All Classes and Interfaces
Optional parameter when adding items into a GUI to force them to be in a specific area
API for managing addons that were extended to this plugin
Gets called when an addon is being registered using
.Gets called when an addon is being unregistered.
The reason why a player joined an arena.
Reasons why a player failed to enter an arena
Contains all the info needed to add a remote player to an arena.
Represents a GUI that allows the player to rename an item
An arena is a place where a match may happen and effectively the handler of a match.
Gets called when a player breaks a bed during a game
Use it to declare what's supposed to happen next.
Can be obtained with
Can be thrown when using the
The manager for the so-called arena auto-cloning system.
A generic condition that checks an arena.
Represents a data object for comparing two inputs with an operator.
All possible operators that may be used within a condition.
A collection that persists of ArenaCondition to which we are applying logical conjunctions.
Represents either a dynamic variable or a static value.
Thrown when an arena condition could not be parsed.
Represents a variable that persists of a name and a type and is able to fetch a specific property of an arena at any time.
A type of the variable.
Represents a value that may be used to compare.
Represents a numberic condition value.
Represents a condition value of the type String.
Gets called when a player or a plugin creates an arena
Gets called when an arena gets deleted.
Gets called when a player/sender tries to enable the arena
Gets called when the plugin is checking whether or not an arena has issues.
Things preventing the arena from getting enabled
Represents the type of an issue.
Gets called when a running lobby countdown is cancelled
Gets called when the lobby countdown is supposed to start
Gets called when the ingame timer is about to reach zero
Represents the persistent storage of an arena.
Represents the final ArenaPicker product that persists of a selector and a bunch of conditions (aka as a condition group).
This class contains all the API that is relevant to arena pickers.
Gets called when the lobby timer reaches 0, but still before the initiation of the round
Gets called whenever a property of an arena has changed.
Some properties of the arena.
Gets called when an arena starts to regenerate
Gets called when an arena stopped or cancelled the regeneration
Gets called whenever an existing arena shall be renamed.
A selector effectively decides for the arena that shall be choosen given by a Collection.
The type of a selector.
Extending API if
is used.Represents the state of an arena.
Gets called when the status of an arena is about to change
A per-arena time that'll be used during a match.
Gets called after an arena has been unloaded.
Represents the handler for the voting system of an arena.
Gets called when the voting pool of an arena gets updated.
A per-arena weather that'll be used during a match.
Gets called when a match is about to end and the winning team needs to be determined.
Represents a hologram skin of the type
.Gets called when the auto clone system is looking for the next queue of arenas.
Add a certain cause when setting a player attribute.
Data container for
.The specifc cause or action of the bed destruction.
Represents as an addon for this plugin.
Start here!
SpecialBlocks may very from what they represent
Represents a hologram skin that allows to make use of Bukkit's entity API.
A BuyGroup is a system that allows a tier-like upgrading system in the shop
Helper for easily aligning items in a GUI
Extends GUI and adds methods for clickable items
Listens for clicks on items
Wraps an existing ClickListener instance, where you may optionally override its listener methods.
An implementation of ClickListener that does effectively nothing
An iterator that also must be closed at some point.
Represents a hook that is used to interact with the cloud system.
Represents the information that the server shall display.
The default handler of a
Gets called when a player runs a bedwars subcommand.
A CommandHandler handles the execution of a command
The default command handler that effectively does nothing
A CommandHandler handles the execution of a command that supports
.A collection of sub commands
The default handler is the HelpCommandHandler
It'll display all commands, similar to /bw and /bw arena
The default handler is the HelpCommandHandler
It'll display all commands, similar to /bw and /bw arena
This class is an alternative to Bukkit's
that extends to functionalities, such as forcing all permissions and allows the use of remote players RemotePlayer
.Represents all the config files of MBedwars
Called when the configurations of the plugin got loaded.
Contains API for getting and modifying MBedwars configurations.
A type created for devs being able to create custom blocks with custom handler
if you're looking to remove it when you think that the conditions aren't met
(like when e.g. the material of the block isn't the needed one)The handler for custom SpecialBlocks (
)Custom implementation for overrding drop and shop capabilities of a drop type.
Certain skin types have heatlh and may receive damage.
The default use handler of a special item
It'll send a warning to the player whenever he's using it
It'll send a warning to the player whenever he's using it
Contains a collection of messages that'll be used when the user tries to obtain a message from his messages file that is however not present.
Contains all default achievements of the bedwars plugin
Contains all default properties of the bedwars plugin
Contains all default stats of the bedwars plugin
The Either type represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union).
Represents a skin that is able to hold equipment.
Simplifies execution of multiple async or time-dependant tasks.
Contains API for managing game-related stuff, such as arenas, lobbies, spawners...
