantment(Predicate<ItemStack>, String, Enchantment, int) - Constructor for class
You generally should use TeamEnchantment(Target, Enchantment, int) instead.
TeamEnchantment.Target - Enum in
The type of item a TeamEnchantment shall target
TEAMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
TEAMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The teams config file
TEAMS - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
TeamSelectorController - Interface in
Extending API if HologramControllerType.TEAM_SELECTOR is used.
TeamWrapper - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
teleport(Player, Location) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Usually the plugin prevents players from getting teleported and automatically kicks them from the game if they try to.
teleport(Location) - Method in interface
Teleport him to another location.
teleport(Location, boolean) - Method in interface
Teleport him to another location.
TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Player teleported out of the arena (e.g. by using a command, or by a plugin)
TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
TELEPORT_INSIDE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Generally the plugin forbids any user to teleport to an arena when they're not inside playing in it.
teleportAsync(Entity, Location, Runnable) - Method in interface
Allows you to teleport entities asynchronously on 1.14+
TELEPORTER - Enum constant in enum
teleportHere(RemotePlayer) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Teleports a player into the arena.
teleportHere(RemotePlayer, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Teleports a player into the arena.
teleportHere(RemotePlayer, boolean, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Teleports a player into the arena.
teleportHere(RemotePlayer, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteArena
Teleports a player into the arena.
teleportHere(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Teleports the player inside this arena.
teleportHere(Player, boolean) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Teleports the player inside this arena.
teleportPlayerToArena(RemotePlayer, RemoteArena, boolean, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteAPI
Makes the teleport himself into the arena.
teleportWithoutEvent(Entity, Location) - Method in interface
Teleports a given entity to a location without calling EntityTeleportEvent.
testPlayAsync(Location) - Method in class
then(Runnable) - Method in class
Adds a task to the chain that will be executed after the one before.
thenConsumer(ThrowingConsumer<Consumer<T>>, ThrowingConsumer<T>) - Method in class
Adds a consumer-task that is dependant on a future arrival of an object.
thenLoose(ThrowingBiConsumer<Runnable, Consumer<Exception>>) - Method in class
Execute a task whose finish might not be instant.
thenThrowing(ThrowingRunnable) - Method in class
Adds a task to the chain that will be executed after the one before.
ThrowingBiConsumer<T,U> - Interface in
Based on Java's BiConsumer with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
ThrowingConsumer<T> - Interface in
Based on Java's Consumer with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
ThrowingRunnable - Interface in
Based on Java's Runnable with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
ThrowingSupplier<T> - Interface in
Based on Java's Supplier with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
TICK - Enum constant in enum
Gets called every second when the state of the arena is ArenaStatus.RUNNING or ArenaStatus.LOBBY.
TIME_TYPE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
We haven't received any ping responses since a while.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
We tried to contact the server, but we haven't received any info.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
We tried to contact the server, but we haven't received any info.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
We tried to contact the server, but we have never received any info.
TNT_SHEEP - Enum constant in enum
toLegacy() - Method in enum
Returns the id that has been used in the legacy versions (1.12 and older) of the game
toLocation(World) - Method in class
Converts this XYZ object to a new Location object
toLocation(World) - Method in class
Converts this XYZ object to a new Location object
toLocation(World) - Method in class
toLocation(World) - Method in class
TOP_KILL_STREAK - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
TOP_WIN_STREAK - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPicker
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparative
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionGroup
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionInput
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueNumber
toString() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValueString
toVector() - Method in class
Converts this XYZ object to a new Vector object
toVector() - Method in class
Converts this XYZ object to a new Vector object
TRACKER - Enum constant in enum
TRAP - Enum constant in enum
triggerTrap(Player, Team, boolean) - Method in interface
Triggers a trap at a certain base.
tryAutoHook(Plugin) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Tries to let MBedwars automatically initiate a hook with a plugin.
TYPE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableValue


