Package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
package de.marcely.bedwars.api.event.player
Events related to
actions, or changes to player properties.-
ClassDescriptionGets called when a player places a bed into an arena during set-upGets called when a player votes for an arena in the voting phase.Gets called when a player is buying an item from the shopDefault problems used and provided by the pluginDefault problems used and provided by the pluginGets called when player closes an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)Gets called right before some (or all) parts of player's data gets cleared.Gets called whenever MBedwars is handling the drops of a players' death.Gets called when a player earns an achievement provided by MBedwarsGets called when a player dies during a matchGets called when a player has respawned in a gameGets called when a player either clicks or punches an
Gets called when a player tries to interact with aSpecialBlock
Gets called when a player joins an arenaGets called when someone is killing someone else during a gameGets called when we want to know whether a player is permitted to modify a block.Reasons that cause the BlocKEvent to not get performed.Gets called when a player is opening a chest in an arena.The type of chest that has been interacted with.The purpose of the chest opening.Gets called when player opens an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)Gets called when the player is opening the shop or when he's clicking on a page in the GUIGets called when a misc variant of a UI is being shownGet the type of the UI that can be shown.Gets called when the player is opening the upgrade shopGets called whenever a player picks up a spawner item.Gets called whenever a value of a property has changed in aPlayerProperties
, set or removed.Gets called when a player leaves an arenaPlayer attempts to get added back to an arena after having quit it in the past.Gets called when a player attempts to remove a trap.Called when the items that a player shall receive from a shop product are determined.Represents that may be executed in the future.Gets called whenever a value of a stat has changed in aPlayerStats
.Gets called after a player has changed his team.This event gets called whenever the player gets teleported to the hub.Gets called when a player teleports himself out of the arena during a game.This event is getting called when the player wants to do a transaction within aVillagerGUI
Gets called when an upgrade is bought (and thus automatically triggered) or a trap is triggered.Gets called whenever a player uses aLobbyItem
Gets called when a player is using a special item while he's in a gameGets called when a player is about to use theSpecialItemType.FIREBALL
special item.Gets called whenever aSpectator
uses aSpectatorItem
Gets called when a player tries to enter an arena as a spectatorGets called when a spectator leaves the arena