Deprecated API
Deprecated Interfaces
Deprecated Classes
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionMight break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType APIMight break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType APIUse
insteadWill be removed in the future. UseTeamEnchantment.isApplicable(ItemStack)
insteadPoor API implementation. Not using #super(player) with AnvilGUI and VillagerGUI can cause memory leaks. UseGUI.addCloseListener(Consumer)
insteadThat method is prone to problems anyway and has no use for the MBedwars pluinMight break in the future when Spigot releases their BlockType APIThat method is prone to problems anyway and has no use for the MBedwars pluin
Deprecated Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionBroken. Using rejoin system instead, see
May be removed at any timeWill be replaced byHologramSkinType.LIVING