Interface that includes anything that any kind of GUI have in common
Represents an interactable item that can be added to a
The HologramController is basically the brain of the hologram.
Represents the type of the
The plugin has a special feature included called "Holohraphic Entities".
Represents the externally visible equipment inventory of a hologram.
Represents a slot in a holograms equipment inventory.
Represents the skin of the hologram.
The skin of the hologram which specifies the way the hologram is going look like.
Represents a "holograph" (don't get confused by "holograms").
Displays specific lines that vary to each player.
Represents an extension handler for third-party plugins by hooking into their feature-set.
Aggregates a collection of APIs that are used to maintain a list for features that MBedwars makes use of.
Represents a generalized category to which a hook may itself assign to.
and forbids any modifications done to itExtends
and forbids any modifications done to itExtends
and forbids any modifications done to itExtends
and forbids any modifications done to itDeprecated.
Represents a 3-dimensional int position (i.a. block coord)
A sign which makes the player join the arena once he interacts with it
The reason why a player has left an arena.
Reasons or causes why a player stopped spectating
Represents a lazy reference that will only be initialized when it's being accessed.
Result object of
PlayerDataAPI.fetchLeaderboard(PlayerStatSet, int, int, Consumer)
Represents an Entity that implements LivingEntity.
Represents an actual item that will be added into the hotbar to players during the lobby phase
Handles the execution of a
.Represents the type of
.Easily hook into the messages system of MBedwars using this class.
Contains API for the process of messages and languages.
Handles the post-processing of a message.
It's possible to migrate from previous sources.
A callback gets called when the process is done.
The previous system that has been used from which we're migrating from.
Gets called when a process of migration has been started using
.Represents a hook that modifies the display name of a player.
This class contains some helpers which may help you in solving NMS stuff
Represents an "NPC"
A convenience class to represent name-value pairs.
Represents a class that hooks into a Parties system.
Represents a member of a party.
Represents a party that holds various members.
Contains all permissions that are being provided by MBedwars
This class allows you to obtain, store and restore a blocks data.
Represents a String-Map object for attaching custom and persistent data to its holding object
Classes implementing this, add the possibility of attaching custom and persistent data to it
Gets called when a player places a bed into an arena during set-up
Gets called when a player votes for an arena in the voting phase.
Gets called when a player is buying an item from the shop
Default problems used and provided by the plugin
Default problems used and provided by the plugin
Gets called when player closes an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)
Contains info of the last even in which a player directly or indirectly received damaged.
Gets called right before some (or all) parts of player's data gets cleared.
Gets called whenever MBedwars is handling the drops of a players' death.
Gets called when a player earns an achievement provided by MBedwars
Gets called when a player dies during a match
Gets called when a player has respawned in a game
Gets called when a player either clicks or punches an
Gets called when a player tries to interact with a
Gets called when a player joins an arena
Gets called when someone is killing someone else during a game
Used to fetch the locale of a player.
Gets called when we want to know whether a player is permitted to modify a block.
Reasons that cause the BlocKEvent to not get performed.
Gets called when a player is opening a chest in an arena.
The type of chest that has been interacted with.
The purpose of the chest opening.
Gets called when player opens an arena editor inside the setup GUI (/bw arena setupgui)
Gets called when the player is opening the shop or when he's clicking on a page in the GUI
Gets called when a misc variant of a UI is being shown
Get the type of the UI that can be shown.
Gets called when the player is opening the upgrade shop
Gets called whenever a player picks up a spawner item.
Basically a key/value (key and value being a String) Map that persists of various general-purpose information of a player.
Gets called whenever a value of a property has changed in a
, set or removed.Gets called when a player leaves an arena
Player attempts to get added back to an arena after having quit it in the past.
Gets called when a player attempts to remove a trap.
Called when the items that a player shall receive from a shop product are determined.
Represents that may be executed in the future.
Gets called whenever a value of a stat has changed in a
.An instance represents a mutable collection of stats of a player.
Represents a handler for a data set
Data sets might be the kills, rank or the play time of the player
It has been built to be fully modular
There's only one global instance that's handling all players
Data sets might be the kills, rank or the play time of the player
It has been built to be fully modular
There's only one global instance that's handling all players
Gets called after a player has changed his team.
This event gets called whenever the player gets teleported to the hub.
Gets called when a player teleports himself out of the arena during a game.
This event is getting called when the player wants to do a transaction within a
Gets called when an upgrade is bought (and thus automatically triggered) or a trap is triggered.
Gets called whenever a player uses a
Gets called when a player is using a special item while he's in a game
Gets called when a player is about to use the
special item.Gets called before this plugin is attempting to hook itself into another one.
Gets called after this plugin tried to create a hook with another plugin.
Run states of a plugin
Gets called after a plugin has been unhooked.
Represents a queued entry within
.Represents a trap that has been bought and is queued to be activated.
Gets constructed whenever a player leaves a running match.
A sign which displays informations of a place in a leaderboard
A sign which displays informations of a place in a leaderboard
Extending API if
is used.The "regeneration type" or just simply "type" describes the form of an arena
The reason why a player rejoined an arena.
Reasons why a player has failed to rejoin a match.
Generally, this API only gets replaced by the ProxySync addon.
Represents an arena that is located on another server, or on this server.
Gets called when an arena from another server has been added to our local collection.
Gets called whenever properties of a remote arena changed.
Some properties of the arena.
Gets called when an arena from another server has been removed from our local collection.
This event is being called when another server has sent a custom message to this server.
Represents a player on the network.
Represents the result of what happened to the player that tried to enter an arena.
Represents a general result of what happened to all the players.
Represents the result of a specific player.
A player joined an arena that is located on another server.
Gets called when a remote player joined a server on the network.
Gets called right before a player is being pulled into this server to join an arena.
A player left an arena that is located on another server.
Gets called when a remote player left a server on the network.
Represents a server in the network, including ours.
Gets called whenever we successfully connected with another server.
Gets called whenever a server wants to connect to the network.
Gets called whenever we disconnected with another server.
The reasons why no connection is further kept with this server.
Represents the result of a player that tried to get added as a spectator.
Represents the exact result of what happened to the player that tried to spectate.
Gets called when a game has ended and is about to move into the EndLobby / Resetting state.
Gets called when a round is about to start.
Manages the creation and termination of a scoreboard and what's getting displayed on the scoreboard
The occasion used by
to determinate what exactly shall be shownWhat part of the scoreboard shall be updated
Gets called during the post processing of a shop GUI
Represents a buyable item in the shop
A ShopLayout is what's dealing with the look-and-feel of a shop.
By default MBedwars delivers types such as
This instance only represents the info of a layout.
By default MBedwars delivers types such as
.This instance only represents the info of a layout.
The logic behind the look-and-feel of a
It receives an
The event
.It receives an
that contains various informations that are needed in that event to display it.The event
, that gets called whenever it's time to process it, gets called
very frequently, including whenever the player changes his page.Used to pass information to
Represents a page in the shop that contains a collection of items
Represents a single (existing) spawner inside an arena.
Gets called whenever a spawner drops something.
s have a specific period/duration until they drop something.Enumerable operation to be applied to the mathematical equation
A SpecialBlock represents a normal block with special (maybe even interactable) features.
Gets called when a SpecialBlock is being added.
Represents the type of SpecialItem and not one for every given item to the player.
Represents a session of a special item use
A new session is created every time someone uses a special item.
Make sure to call
Also make sure to invoke
A new session is created every time someone uses a special item.
Make sure to call
, even when you're handler, after you're done as
the plugin will invoke SpecialItemUseSession.handleStop()
for EVERY still active session after the round ended.Also make sure to invoke
if you wish the item to be taken awayReasons or causes for someone spectating
Represents a spectating player and contains the info about him
Represents an actual item that will be added into the spectator's hotbar
Handles the execution of a
.Represents the type of
.Gets called whenever a
uses a SpectatorItem
Gets called when a player tries to enter an arena as a spectator
Gets called when a spectator leaves the arena
Extends another class with some helper methods to simplify the parsing/writing of non-String types.
A (sub)command you find under /bw.
A list of all possible colors that exist in the game
Gets called when all players of a team have been eliminated.
Represents an enchantment that is being applied to all items of a specific type for all team members
The type of item a
shall targetExtending API if
is used.Deprecated.
Based on Java's BiConsumer with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
Based on Java's Consumer with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
Based on Java's Runnable with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
Based on Java's Supplier with the difference that this class may permit the throwing of an Exception.
Represents a type of upgrade that holds all possible levels to which one may upgrade to
Represents the current upgrade state of a player
Represents a specific tier of upgrade to which one may have upgraded to.
Used to pass information to
Represents the causes of the opening of a upgrade shop.
Holds all the information regarding team upgrades.
Represents the logical handler of a upgrade trigger.
Represents the type of
.Easy solution for using VarParticles that are being supported on any version.
Easy solution for playing vanilla and custom sounds while retaining async support.
Represents a buyable offer that can be added to a
This plugin contains features which require informations to be bound on blocks, entities, holograms etc.
A listener for
that gets called whenever someone clicks the final item or closes the inventoryRepresents a 3-dimensional position
Represents a 3-dimensional position and a compass direction
Represents a compass direction.
Represents a 3-dimensional position with a yaw and pitch direction
Bukkit's implementation of
don't support saving of comments or descriptions.