Interface ArenaCloningManager

public interface ArenaCloningManager
The manager for the so-called arena auto-cloning system.

Note that it is not possible to interact with it while isActive() returns false.

  • Method Details

    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Gets whether this manager is currently actively processing the cloning of new arenas.

      In case this method returns false, the methods under this class, that modify e.g. the queue, won't have any effect.

      Whether the manager is active is being determined by the configuration of the "auto-cloning-enabled" config (located within the config.yml file).

      Whether this manager is active or not
    • getClonedArenas

      Collection<Arena> getClonedArenas()
      Gets all existing arenas that have been cloned.
      An immutable collection of arenas that have been cloned
    • getClonePurposeWorlds

      Collection<World> getClonePurposeWorlds()
      Gets all worlds whose purpose is to only contain the cloned arenas.

      The processor is creating new temporary worlds for the cloned arenas. They automatically get deleted when not needed anymore.

      An immutable collection of worlds used for the cloning system
    • getQueue

      Collection<Arena> getQueue()
      Gets all arenas that are enqueued for the cloning process.

      It is legit for it to contain the same arena more than once. The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned.

      A separate thread will be pulling the arenas from the queue.

      An immmutable collection of arenas that may will be cloned in the future
      See Also:
    • getQueueEntries

      Collection<QueuedCloningArena> getQueueEntries()
      Gets all entries that are enqueued for the cloning process.

      It is legit for it to contain the same arena more than once. The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned.

      A separate thread will be pulling the arenas from the queue.

      An immmutable collection of arenas that may will be cloned in the future
      See Also:
    • addToQueue

      boolean addToQueue(QueuedCloningArena entry)
      Adds an arena to the queue.

      There are certain limits within the configurations that limit the amount of arenas that may be cloned. You may overcome that limit using the ignoreLimits parameter.

      This method fully supports async operations.
      It is also okay for an arena to be added multiple times. It will be cloned that amount of times.

      An arena may not be cloned (this method returns false) for the following reasons:
      - isActive() returns false
      - Arena itself is a cloned arena (Arena.isCloned() returns true)
      - Arena is not a "normal" regeneration type (RegenerationType.isNormal() returns false)
      - The status of the arena is ArenaStatus.STOPPED
      - The arena depends on SWM while SWM is not installed
      - Arena does not exist
      - There are limits preventing it (ignoreLimits is set to false)
      - It is a part of the 'auto-cloning-excluded-arenas' config

      The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned. Certain states may have changed with the start of its theoretical cloning process.

      entry - The entry shall be added. Create it using its constructors
      true when an arena has been added to the queue. This does not tell whether it actually succeded the cloning! Use the callback for that
      See Also:
    • addToQueue

      default boolean addToQueue(Arena arena, boolean ignoreLimits, @Nullable @Nullable Consumer<Optional<Arena>> callback)
      Adds an arena to the queue.

      There are certain limits within the configurations that limit the amount of arenas that may be cloned. You may overcome that limit using the ignoreLimits parameter.

      This method fully supports async operations.
      It is also okay for an arena to be added multiple times. It will be cloned that amount of times.

      An arena may not be cloned (this method returns false) for the following reasons:
      - isActive() returns false
      - Arena itself is a cloned arena (Arena.isCloned() returns true)
      - Arena is not a "normal" regeneration type (RegenerationType.isNormal() returns false)
      - The status of the arena is ArenaStatus.STOPPED
      - The arena depends on SWM while SWM is not installed
      - Arena does not exist
      - There are limits preventing it (ignoreLimits is set to false)
      - It is a part of the 'auto-cloning-excluded-arenas' config

      The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned. Certain states may have changed with the start of its theoretical cloning process.

      arena - The arena that shall be cloned
      ignoreLimits - Whether certain limitations shall be ignored
      callback - An optional callback that returns the result of the cloning. In case it succeded, the callback will include the cloned arena. It is always being called on the main thread
      true when an arena has been added to the queue. This does not tell whether it actually succeded the cloning! Use the callback for that
      See Also:
    • addToQueue

      default boolean addToQueue(Arena arena, boolean ignoreLimits)
      Adds an arena to the queue.

      There are certain limits within the configurations that limit the amount of arenas that may be cloned. You may overcome that limit using the ignoreLimits parameter.

      This method fully supports async operations.
      It is also okay for an arena to be added multiple times. It will be cloned that amount of times.

      An arena may not be cloned (this method returns false) for the following reasons:
      - isActive() returns false
      - Arena itself is a cloned arena (Arena.isCloned() returns true)
      - Arena is not a "normal" regeneration type (RegenerationType.isNormal() returns false)
      - The status of the arena is ArenaStatus.STOPPED
      - The arena depends on SWM while SWM is not installed
      - Arena does not exist
      - There are limits preventing it (ignoreLimits is set to false)
      - It is a part of the 'auto-cloning-excluded-arenas' config

      The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned. Certain states may have changed with the start of its theoretical cloning process.

      arena - The arena that shall be cloned
      ignoreLimits - Whether certain limitations shall be ignored
      true when an arena has been added to the queue. This does not tell whether it actually succeded the cloning!
      See Also:
    • addToQueue

      default boolean addToQueue(Arena arena)
      Adds an arena to the queue.

      There are certain limits within the configurations that limit the amount of arenas that may be cloned.

      This method fully supports async operations.
      It is also okay for an arena to be added multiple times. It will be cloned that amount of times.

      An arena may not be cloned (this method returns false) for the following reasons:
      - isActive() returns false
      - Arena itself is a cloned arena (Arena.isCloned() returns true)
      - Arena is not a "normal" regeneration type (RegenerationType.isNormal() returns false)
      - The status of the arena is ArenaStatus.STOPPED
      - The arena depends on SWM while SWM is not installed
      - Arena does not exist
      - There are limits preventing it
      - It is a part of the 'auto-cloning-excluded-arenas' config

      The pure existence of an arena within this Collection is not a promise for the arena to be actually cloned. Certain states may have changed with the start of its theoretical cloning process.

      arena - The arena that shall be cloned
      true when an arena has been added to the queue. This does not tell whether it actually succeded the cloning!
      See Also:
    • removeFromQueue

      boolean removeFromQueue(Arena arena)
      Removes a single instance of an arena from the queue.

      This method fully supports async operations.

      arena - The arena that shall not be cloned (or once less)
      true in case at least one instance has been found and one has been removed
      See Also: