Class ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
ArenaEvent, Cancellable

public class ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent extends Event implements ArenaEvent, Cancellable
Gets called when the lobby countdown is supposed to start

This method might be called frequently whenever the requirements (more players than min players (Arena.getMinPlayers())) are reached, but previous attempts have been cancelled.

  • Constructor Details

    • ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent

      public ArenaLobbyCountdownStartEvent(Arena arena, Duration duration)
  • Method Details

    • getDuration

      public Duration getDuration()
      Get how long countdown will count down until the match starts.
      The duration of the countdown
    • setDuration

      public void setDuration(Duration duration)
      Set how long countdown will count down until the match starts.
      duration - The new duration of the countdown.
    • getArena

      public Arena getArena()
      Description copied from interface: ArenaEvent
      Returns the Arena that is involved in this event.
      Specified by:
      getArena in interface ArenaEvent
      The arena that is involved
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()