Interface CloudSystemHook

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CloudSystemHook extends Hook
Represents a hook that is used to interact with the cloud system.
  • Method Details

    • getCategory

      default HookCategory getCategory()
      Description copied from interface: Hook
      Get the category of the hook.
      Specified by:
      getCategory in interface Hook
      The category of the hook
    • getServerName

      String getServerName()
      Get the name of the server.

      This is usually also the name that the cloud system uses within the Bungee settings as the server's channel name.

      The name of the server
    • applyInfo

      void applyInfo(CloudSystemHook.ServerInfoDto info)
      Apply the given information to the cloud system.

      This method is used to update the cloud system's status, player amounts and extra information that is displayed to the user.

      info - The information that shall be displayed