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
We received a request from a remote server (proxy), but couldn't identify the cause.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
We don't know why it exactly failed.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
We don't know why exactly it failed.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
We don't know, really.
unregister() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.BedwarsAddon
Tries to unregister this addon.
unregisterAddon(BedwarsAddon) - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe.BedwarsAPILayer
unregisterConditionVariable(ArenaConditionVariable<?>) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to unregister the condition variable
unregisterCustomSpawnerHandler(CustomDropTypeHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Unregisters the custom spawner handler.
unregisterDefaultMappings(DefaultMessageMappings) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.MessageAPI
Unregisteres an already registered mapping.
unregisterHook(Hook) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookAPI
Removes a hook.
unregisterLobbyItemHandler(LobbyItemHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Unregisters a previously registered handler for LobbyItems.
unregisterSelector(ArenaSelector) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaPickerAPI
Tries to unregister the given selector instance.
unregisterShopLayout(ShopLayout) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Unregister an already existing ShopLayout using this method.
unregisterSpecialItem(SpecialItem) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to unregister an existing SpecialItem.
unregisterSpectatorItemHandler(SpectatorItemHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Unregisters a previously registered handler for SpectatorItems.
unregisterStatSet(PlayerStatSet) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.PlayerDataAPI
Tries to register this data set.
unregisterTradeListener(Consumer<PlayerTradeVillagerGUIEvent>) - Method in class
Unregisters an already registered trade listener
unregisterUpgradeShopLayout(UpgradeShopLayout) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Unregister an already existing UpgradeShopLayout using this method.
unregisterUpgradeTriggerHandler(UpgradeTriggerHandler) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Tries to unregister an existing Upgrade.
unsetChoice(Player) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Unset the choice of a player.
unsetRegionCorners() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Removes any set corners in the arena.
UNTOUCHED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Player client time will be untouched by MBedwars
UNTOUCHED - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Weather will be untouched by MBedwars
update() - Method in interface
Tries to apply the given informations into the game world.
By this e.g. a sign gets updated with the newly changed stats
update(ScoreboardUpdateCause, Arena, Object) - Method in class
Updates a specific part of the scoreboard
update(CustomBlock) - Method in interface
Apply stuff to the real world.
update0(ScoreboardUpdateCause, Arena, Object) - Method in class
Updates a specific part of the scoreboard
updateActivePool() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaVotingHandler
Manually execute the re-calculation of the entries within the active pool.
updateBukkitMetadata() - Method in interface
Update the metadata of the Bukkit's entity.
updatePerPlayerVisibility() - Method in interface
Dynamically updates the visibility of the hologram for each player.
updatePlayerSpecificLines() - Method in interface
Forcefully updates all lines provided by the lines-supplier (HolographicHologramSkin.setPlayerSpecificLinesSupplier(PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier)) for all players
updatePlayerSpecificLines(Player) - Method in interface
Forcefully updates all lines provided by the lines-supplier (HolographicHologramSkin.setPlayerSpecificLinesSupplier(PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier)) only for a specific player
updateScoreboard() - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Arena
Forcefully update the scoreboard for any player and spectator
Upgrade - Interface in
Represents a type of upgrade that holds all possible levels to which one may upgrade to
UPGRADE_DEALER - Enum constant in enum
Player clicked on an upgrade dealer that has been spawned with /bw summon upgradedealer
UPGRADE_DEALER - Enum constant in enum
Open an upgrade-shop when interacted to it
UPGRADE_SHOP - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
The upgrade shop config file
Upgrade.State - Enum in
Represents the current upgrade state of a player
UPGRADEABLE - Enum constant in enum
He is theoretically able to upgrade
UpgradeLevel - Interface in
Represents a specific tier of upgrade to which one may have upgraded to.
UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent - Class in de.marcely.bedwars.api.event
UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent(Player, UpgradeShopLayout, GUI) - Constructor for class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.UpgradeShopGUIPostProcessEvent
UpgradeShopLayout - Interface in
UpgradeShopLayoutHandler - Interface in
UpgradeShopLayoutHandler.OpenEvent - Interface in
Used to pass information to
UpgradeShopLayoutType - Enum in
UpgradeShopLayoutTypeWrapper - Interface in de.marcely.bedwars.api.unsafe
UpgradeShopOpenCause - Enum in
Represents the causes of the opening of a upgrade shop.
UpgradeState - Interface in
Holds all the information regarding team upgrades.
UpgradeTriggerHandler - Class in
Represents the logical handler of a upgrade trigger.
UpgradeTriggerHandler(String, boolean, Plugin) - Constructor for class
UpgradeTriggerHandlerType - Enum in
Represents the type of UpgradeTriggerHandler.
USE_BRIDGE - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_ENDERPEARL - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_FIREBALL - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_GUARD_DOG - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_INVIS_POTION - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_MAGNET_SHOES - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_MINISHOP - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_RESCUE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_TELEPORTER - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_TNT_SHEEP - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
USE_TRACKER - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
useSpecialItem(SpecialItem, Player, Arena, ItemStack) - Method in interface de.marcely.bedwars.api.GameAPI
Simulates the player using the special item.


