Class AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AsyncArenaCloneQueueEvent extends Event implements Cancellable
Gets called when the auto clone system is looking for the next queue of arenas.

The system automatically performs checks every few seconds. In case new arenas (at least one) that fit the requirements have been found, this event will be called.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAddingQueue

      public Queue<QueuedCloningArena> getAddingQueue()
      Returns the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.

      This queue is mutable and can be modified.

      The queue of arenas
    • setAddingQueue

      public void setAddingQueue(Queue<QueuedCloningArena> addingQueue)
      Sets the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
      addingQueue - The queue of arenas
    • addToAddingQueue

      public void addToAddingQueue(QueuedCloningArena arena)
      Adds an arena to the end of queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
      arena - The arena to add
    • removeFromAddingQueue

      public boolean removeFromAddingQueue(QueuedCloningArena arena)
      Removes a single arena from the queue of arenas that are going to be added to the system.
      arena - The arena to remove
      true if the arena was removed, false otherwise
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()