Class PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent extends PlayerEvent implements ArenaEvent
Gets called when a player is about to use the SpecialItemType.FIREBALL special item.

It is not possible to cancel this event. Listen to PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent instead.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getArena

      public Arena getArena()
      Description copied from interface: ArenaEvent
      Returns the Arena that is involved in this event.
      Specified by:
      getArena in interface ArenaEvent
      The arena that is involved
    • getOriginEvent

      public PlayerUseSpecialItemEvent getOriginEvent()
      Returns the event that was called right before this event.
      The origin event
    • getShooter

      public ProjectileSource getShooter()
      Returns the entity from whom the fireball shall come from.

      By default it's equal to the player who has used the special item.

      The entity from whom the fireball shall come from
    • setShooter

      public void setShooter(ProjectileSource shooter)
      Sets the entity from whom the fireball shall come from.
      shooter - The new entity from whom the fireball shall come from
    • getSpawnLocation

      public Location getSpawnLocation()
      Returns the location where the fireball shall spawn.

      By default it's nearby the player's eye location.

      The location where the fireball shall spawn
    • setSpawnLocation

      public void setSpawnLocation(Location spawnLocation)
      Sets the location where the fireball shall spawn.
      spawnLocation - The new location where the fireball shall spawn
    • getDirection

      public Vector getDirection()
      Returns the direction in which the fireball shall fly.

      By default it's equal to the player's looking direction.

      The direction in which the fireball shall fly
    • setDirection

      public void setDirection(Vector direction)
      Sets the direction in which the fireball shall fly.
      direction - The new direction in which the fireball shall fly
    • getYield

      public float getYield()
      Returns the yield of the explosion.

      Uses Explosive.setYield(float).

      The yield of the explosion
    • setYield

      public void setYield(float yield)
      Sets the yield of the explosion.

      Uses Explosive.setYield(float).

      yield - The new yield of the explosion
    • getFlightSpeed

      public double getFlightSpeed()
      Returns the speed of the fireball.
      The speed of the fireball
    • setFlightSpeed

      public void setFlightSpeed(double flightSpeed)
      Sets the speed of the fireball.
      flightSpeed - The new speed of the fireball
    • isFlyingStraight

      public boolean isFlyingStraight()
      Returns whether the fireball shall fly straight.

      Vanilla adds a small random deviation to the fireball's trajectory.

      If the fireball shall fly straight
    • getAutoIgnitionTicks

      @Nullable public @Nullable Integer getAutoIgnitionTicks()
      Set the amount of ticks after which the fireball shall ignite itself.
      The amount of ticks until it ignites. null if it shouldn't ignite itself
    • setAutoIgnitionTicks

      public void setAutoIgnitionTicks(@Nullable @Nullable Integer autoIgnitionTicks)
      Set the amount of ticks after which the fireball shall ignite itself.
      autoIgnitionTicks - The amount of ticks until it ignites. null if it shouldn't ignite itself
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()