Validate - Class in
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.AttributeChangeCause
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaTimeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.ArenaWeatherType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.BedDestructionInfo.Cause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.ArenaSelectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.variable.ArenaConditionVariableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigFile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaBedBreakEvent.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaIssuesCheckEvent.IssueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaRegenerationStartEvent.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyInShopEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent.DefaultProblem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerModifyBlockPermissionEvent.Issue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.OpenPurpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaEditorInSetupGUI.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenUIEvent.UIType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteArenaPropertiesChangeEvent.Property
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.remote.RemoteServerDisconnectEvent.Cause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.hook.HookCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.message.DefaultMessageMappings
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.MigrationProcess.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.Permissions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.AttributeChangeCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.PluginState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.GeneralResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemotePlayerAddResult.PlayerResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.picker.condition.ArenaConditionComparisonOperator
VALUES - Static variable in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
A list of all possible colors that exist in the game.
VANILLA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player.PlayerOpenArenaChestEvent.ChestType
A regular chest that is not special in any way.
VarParticle - Class in
Easy solution for using VarParticles that are being supported on any version.
VarSound - Class in
Easy solution for playing vanilla and custom sounds while retaining async support.
VarSound() - Constructor for class
VIEW_ACHIEVEMENTS - Enum constant in enum
Opens a GUI that displays all achievements that the player has obtained or hasn't obtained yet.
VIEW_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum
Opens a GUI which contains all players currently playing inside the arena.
VILLAGER - Enum constant in enum
Player clicked on a normal villager hologram
VILLAGER - Enum constant in enum
Will be replaced by HologramSkinType.LIVING.
VillagerGUI - Class in
VillagerGUI() - Constructor for class
VillagerGUI(String) - Constructor for class
VillagerOffer - Class in
Represents a buyable offer that can be added to a VillagerGUI
VillagerOffer(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
VillagerOffer(ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack) - Constructor for class
VOTE_ARENA - Enum constant in enum
Used for arenas of the type RegenerationType.VOTING: Opens a GUI on use in which players can vote in which arena the want to play in.
VOTING - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
Arena is not actually an arena in which you play.
VOTING_PARTICIPATING - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerIssue
Arena is a part of a voting pool.
VOTING_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.AddPlayerCause
Voting has ended, and he now joined the arena that won.
VOTING_SWITCH_ARENA - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.KickReason
Voting has ended and player got moved to the new arena


W_L - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
WALK_OVER_TRAP - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
wasSuccessful() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.PluginPostHookEvent
Returns whether we were successful with creating a hook to another plugin.
wasSuccessful() - Method in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.remote.RemoteSpectatorAddResult
Gets whether it was successful
WEATHER_TYPE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.arena.ArenaPropertyChangeEvent.Property
WENT_OFFLINE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RejoinPlayerIssue
Rejoin calculation took too long.
WEST - Enum constant in enum
WHITE - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team
WIN_100_ROUNDS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
WIN_ROUND - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
WIN_STREAK - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
WIN_WITHIN_TIME - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
WIN_WITHOUT_BED - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
WINS - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerStatSet
within(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Forces the item to be within the X and Y range
withinX(int, int) - Static method in class
Forces the item to be within the X range
withinY(int, int) - Static method in class
Forces the item to be within the Y range
WORLD - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.RegenerationType
Game fills the complete world
WorldStorage - Interface in
This plugin contains features which require informations to be bound on blocks, entities, holograms etc.
wrap(RemotePlayer) - Static method in interface
Constructs a new instance with a reference of the given player.
wrap(CommandSender) - Static method in interface
Constructs a new instance with a reference of the given sender.
wrap(CommandSender, boolean) - Static method in interface
Constructs a new instance with a reference of the given sender.
wrapConsole(RemoteServer) - Static method in interface
Wraps the console of the given server.
WRITE_GG_IN_ENDLOBBY - Static variable in class de.marcely.bedwars.api.player.DefaultPlayerAchievement
writeConfigProperties(ConfigurationSection) - Method in interface
Write the user-defined configurations into the layouts config file.
writeConfigProperties(ConfigurationSection) - Method in interface
Write the user-defined configurations into the layouts config file.
WriteListener - Interface in
A listener for AnvilGUI that gets called whenever someone clicks the final item or closes the inventory


x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
XYZ - Class in
Represents a 3-dimensional position
XYZ() - Constructor for class
XYZ(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
XYZ(IntXYZ) - Constructor for class
XYZ(XYZ) - Constructor for class
XYZ(Location) - Constructor for class
XYZ(Vector) - Constructor for class
XYZD - Class in
Represents a 3-dimensional position and a compass direction
XYZD() - Constructor for class
XYZD(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
XYZD(double, double, double, XYZD.Direction) - Constructor for class
XYZD(XYZ) - Constructor for class
XYZD(XYZD) - Constructor for class
XYZD(Location) - Constructor for class
XYZD(Vector) - Constructor for class
XYZD.Direction - Enum in
Represents a compass direction.
XYZYP - Class in
Represents a 3-dimensional position with a yaw and pitch direction
XYZYP() - Constructor for class
XYZYP(double, double, double) - Constructor for class
XYZYP(double, double, double, float, float) - Constructor for class
XYZYP(XYZ) - Constructor for class
XYZYP(XYZYP) - Constructor for class
XYZYP(Location) - Constructor for class
XYZYP(Vector) - Constructor for class


y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
YamlConfigurationDescriptor - Class in
Bukkit's implementation of YamlConfiguration don't support saving of comments or descriptions.
YamlConfigurationDescriptor() - Constructor for class
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum de.marcely.bedwars.api.arena.Team


z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
zero() - Method in class
zero() - Method in class
zero() - Method in class
zero() - Method in class
zero() - Method in class
Sets all coordinates to 0
zero() - Method in class
Sets all coordinates to 0
zero() - Method in class
zero() - Method in class
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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