Class ConfigsLoadEvent


public class ConfigsLoadEvent extends Event
Called when the configurations of the plugin got loaded.

This always gets called after the plugin started or when someone performed a reload.
Do NOT use this as an alternative for BedwarsAPI.onReady(Runnable).

  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigsLoadEvent

      public ConfigsLoadEvent(@Nullable @Nullable CommandSender initiator, Duration time, boolean isStartup)
  • Method Details

    • getInitiator

      @Nullable public @Nullable CommandSender getInitiator()
      Returns the initiator of the load event.

      It may be null when it was started programmatically.

      The sender that initiated the loading
    • getTime

      public Duration getTime()
      Returns the time it took to load the configurations from 0 to complete in milliseconds.
      Returns the duration it took to load the configs in milliseconds.
    • isStartup

      public boolean isStartup()
      Returns whether this event is being executed for the first time due to the loading that occured with starting up the plugin.
      true when it got called because the plugin finished loading all configs during the start up sequence
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()